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Released: 13-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Need for Routine Hearing Tests
Northwestern University

Although hearing loss is among the most common chronic conditions in women, the vast majority of women fail to include hearing testing in their routine health care, according to two Northwestern researchers who recently completed the first major study exclusively focused on hearing in women.

22-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Midwest's Earthquake Hazard Lower Than Thought
Northwestern University

The risk posed by large earthquakes in the Midwest's New Madrid seismic zone to cities such as Memphis and St. Louis is much lower than previously thought, according to a new study that used the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites to track the motions of the ground in the seismic zone.

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Politics, Not Market, Cause Pay Discrimination, Book Claims
Northwestern University

A new book by two sociologists, from Northwestern University and University of Illinois at Chicago, turns the "market" defense of job discrimination upside down, while pointing out the inherent flaws in fighting pay discrimination with a "comparable worth" remedy.

Released: 11-Dec-2003 12:40 PM EST
A Little Stress May be Good for You
Northwestern University

Studies report that red wine and dark chocolate in moderation can be good for you. Now it appears that a little stress may be beneficial, too. Scientists have shown that elevated levels of special protective proteins that respond to stress in a cell (molecular chaperones) promote longevity.

Released: 11-Dec-2003 12:50 PM EST
Neutron Stars May Merge More Often than We Think
Northwestern University

A recent discovery of a double neutron-star system has helped to increase astronomers' chances at collecting the information they need to better understand the black holes and neutron stars in our Galaxy. Neutron star pairs may merge and give off a burst of gravitational waves about six times more often than previously thought.

16-Dec-2003 9:30 AM EST
Fitness in Young Adulthood Protects Heart Health in Middle Age
Northwestern University

Fitness in early adulthood greatly reduces the likelihood of developing high blood pressure and diabetes -- both major risk factors for heart disease and stroke -- in middle age, a new study has found.

2-Feb-2004 11:50 AM EST
More Data Needed on Link Between Inflammation and Colon Cancer Risk
Northwestern University

According to an editorial, the link between chronic inflammation and colon cancer must be further explored before C-reactive protein is confirmed as a risk predictor.

Released: 8-Mar-2004 6:10 PM EST
Subconscious Bias Kicks in Quickly and Skews Perceptions
Northwestern University

New research, shows that subconscious -- or implicit -- bias can emerge cause even well-meaning whites to look at identical facial expressions of African Americans and European Americans and see greater hostility in the African American faces.

Released: 14-May-2004 7:30 AM EDT
Why Youngsters Do Impossible Things
Northwestern University

When you see a small child try to fit into or on top of a doll-sized toy, you're likely to laugh. But investigators decided to take a serious look at why youngsters make such dramatic mistakes about scale.

Released: 22-Jun-2004 2:30 PM EDT
Delayed Brain Development, Puberty May be Key to Dyslexia
Northwestern University

A study is the first to suggest that delayed brain development and its interaction with puberty may be key factors contributing to language-based learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
