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Released: 22-Jun-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Global Social Networks Course Gives Students Fundamentals for Digital Collaboration
Western Illinois University

Communicating across cultures may seem to be easier than ever in an age of online social networks. But making the most of digital social networking tools -- for success in both personal and professional endeavors -- encompasses much more than just updating your status on Facebook or tweeting what you had for breakfast on Twitter.

Released: 21-Jun-2010 12:10 PM EDT
Journalism Prof Busts Media Myths in Provocative New Book
American University

Book addresses and dismantles prominent media-driven myths.

Released: 10-Jun-2010 3:40 PM EDT
21st Century Tweets Have Roots in 18th Century Diaries
Cornell University

In reviewing volumes of 18th and 19th century diaries, Cornell University Communication professor Lee Humphreys found many terse records about daily life – and many in a style similar to Twitter. Diary entries ranged from dinner menus to reports of deaths, births, marriages and travel.

Released: 8-Jun-2010 2:15 PM EDT
Professor's New Textbook Uses the Best Science Writing from the New York Times
Indiana University

For decades, The New York Times has been one of the nation's premier outlets for stories about science. Now, a retired Indiana University journalism professor has put many of those stories together in a unique collection aimed at students of science writing.

Released: 1-Jun-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Teens Getting Creative with Web 2.0 Tools
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

What’s evolving, says researcher, is a multi-dimensional way of communicating.

Released: 25-May-2010 12:45 PM EDT
Expanding Academic Courses to Include New Media Communication
Williams College

A new program sponsored by the Office for Information Technology (OIT) at Williams College is advancing media scholarship on the Williams College campus. The initiative, Integrating Digital Literacies - or IDeaL - allows faculty to enhance current course assignments with media components to allow students to express themselves visually, and to engage with and publish their research in varied digital mediums.

Released: 24-May-2010 11:30 AM EDT
White House Cites Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Web Science Research on One-Year Anniversary of Data.gov
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

The White House on Friday cited Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for its leadership role in using the Web to promote government transparency. The announcement was made at an event in Washington, D.C. to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the open government Web site, Data.gov.

Released: 17-May-2010 4:00 PM EDT
From Tweeting to Twilight – Academic Term Takes Creative Approach to Learning
University of Alabama

College students in Alabama are learning to think outside the box by enrolling in subjects ranging from Tweeting to Twilight to Julia Child.

Released: 17-May-2010 3:55 PM EDT
Social Networking Can Lend Support to Those Trying to Slim Down
Houston Methodist

How social networking can help people garner support for weight loss.

10-May-2010 3:20 PM EDT
Untangling Facebook, Decoding Congress: New Mathematical Method May Help Tame Big Data
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Networks permeate modern life, from Facebook to political allegiances. Now University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill mathematicians and colleagues have developed a new technique for examining networks to help identify patterns and see how connections evolve.

Released: 10-May-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Making Media That Matters
American University

Four American University film and media professionals are available to discuss a variety of issues related to creating media that achieves social change.

Released: 30-Apr-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Crelligence Media Wins Babson College Undergraduate Business Plan Competition
Babson College

Crelligence Media is a social media marketing company that specializes in compensated consumer-generated media.

Released: 21-Apr-2010 1:40 PM EDT
Study Shows Students Are Addicted to Social Media
University of Maryland, College Park

A new study out today (April 21, 2010) from the International Center for Media & the Public Agenda (ICMPA) at the University of Maryland, concludes that most college students are not just unwilling, but functionally unable to be without their media links to the world.

Released: 20-Apr-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Ithaca College Launches "Media for Social Change" Educational Initiative
Ithaca College

Kicking off with an Earth Day presentation, Ithaca College will launch an educational initiative focusing on the topic of “Media for Social Change.”

Released: 24-Mar-2010 12:00 PM EDT
Study: Teen Bloggers Show Little Risky Behavior Online
Ohio State University

A study of 100 teen bloggers from around the United States found that the vast majority use blogs to nurture relationships with their peers and build a sense of community -- rather than to admit misbehavior.

Released: 24-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Clinical Trials for HIV Vaccines Now Using Social Media to Attract Trial Participants
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Clinic sites in 13 cities across the U.S. are looking for a total of 1,350 HIV-negative gay men to participate in the latest HIV vaccine study from the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN). And they’re using social media to help reach these individuals where they are, which, these days, is increasingly online.

Released: 18-Mar-2010 4:30 PM EDT
New Spam Targeting Facebook Users Is Invisible to Most Virus Scans, Says Expert
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Cyber-criminals are using fake e-mails to target Facebook users and deliver computer viruses that were being detected only by one-third of the 42 most common anti-virus products as of noon Thursday, March 18, says a leading cyber-crime researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).

Released: 10-Mar-2010 4:20 PM EST
Universities Fill Investigative Journalism Gap
American University

Projects affiliated with American University, other schools produce content for mainstream news media.

Released: 8-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EST
The Life and Death of Online Communities
University of Haifa

The more heterogeneous the community of an online chat channel, the more chances the channel has to survive over time. This has been concluded in a new joint study carried out by researchers of the University of Haifa and the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

Released: 25-Feb-2010 2:20 PM EST
10,000 Facebook Members or Bust! Contest Aims at Analyzing Social Network Trends
University of Maryland, College Park

A new "iSeries" core class at the University of Maryland called "Social Networks: Technology and Society" included a classroom assignment designed to determine how trends go viral on social networking sites. The aim was to gather 10,000 Facebook members in a set amount of time. Did anyone succeed?

Released: 12-Feb-2010 11:20 AM EST
New Online Strategy at Super Bowl Might be the New Goal
Wake Forest University

PepsiCo’s decision to launch an online campaign rather than advertise during the Super Bowl has generated tremendous interest. “The television as a commercial medium for advertising is a dinosaur,” says Wake Forest University communication professor Ananda Mitra, an expert in social media.

Released: 2-Feb-2010 11:50 AM EST
Despite Economy, Expert Says Super Bowl Still the 'Super Bowl' of Ad World
Ithaca College

“There is nothing like it in the world for getting attention from consumers and media outlets,” says marketing expert Scott Hamula of the upcoming Super Bowl XLIV, which will be televised by CBS on Sunday, Feb. 7. Consequently, despite the continued difficulties in the economy, plenty of corporations will be shelling out big money to produce and air Super Bowl commercials.

Released: 28-Jan-2010 4:35 PM EST
Small Businesses Need to Consider Social Media
Rowan University

Social media is not just for the school-age set or lost-lost classmates. Small businesses can tap into a variety of options, according to Jennifer Regina, an adjunct professor of marketing at Rowan University, Glassboro, N.J.

Released: 28-Jan-2010 10:45 AM EST
Government Financial Support of News Media Continues Steep Decline
University of Southern California (USC)

Government financial support that has bolstered this country's commercial news business since its colonial days is in sharp decline and is likely to fall further, according to a report released today by the University of Southern California’s Center on Communication Leadership & Policy. Because these cutbacks are occurring at the height of the digital revolution, they will have an especially powerful impact on a weakened news industry.

Released: 25-Jan-2010 3:50 PM EST
Facebook or MySpace, Youths' Use Reflect Face-to-Face Interactions
University of Virginia

Though parents often have concerns about letting their teens use social media Web sites like Facebook and MySpace, a new study suggests that well-adapted youth with positive friendships will use these sites to further enhance the positive relationships they already have. However, teens who have behavioral problems and difficulty making friends, may be more inclined to use social media in negative and sometimes aggressive ways.

Released: 12-Jan-2010 11:15 AM EST
Journalism Professor Sees Possible ‘Digital Divide’ in Social Media Campaigns
Washington and Lee University

Social media has been used extensively in several high profile missing person cases, and Washington and Lee University journalism professor Claudette Artwick says these may show a digital divide.

Released: 11-Jan-2010 9:00 AM EST
Facebook Not Affecting Student Shut-Eye
University of New Hampshire

How much sleep college students get each night is not affected by how much time they spend using Facebook and other social media, according to new research from the University of New Hampshire.

Released: 23-Dec-2009 7:00 AM EST
Student Grades Not Affected by Social Networking
University of New Hampshire

Parents worried that their college students are spending too much time on Facebook and other social networking sites and not enough time hitting the books can breathe a sigh of relief. New research from the University of New Hampshire finds that students who heavily engage in social networking do just as well academically as students who are less interested in keeping in touch with the medium.

Released: 11-Dec-2009 2:30 PM EST
Team Wins Insights & Second Place in Network Challenge
Georgia Institute of Technology, Research Communications

A national competition aimed at quickly locating 10 red weather balloons tethered at locations across the United States has netted a second-place finish for a Georgia Tech team – along with a set of new insights into the use of social networks for gathering information.

Released: 11-Dec-2009 1:00 PM EST
Nominations Open for Second Annual Izzy Award for Independent Media
Ithaca College

Nominations for the 2009 Izzy Award are officially open. The annual award for special achievement in independent media — named after legendary muckraker I. F. “Izzy” Stone — is a project of Ithaca College's Park Center for Independent Media. Last year’s inaugural award was shared by blogger Glenn Greenwald and “Democracy Now!” host/executive producer Amy Goodman.

Released: 7-Dec-2009 12:00 PM EST
Mathematical Models Key to Tracking Gossip, Terrorists
Toronto Metropolitan University

Thanks to the Internet and online social networks (OSNs) news and gossip now spread literally like wildfire — uncontrollably and seemingly without any order. But according to one Ryerson researcher, there is method to the madness. With the right mathematical model, you could spot when and where a story starts, then watch as it skips across the Internet. One day, similar models could even detect and track terrorist cells within OSNs.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 9:30 PM EST
NIST on Facebook and Twitter
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

NIST now has a fan page on the popular social networking site, Facebook, and the microblogging service Twitter.

Released: 1-Dec-2009 11:30 AM EST
Facebook Profiles Capture True Personality
University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin)

Online social networks such as Facebook are being used to express and communicate real personality, instead of an idealized virtual identity, according to new research from psychologist Sam Gosling at The University of Texas at Austin.

Released: 27-Nov-2009 9:00 AM EST
New Technology Produces New Words
Wake Forest University

The Facebook term “unfriend” was recently picked as 2009 Word of the Year by the New Oxford American Dictionary. Ananda Mitra, professor and chair of the Department of Communication, discusses how technology influences language and social interaction.

Released: 25-Nov-2009 2:15 PM EST
Message Gone Viral? Blame It on Altruistic, Yet Image-conscious Internet 'e-mavens'
Toronto Metropolitan University

Why do some online ad campaigns go viral while other online marketing messages gather “cyber-dust” on the information superhighway? The key may lie in the motivation of Internet users to email that content to their social network, say researchers from Ryerson University and Simon Fraser University.

Released: 2-Nov-2009 8:00 AM EST
Social Networks Thrive By Linking
Virginia Tech

"Reaching out, not building walls" is an apt description of the core competitive strategy of firms in the social networking services industry, as new research by Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business professors shows.

Released: 21-Oct-2009 3:10 PM EDT
Friend This: Scientists Will Find Research Partners More Easily, Thanks to Grant Establishing National ‘VIVOweb’ Network
Cornell University

The National Institutes of Health have awarded the University of Florida – with Cornell University Library and Indiana University as major partners – a two-year, $12.2 million grant to bolster a national, Facebook-like, professional social network that enables scientists to find new biomedical research and partnerships. The new network will be called VIVOweb.

Released: 30-Sep-2009 4:45 PM EDT
Public Broadcasting Seeks New Models for News
American University

Eight best practices to help public broadcasting remain among most trusted U.S. news sources.

Released: 25-Sep-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Launches Syndicated Medical Edge Weekend Radio Program
Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic is announcing the launch of Medical Edge Weekend, a weekly one-hour radio program that offers listeners in-depth information and discussions of important medical topics with Mayo Clinic specialists, including the opportunity to interact via social media tools such as Twitter.

Released: 17-Sep-2009 8:45 PM EDT
Grandma's on Facebook
University of Alabama at Birmingham

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Sociology and Social Work will use a five-year, $1.9 million National Institute on Aging grant to study the ability of computer use and social media networking to enhance the quality of life of elderly adults through online social connections and easier access to health information.

Released: 17-Sep-2009 12:50 PM EDT
Researcher Says Media and Technology Are Rapidly Transforming Arab Culture
Missouri University of Science and Technology

The Arab world is watching television, and a lot of it. In fact, western ideas are starting to transform Arab culture at a pace that might be too fast, according to a researcher at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Released: 15-Sep-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Study Shows Congressional Use of Twitter Falls Short
University of Maryland, College Park

A new study by University of Maryland researchers finds a growing use of Twitter among members of Congress - but found they are using the social media platform mostly to promote themselves, rather than engage in dialogue with constituents and the public at large.

Released: 8-Sep-2009 9:00 PM EDT
Report Exposes Need for Documentary Filmmaking Standards
American University

A new report issued by American University’s Center for Social Media finds that documentary filmmakers routinely grapple with ethics challenges, yet the craft lacks any sort of broad standards in ethics practices.

Released: 3-Sep-2009 10:30 AM EDT
UNH Crimes Against Children Research Center Receives More Than $1.8M in Grants
University of New Hampshire

The Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire has been awarded more than $1.8 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Justice to combat Internet and other crimes against children.

Released: 14-Aug-2009 8:00 AM EDT
Live Sleeve Gastrectomy Twitter Surgery
LifeBridge Health

Alex Gandsas, M.D., Division Head, Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, will perform a sleeve gastrectomy, which will be twittered live. The patient is a 49 year old male with a history of hypertension and sleep apnea. The patient's body mass index is 57, and he currently weighs 362 lbs. His ideal weight is 159 lbs.

Released: 11-Aug-2009 10:15 AM EDT
Webwise Nurses Harness New Media for Global Health
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing

The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) is harnessing the power of wireless technologies and online communities to help nurses throughout the world "connect for health."

Released: 7-Aug-2009 10:15 AM EDT
New Social Networking Community Links Family Medicine Practitioners
Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott

Publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) today announced the launch of www.5minutemd.com, a new online community for family medicine practitioners. LWW is part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading provider of information and business intelligence for students, professionals, and institutions in medicine, nursing, allied health and pharmacy.

Released: 28-Jul-2009 4:00 PM EDT
TMS Grows Its Global Presence with Social Networking
TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society)

To further its mission to engage members and grow its global presence, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) has joined three social networking sites. TMS is now reaching out to the worldwide materials science and engineering communities through its society pages on LinkedIn, a professional network site; Flickr, a photo-sharing site; and the all-encompassing Facebook social network.

Released: 21-Jul-2009 12:00 PM EDT
Maryland Students Blog About their Study Abroad Experiences in England
University of Maryland, College Park

Prof. Mike Olmert (English) takes a small group of Maryland students to London for what may be one of the most intensive study abroad experiences out there. This year, he's got the students blogging about their experiences. It's obvious they are learning lots of things on this trip!
