Feature Channels: Mindfulness

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Released: 22-Dec-2023 5:05 PM EST
Bridging the Gap – Our Commitment
Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI)

At Biodiversity Research Institute, our passion drives us to explore diverse projects across continents—from monitoring mercury levels to studying offshore wind development and tracking waterfowl movement.

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Released: 19-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
Expert says forget the resolution, focus on mindfulness & behavioral interventions in the New Year
Virginia Tech

As 2023 comes to a close and 2024 approaches, many people will be thinking about how to reset goals and make lifestyle changes. Individuals often set challenging resolutions and tend to lose motivation as time progresses.

Released: 18-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Prescrição de contato com a natureza para a saúde física e mental
Mayo Clinic

Alimentar-se corretamente e praticar exercícios físicos são maneiras importantes para uma pessoa manter-se saudável física e mentalmente. Ao invés de sair do sofá e subir em uma esteira ergométrica, considere sair ao ar livre e aproveitar os benefícios para a saúde proporcionados pelo contato com a natureza.

Released: 18-Dec-2023 3:05 PM EST
Recetar la naturaleza para la salud mental y física
Mayo Clinic

Alimentarse bien y hacer ejercicio son maneras importantes de mantenerse saludable mental y físicamente. En lugar de levantarse del sillón y subirse a la cinta de marcha, quizás quiera considerar salir al aire libre y aprovechar los beneficios para la salud que ofrece pasar tiempo en la naturaleza.

7-Dec-2023 12:05 PM EST
Yoga nidra might be a path to better sleep and improved memory

Two weeks of 20-minute yoga nidra sessions led to a higher percentage of delta-waves in deep sleep and better memory, decision-making, and abstraction.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 2:15 PM EST
Looking for unique stories about the winter holidays? Check out the Winter Holidays channel

It's the moooost wonderful time...of the year! Are you looking for new story ideas that are focused on the winter holiday season? Perhaps you're working on a story on on managing stress and anxiety? Perhaps you're working on a story on seasonal affective disorder? Or perhaps your editor asked you to write a story on tracking Santa? Look no further. Check out the Winter Holidays channel.

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Released: 4-Dec-2023 8:05 AM EST
Alix Earle tells students: ‘Stay true to yourselves’
University of Miami

The University of Miami graduate and popular social media influencer visited the Miami Herbert Business School as a guest lecturer on Wednesday, offering insight on social media strategies and encouraging students to remain authentic to themselves.

Released: 26-Oct-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Connection with nature linked to longer, healthier lives
Texas A&M AgriLife

Horticulture, health experts promote the ‘power of nature’

Released: 25-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Tai Chi may curb Parkinson’s disease symptoms and complications for several years

Associated with slower disease progression and lower doses of required drugs

Released: 23-Oct-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Study finds mindfulness training may not be enough to increase eco-friendliness
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Could general well-being practices like meditation encourage eco-friendly behaviors and attitudes? As the climate crisis accelerates ecological disasters around the world, scientists’ investigations into this longstanding question have taken on greater urgency. A new study from the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison explores the connection between meditation and environmental consciousness and suggests the relationship might not be that simple.

Released: 5-Oct-2023 10:25 AM EDT
Botox Improves Chronic Nausea and Vomiting in Children with Disorder of Gut-Brain Interaction
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

A study from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago demonstrated that Botulinum toxin (Botox) injected in the pylorus (sphincter where the stomach exits into the small intestine) during endoscopy improves chronic nausea and vomiting in children who have a disorder of gut-brain interaction (DGBI).

Released: 27-Sep-2023 12:50 PM EDT
Stay informed on women's health issues in the Women's Health channel

Below are some of the latest headlines in the Women's Health channel on Newswise.

Released: 17-Aug-2023 12:45 PM EDT
Philosopher: Mindfulness rests on dubious philosophical foundations
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities

Mindfulness is one of the most widespread forms of therapy for people suffering from stress, and many benefit greatly from it. But the philosophical assumptions on which mindfulness is based are dubious and should not be accepted as a matter of course.

Newswise: 5 Great Tips on Where to Start with Self-Care
Released: 17-Aug-2023 12:35 PM EDT
5 Great Tips on Where to Start with Self-Care
Ochsner Health

An Ochsner Health blog on the importance of self-care for our mental health.

Newswise: The Medical Minute: Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Patients Need Help Transitioning to Adulthood
Released: 16-Aug-2023 12:20 PM EDT
The Medical Minute: Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Patients Need Help Transitioning to Adulthood
Penn State Health

Parents can be so protective of a child with congenital heart disease they often forget what comes next. When should they start learning to take care of their own condition? Two Penn State Health experts share their views.

Released: 15-Aug-2023 5:20 PM EDT
Study highlights role of mindfulness in mental health for young Black adults
University of Houston

Over the past decade, suicide rates have increased by 30% for Black Americans. By contrast, in a similar time frame, epidemiological data reveals a decrease in suicide trends for white Americans.

Newswise: Researchers Find Little Evidence of Cheating with Online, Unsupervised Exams
Released: 31-Jul-2023 10:55 AM EDT
Researchers Find Little Evidence of Cheating with Online, Unsupervised Exams
Iowa State University

A new study finds unsupervised, online exams can provide a valid and reliable assessment of student learning, but instructors should be aware of potential weak spots.

Released: 27-Jul-2023 3:15 PM EDT
MIND Diet Study Shows 'Short-Term' Impact on Cognition

New research shows the importance of long-term commitment to the MIND diet for reaping the greatest benefit to brain health.

Released: 24-Jul-2023 1:25 PM EDT
How Mindfulness Can Ease Your Dental Anxiety. Even if You Don’t Love Meditating
Tufts University

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine faculty member and mind-body wellness expert, Christina DiBona Pastan, shares tips on how adults and kids can feel calmer when visiting the dentist.
