Breaking News: Floods

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Newswise: Disparities in who dwells behind crumbling US levees
Released: 6-Sep-2023 3:05 PM EDT
Disparities in who dwells behind crumbling US levees
American Geophysical Union (AGU)

In the United States, tens of millions of people live behind levees, but historically disadvantaged groups are more likely to live behind subpar levees and have fewer resources to maintain critical levee infrastructure, a new study reveals.

Newswise: Stevens researchers take aim at weather forecasters’ biggest blindspot
Released: 28-Aug-2023 11:35 AM EDT
Stevens researchers take aim at weather forecasters’ biggest blindspot
Stevens Institute of Technology

Anyone who’s been caught in an unexpected downpour knows that weather forecasting is an imperfect science.

Newswise: How climate change puts property values at risk in forested areas
Released: 17-Aug-2023 12:00 PM EDT
How climate change puts property values at risk in forested areas
University of Utah

Earth’s rapidly changing climate is taking an increasingly heavy toll on landscapes around the world in the form of floods, rising sea levels, extreme weather, drought and wildfire. Also at growing risk are the values of the property where these hazards are projected to worsen, according to a new study by University of Utah scholars. The research team, led by biology professor William Anderegg, attempted, for the first time, to quantify the value of U.S. property at risk in forested areas exposed to increased wildfire and tree mortality associated with climate stresses and beetle infestation.

Released: 14-Aug-2023 10:45 AM EDT
Death tolls from climate disasters will ‘balloon’ without investment in Africa’s weather stations
University of Cambridge

The climate crisis is increasing the frequency and intensity of floods, droughts and heatwaves, with Africa expected to be among the global regions hit hardest.

Released: 27-Jul-2023 10:50 AM EDT
Sri Lanka floods easier to predict with India weather tool
University of Reading

Floods and landslides in Sri Lanka could be better predicted by applying weather forecasting techniques currently used in India, a study has found.

Released: 25-Jul-2023 12:15 PM EDT
Calling for Cancer Centers to Lead on Climate Disaster Preparedness
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center

Cancer centers are uniquely positioned to protect cancer patients from climate-driven disasters, but researchers identified significant shortcomings in emergency preparedness when it came to climate-related disasters.


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Newswise: Adding Snow to Estimates of Spring Flooding
Released: 11-Jul-2023 4:30 PM EDT
Adding Snow to Estimates of Spring Flooding
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

By adding rain, snow, and rain-on-snow precipitation data to a background model, a new scheme pinpoints local flood risks in order to improve the design of small-scale hydrological infrastructure.

Newswise: Expanding large-scale agriculture is escalating flooding in the largest South American breadbasket
Released: 29-Jun-2023 6:05 PM EDT
Expanding large-scale agriculture is escalating flooding in the largest South American breadbasket
Lancaster University

A new study revealing that huge expansions of extensive large-scale agriculture is making the South American plains more vulnerable to widespread flooding should act as a “wake-up call”, say researchers.

Released: 28-Jun-2023 2:20 PM EDT
Researchers design tools to automatically detect natural disasters using images on social media
Universitat Oberta De Catalunya (UOC)

An international research team has designed a deep learning system able to detect natural disasters using images posted on social media. The researchers applied computer vision tools that, once trained using 1.7 million photographs, proved capable of analysing, filtering and detecting real disasters.

Released: 28-Jun-2023 2:05 PM EDT
URI oceanography professor’s computer modeling system to help keep R.I. officials ahead of strong storms
University of Rhode Island

With hurricane season just starting, Rhode Island has a new storm modeling system that will provide state and local emergency management officials with up-to-the-second information on wind strength and flooding to allow them to make real-time decisions. 

Newswise: Mountains Vulnerable to Extreme Rain from Climate Change
Released: 28-Jun-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Mountains Vulnerable to Extreme Rain from Climate Change
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new study by Lab scientists finds that as rising global temperatures shift snow to rain, mountains across the Northern Hemisphere will be hotspots for extreme rainfall events that could trigger floods and landslides – potentially impacting a quarter of the world’s population.

Newswise: Forecasting Flash Floods an Hour in Advance
Released: 28-Jun-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Forecasting Flash Floods an Hour in Advance
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Researchers at the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) have developed a system that can forecast flash floods one hour in advance.

Released: 26-Jun-2023 10:35 AM EDT
Radar can help fight wildfires, identify flash-flood risks
Washington University in St. Louis

Smoke from forest fires in Canada cast a pall over St. Louis this month as well as other parts of the Midwest and the East Coast. New radar remote sensing technology can help reduce the amount of time it takes to produce a useful map of burned areas, helping emergency managers to respond to the threat of flash flooding after fires.

Newswise: Experts predict ‘average’ Atlantic hurricane season, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be strong storms
Released: 20-Jun-2023 1:05 AM EDT
Experts predict ‘average’ Atlantic hurricane season, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be strong storms
Virginia Tech

The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season was among the most damaging and deadly in modern history, but that isn’t necessarily an indicator for 2023. According to Virginia Tech meteorologist Stephanie Zick most seasonal forecasts are predicting a near average season, which goes from June 1 to November 30. NOAA’s outlook predicts a 40% chance of a near-normal season, with numbers similar to last year.

Released: 14-Jun-2023 1:15 PM EDT
The heat is on! Don't panic. Get the latest news on heat waves and the dangers of heat in the Extreme Heat channel

As we enter the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere and the possibility of extreme heat becomes more common, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the science of heat waves and take measures to protect ourselves from this growing public health threat.

Newswise: Ready for risk: FAMU-FSU researcher maps flood hazards in Bay County, Florida
Released: 5-Jun-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Ready for risk: FAMU-FSU researcher maps flood hazards in Bay County, Florida
Florida State University

A new study by Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf, a researcher at the Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Response Center in the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, will map infrastructure and assets that are threatened by flooding in Bay County, Florida.

Newswise: Cheap and effective monitoring of glacier discharge
Released: 23-May-2023 12:05 AM EDT
Cheap and effective monitoring of glacier discharge
Hokkaido University

Acoustic signals can be effectively used for monitoring glacial runoff and provide a cheaper and more accessible alternative to existing methods.
