Curated News: Staff Picks

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Released: 20-Dec-2016 11:05 AM EST
New Antimatter Breakthrough to Help Illuminate Mysteries of the Big Bang
Swansea University

Collaborative team report on first precision study of antihydrogen

Released: 20-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Amazonia's Best and Worst Areas for Carbon Recovery Revealed

following emissions released by commercial logging activities has been published in the journal eLife.

16-Dec-2016 2:00 PM EST
Sunlight Offers Surprise Benefit — It Energizes Infection Fighting T Cells
Georgetown University Medical Center

Researchers have found that sunlight, through a mechanism separate than vitamin D production, energizes T cells that play a central role in human immunity. The findings suggest how the skin, the body’s largest organ, stays alert to the many microbes that can nest there.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 1:05 PM EST
New Prehistoric Bird Species Discovered
University of Rochester

A team of geologists at the University of Rochester has discovered a new species of bird in the Canadian Arctic. At approximately 90 million years old, the bird fossils are among the oldest avian records found in the northernmost latitude, and offer further evidence of an intense warming event during the late Cretaceous period.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
Democratizing the Space Race with Nanosatellite Technology
University of Alberta

Smaller, faster, cheaper—miniaturised space technology opens the door to future University-based space exploration.

19-Dec-2016 11:05 AM EST
The Case of the Missing Diamonds
Washington University in St. Louis

A Washington University physicist practiced at finding tiny diamonds in stardust from the pre-solar universe has repeatedly failed to find them in Younger Dryas sedimentary layers, effectively discrediting the hypothesis that an exploding comet caused the sudden climate reversal at the end of the last Ice Age.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 11:05 AM EST
Disgust Is Way of Communicating Moral Rather Than Self-Interested Motivation
University of Kent

New research carried out by psychologists at the University of Kent has shown for the first time that a decision to express disgust or anger depends on the motives a person seeks to communicate.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Undocumented Migrants May Suffer from Severe Psychological Distress

Undocumented migrants are an especially vulnerable group with regard to their health status, living conditions, and barriers to access to health care and social welfare. In a study that explored 90 undocumented migrants’ mental health care needs, the level of psychological distress was extremely high.

Released: 19-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Cancer Costs Leaving Patients in Debt
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)

Cancer patients are ending up in debt because they have to cover the costs of treatment as well as other care related expenses, researchers report at the ESMO Asia 2016 Congress in Singapore.

12-Dec-2016 3:05 PM EST
Poll: Some Parents Forgo Car Seats, Other Safety Measures While Traveling
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

But what some parents may not plan for ahead of vacation: accidental poisoning risks, gun safety and Uber rides.

Released: 16-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
A Cure for Social Anxiety Disorders
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

A team of doctors and psychologists examined the effects of structured talk therapy and medication on patients with social anxiety disorders. In doing so they set a new world record in effectively treating social anxiety disorder.

Released: 16-Dec-2016 9:30 AM EST
Stem Cell ‘Living Bandage’ for Knee Injuries Trialled in Humans
University of Bristol

A ‘living bandage’ made from stem cells, which could revolutionise the treatment and prognosis of a common sporting knee injury, has been trialled in humans for the first time by scientists at the Universities of Liverpool and Bristol.

15-Dec-2016 11:00 AM EST
Internet Use in Class Tied to Lower Test Scores
Michigan State University

Warning: Surfing the internet in class is now linked to poorer test scores, even among the most intelligent and motivated of students.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 4:05 PM EST
Bad People Are Disgusting, Bad Actions Are Angering
Association for Psychological Science

A person’s character, more so than their actions, determines whether we find immoral acts to be ‘disgusting,’ according to new research in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 3:55 PM EST
Water Discovered in The "Shadowy" Area of Dwarf Planet Ceres
Newswise Trends

Cameras on the Dawn Space Probe have performed a very special feat: they have succeeded in taking photos of water ice deposits in places ruled by almost eternal darkness on the dwarf planet Ceres.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 3:55 PM EST
Water Discovered in The "Shadowy" Area of Dwarf Planet Ceres
Newswise Trends

Cameras on the Dawn Space Probe have performed a very special feat: they have succeeded in taking photos of water ice deposits in places ruled by almost eternal darkness on the dwarf planet Ceres.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 2:05 PM EST
Astronomers Discover Dark Past of Planet-Eating ‘Death Star’
University of Chicago

An international team of scientists, including researchers from the University of Chicago, has made the rare discovery of a planetary system with a host star similar to Earth’s sun. Especially intriguing is the star’s unusual composition, which indicates it ingested some of its planets.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 2:05 PM EST
Microlensing Study Suggests Most Common Outer Planets Likely Neptune-Mass
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

A new statistical study of planets found by a technique called gravitational microlensing suggests that Neptune-mass worlds are likely the most common type of planet to form in the icy outer realms of planetary systems.

8-Dec-2016 2:05 PM EST
Blocking Hormone Activity in Mosquitoes Could Help Reduce Malaria Spread

Mathematical model suggests new malaria control approach could work as well as insecticides

Released: 15-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
People's Energy in the Workplace Is Key to Staff Retention
University of Surrey

A research study has found that people's energy towards colleagues has a major influence on how likely they are to leave their job voluntarily. The in-depth study was undertaken with IT workers over a four-year period by academics at the Grenoble Ecole de Management (France) and the Surrey Business School at University of Surrey.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
When Horses Are in Trouble They Ask Humans for Help
Kobe University

Research Fellow Monamie RINGHOFER and Associate Professor Shinya YAMAMOTO (Kobe University Graduate School of Intercultural Studies) have proved that when horses face unsolvable problems they use visual and tactile signals to get human attention and ask for help. The study also suggests that horses alter their communicative behavior based on humans' knowledge of the situation. These findings were published in the online version of Animal Cognition on November 24.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
STEM Enrichment Activities Have No Impact on Results
University of Exeter

Enrichment activities to encourage pupils to study science and technology subjects have made no difference to their performance in mathematics exams, new research shows.

Released: 15-Dec-2016 11:05 AM EST
Bad Bosses Come in Two Forms: Dark or Dysfunctional
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Bad bosses generally come in two forms. There are the dysfunctional ones, like Michael Scott from the TV series The Office; then there are the dark ones, like Gordon Gekko from the film Wall Street. Researchers including Seth M. Spain from Binghamton University, State University of New York are building a framework to better understand the behaviors of bad bosses and to reduce workplace stress.

8-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
Protein in Urine Linked to Increased Risk of Memory Problems, Dementia
American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

People who have protein in their urine, which is a sign of kidney problems, may also be more likely to later develop problems with thinking and memory skills or even dementia, according to a meta-analysis published in the December 14, 2016, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

9-Dec-2016 3:05 PM EST
Insectivorous Long-Fingered Bats May Also Be Capable of Catching Fish, Should the Opportunity Arise

Experience and learning may help bats improve their instinctive fishing technique

Released: 14-Dec-2016 1:25 PM EST
Infants Show Apparent Awareness of Ethnic Differences
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

Findings help advance understanding of social cognition and social development

Released: 14-Dec-2016 8:05 AM EST
Celebrity Chefs Have Poor Food Safety Practices
Kansas State University

Celebrity chefs are cooking up poor food safety habits, according to a Kansas State University study. Kansas State University food safety experts Edgar Chambers IV and Curtis Maughan, along with Tennessee State University's Sandria Godwin, recently published "Food safety behaviors observed in celebrity chefs across a variety of programs" in the Journal of Public Health.

Released: 13-Dec-2016 4:05 PM EST
Image of ‘Typical’ Welfare Recipient Linked With Racial Stereotypes
Association for Psychological Science

When thinking about a welfare recipient, people tend to imagine someone who is African American and who is lazier and less competent than someone who doesn’t receive welfare benefits, according to new findings in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Released: 13-Dec-2016 3:05 PM EST
Study Explores Companies' Strategies in Expanding Globally
University of Texas at Dallas

A new study from The University of Texas at Dallas examines why and how multinational enterprises decide to internationalize.

Released: 13-Dec-2016 1:40 PM EST
Brain Structure Best Explains Our Dwindling Tolerance of Risk
University of Sydney

Our brain’s changing structure, not simply getting older and wiser, most affects our attitudes to risk, according to new research.

Released: 13-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
Studies Probe Value and Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

A series of scientific reports from the Personal Genomics study reveal insights into patient perceptions and experiences with direct-to-consumer genetic testing

Released: 12-Dec-2016 3:05 PM EST
Why We Walk on Our Heels Instead of Our Toes
University of Arizona

A new study explores why humans walk with a heel-to-toe stride, while many other animals -- such as dogs and cats -- get around on the balls of their feet.

12-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Bacterial ‘Sabotage’ Handicaps Ability to Resolve Devastating Lung Inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)

The chronic lung inflammation that is a hallmark of cystic fibrosis, has, for the first time, been linked to a new class of bacterial enzymes that hijack the patient’s immune response and prevent the body from calling off runaway inflammation, according to a laboratory investigation led by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Released: 12-Dec-2016 2:05 PM EST
Identity Loan' Common in Undocumented Workers
University of Colorado Denver

University of Colorado Denver researcher finds employers often furnish with workers with borrowed work documents

Released: 12-Dec-2016 1:05 PM EST
Having a Meltdown at Work? Blame It on Your Passion
Cornell University

Sunita Sah, assistant professor of management and organizations at Cornell University, and her colleagues have a novel strategy to save your professional reputation: Reframe your distress as passion for the project.

Released: 12-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
A New Light on Stellar Death
University of California, Santa Barbara

An international group of astronomers illuminates the role rapidly spinning black holes play in tidal disruption events

9-Dec-2016 11:05 AM EST
'Rewired' Cells Show Promise for Targeted Cancer Therapy
Northwestern University

A major challenge in truly targeted cancer therapy is cancer’s suppression of the immune system. Northwestern University synthetic biologists now have developed a general method for “rewiring” immune cells to flip this action around. When cancer is present, molecules secreted at tumor sites render many immune cells inactive. The Northwestern researchers genetically engineered human immune cells to sense the tumor-derived molecules in the immediate environment and to respond by becoming more active, not less.

9-Dec-2016 11:00 AM EST
ALMA Finds Compelling Evidence for Pair of Infant Planets Around Young Star
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

New observations with ALMA contain compelling evidence that two newborn planets, each about the size of Saturn, are in orbit around a young star known as HD 163296.

Released: 12-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Bullying Makes Men Leave the Labor Market
Aarhus University

Long-term consequences of workplace bullying on sickness absence

Released: 12-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
New Diamond Harder Than Ring Bling
Australian National University

International project to make a diamond that's predicted to be harder than a jeweller's diamond and useful for cutting through ultra-solid materials on mining sites.

9-Dec-2016 8:05 AM EST
Researchers’ Discovery of New Verbal Working Memory Architecture Has Implications for Artificial Intelligence
New York University

The neural structure we use to store and process information in verbal working memory is more complex than previously understood--a discovery that has implications for the creation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as speech translation tools.

Released: 9-Dec-2016 4:05 PM EST
Cow Gene Study Shows Why Most Clones Fail
University of California, Davis

It has been 20 years since Dolly the sheep was successfully cloned in Scotland, but cloning mammals remains a challenge. A new study by researchers from the U.S. and France of gene expression in developing clones now shows why most cloned embryos likely fail.

Released: 9-Dec-2016 1:05 PM EST
Yale Linguists Explore the Evolution of Color in New Study
Yale University

The naming of colors has long been a topic of interest in the study of human culture and cognition — revealing the link between perception, language, and the categorization of the natural world. A major question in the study of both anthropology and cognitive science is why the world’s languages show recurrent similarities in color naming. Linguists at Yale tracked the evolution of color terms across a large language tree in Australia in order to trace the history of these systems.

Released: 9-Dec-2016 12:05 PM EST
Beans and Peas Increase Fullness More Than Meat
University of Copenhagen

Sustainable eating Meals based on legumes such as beans and peas are more satiating than pork and veal-based meals according to a recent study by the University of Copenhagen's Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports. Results suggest that sustainable eating may also help with weight loss.

Released: 9-Dec-2016 11:05 AM EST
Hubble Catches a Transformation in the Virgo Constellation
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The constellation of Virgo (The Virgin) is especially rich in galaxies, due in part to the presence of a massive and gravitationally-bound collection of over 1300 galaxies called the Virgo Cluster. One particular member of this cosmic community, NGC 4388, is captured in this image, as seen by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3).

Released: 9-Dec-2016 10:05 AM EST
Researchers Identify Potentially Druggable Mutant p53 Proteins That Promote Cancer Growth
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Truncated p53 proteins, presumed unimportant, now point to new drug targets for some of 'the hardest cancers'

Released: 8-Dec-2016 4:05 PM EST
Satellites, Airport Visibility Readings Shed Light on Troops' Exposure to Dust Storms, Pollution
Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Communications

Research lays groundwork for large VA study on respiratory health in Iraq, Afghanistan Vets
