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Released: 31-Mar-2015 3:05 PM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 31 March 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day

Released: 1-Apr-2015 9:00 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 1 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day

Released: 2-Apr-2015 8:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 2 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day

Released: 3-Apr-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 3 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: nanotech treating cancer, immunology, autism, patient monitoring, research ethics, lingering effects of dispersant in Gulf of Mexico, wildlife conservation.

Released: 6-Apr-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 6 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: neurology, concussions, STEM jobs, Medical licensing, gun safety and youth, research ethics, and sleep apnea and blood pressure.

Released: 7-Apr-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 7 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: education, children's health, autism, obesity, smoking, weight loss, LHC re-start, malaria, food safety, kidney disease, and avian flu.

Released: 8-Apr-2015 2:05 PM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 8 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: Neurology, memory, pollution, astronomy, schizophrenia, stem cell research, children's health, and lung cancer

Released: 9-Apr-2015 10:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 9 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: Cancer treatment, meditation, careers in engineering, astronomy, marine conservation, effective dieting, internet marketing, Ebola treatments, and exercise as preventive health for seniors.

Released: 10-Apr-2015 12:05 PM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 10 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: Astronomy, Cardiology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neutrinos, oil spills, Toxicology, Cancer, and Nutrition

Released: 13-Apr-2015 9:05 AM EDT
Trending Stories Report for 13 April 2015
Newswise Trends

Trending news releases with the most views in a single day. Topics include: fertility, same-sex marriage, mobile apps, IL tornado, Clinton running for President, violence against women, CA water crisis, medical research

