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Released: 11-Dec-1998 12:00 AM EST
Are All Men @$$#%¢$?
Nova Southeastern University

Women may have been saying it for years but two male clinical psychologists have written the book that also says it loud and clear: Let's Face It, Men Are @$$#%¢$.

Released: 11-Dec-1998 12:00 AM EST
Travelers Don't Know Limits of Health Care
Nova Southeastern University

We're entering the holiday and winter travel seasons. Tourists taking a cruise this winter should be aware of the limitations of cruise-ship health care. For instance, many ships do not have defibrillators to restart hearts that have stopped beating.

Released: 24-Apr-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Growing Fish In An Old Sewer Plant
Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern University and the town of Davie have turned an abandoned sewer plant in Florida into the largest fish-breeding facility in the country, and one of only a few in the nation built from an old utility plant. They're breeding thousands of tilapia--a light, white fish that tastes similar to trout--at the Davie Aquaculture Research Center plant.

Released: 29-Apr-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Alcohol Moderation Movement Gains Strength
Nova Southeastern University

The idea that problem drinkers can simply cut back instead of cutting themselves off is the premise behind, the Guided Self-Change Clinic at Nova Southeastern University.

Released: 4-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Nova Southeastern University Mediates Postal Disputes
Nova Southeastern University

Law students at Nova Southeastern University are mediating employment discrimination cases for the U.S. Postal Service. This is the only program of its kind in the nation which works with the Postal Service. It's been so successful that it is now expected to be duplicated at other law schools throughout the country. The cases are complaints filed with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that go to mediation instead of hearing with the EEOC's administrative judges.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Health Care on Cruise Ships Not Sufficient
Nova Southeastern University

Travelers need to be aware of the limitiations of cruise-ship health care just as they would be aware of health-care problems in foreign countries.

Released: 22-Nov-1997 12:00 AM EST
Expert on Touch Therapy
Nova Southeastern University

A massage can be like medicine. That's according to Dr. Tiffany Field, Dean of the Mailman Family and School Center at Nova Southeastern University. She also oversees the university's newly established Touch Research Institute and Wellness Center.

Released: 15-Jan-1998 12:00 AM EST
Parents Shouldn't Spank Their Children
Nova Southeastern University

The pendulum in 'pop psychology' is swinging back to being in favor of spanking, warns Dr. Roni Leiderman, director of the Family Center at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She also is the moderator for America Online's "Parent Trap."

Released: 18-Jun-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Massage Therapy Reduces Aggession in Children
Nova Southeastern University

Adolescent violence is becoming a commonplace and alarming trend. Before we blame television, the Internet, or working parents, multiple studies conducted by Dr. Tiffany Field indicate that the groundwork for adolescent violence is laid in infancy.

Released: 23-Oct-1998 12:00 AM EDT
Travel Law, a Neglected Legal Specialty
Nova Southeastern University

There's an old rule: Where business goes, the law is sure to follow. The law should start catching up with the travel industry. The global travel industry is the fastest growing industry in the world but it is a neglected legal specialty in the US.
