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Newswise:Video Embedded summer-flirt-what-to-expect-now-from-covid-19
Released: 18-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Summer FLiRT: What to Expect Now From COVID-19

A wave of COVID-19 over the summer is becoming as reliable as sizzling heat.

Newswise:Video Embedded researchers-identify-brain-circuits-tied-to-the-behavior-of-schooling-fish
Released: 17-Jul-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Researchers Identify Brain Circuits Tied to the Behavior of Schooling Fish
University of California San Diego

UC San Diego researchers have uncovered the roots of group behavior in the brains of schooling fish. Glassfish, they found, depend on their sense of vision to coordinate social swimming behavior in schools and increase their ability to follow coordinated group movements as they mature.

Newswise: Astrónomos descubren inusual exoplaneta gigante con una órbita extremadamente rara
15-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
Astrónomos descubren inusual exoplaneta gigante con una órbita extremadamente rara

Con la ayuda del telescopio WIYN de 3,5 metros ubicado en Kitt Peak, Arizona, los astrónomos lograron descubrir la órbita extrema de un exoplaneta que está camino a convertirse en un Júpiter caliente. Además de seguir una de las órbitas más alargadas de todos los exoplanetas, el cuerpo celeste órbita su estrella al revés, lo que da indicios sobre el misterio de la evolución de los Júpiter calientes.

Newswise: WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak Discovers Extremely Strange Orbit of Rare Exoplanet
15-Jul-2024 12:00 PM EDT
WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak Discovers Extremely Strange Orbit of Rare Exoplanet

Using the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope at the U.S. National Science Foundation Kitt Peak National Observatory, a Program of NSF NOIRLab, astronomers have discovered the extreme orbit of an exoplanet that’s on its way to becoming a hot Jupiter.

Newswise:Video Embedded exercise-more-sit-less-to-manage-frailty-and-hypertension-risk-in-aging
Released: 17-Jul-2024 7:00 AM EDT
Exercise More, Sit Less to Manage Frailty and Hypertension Risk in Aging
American Physiological Society (APS)

A new study of middle-age and older adults looks at sex differences in frailty levels and their link with heart health. The findings suggest that moving your body more through regular exercise and sitting less can help keep both heart disease and frailty at bay as we age.

Newswise:Video Embedded twisters-draws-from-storm-chasing-science-led-by-nebraska-expert
Released: 15-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
'Twisters' Draws From Storm-Chasing Science Led by Nebraska Expert
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

'Twisters' draws from storm-chasing science led by Nebraska expert

Newswise:Video Embedded vivid-portrait-of-interacting-galaxies-marks-webb-s-second-anniversary
Released: 12-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Vivid Portrait of Interacting Galaxies Marks Webb's Second Anniversary
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

The James Webb Space Telescope operates around the clock, frequently astonishing researchers with its highly detailed — and incredibly precise — infrared images and data. These wavelengths of light, which lie beyond what our eyes can see, were largely out of reach at this level of detail until Webb began taking science observations July 12, 2022.

Newswise:Video Embedded curious-by-nature-memorializing-injustice-from-reform-schools-with-dr-kaniqua-robinson
Released: 12-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Curious by Nature: Memorializing Injustice from Reform Schools with Dr. Kaniqua Robinson

In this episode, Dr. Robinson talked about her work on examining the abuses and discrimination in state-run reform schools, such as the Dozier School for Boys, and finding ways to honor and beautifully memorialize the victims.

Newswise:Video Embedded learning-dance-moves-could-help-humanoid-robots-work-better-with-humans
Released: 11-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Learning dance moves could help humanoid robots work better with humans
University of California San Diego

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have trained a humanoid robot to perform a variety of expressive movements, from simple dance routines to gestures like waving, high-fiving and hugging, all while maintaining a steady gait on diverse terrains. This work marks a step towards building robots that perform more complex and human-like motions.

Newswise:Video Embedded healing-touch-premature-infants-on-ventilators-can-now-be-held-skin-to-skin-earlier
Released: 11-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Healing Touch: Premature Infants on Ventilators Can Now Be Held Skin-to-Skin Earlier

Every new parent looks forward to holding their newborn skin-to-skin, dreaming of those bonding moments when they can embrace their baby. But parents of premature babies often wait weeks or even months before they can do so.

Newswise:Video Embedded sweat-rate-calculator-blocks-heat-illness-boosts-athletic-performance
Released: 11-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Sweat Rate Calculator Blocks Heat Illness, Boosts Athletic Performance
American Physiological Society (APS)

For the first time, researchers have developed a validated tool that lets athletes predict their rate of whole-body sweat loss.

Newswise:Video Embedded astronomers-find-missing-link-in-massive-black-hole-formation
9-Jul-2024 11:00 AM EDT
Astronomers find missing link in massive black hole formation
University of Utah

Newly identified fast-moving stars in the star cluster Omega Centauri provide solid evidence for a central black hole in the cluster. With at least 8,200 solar masses, that black hole is the best candidate for a class of black holes astronomers have long believed to exist: intermediate-mass black holes, formed in the early stages of galaxy evolution.

Newswise:Video Embedded producing-space-brick-for-moon-base-using-microwave
Released: 10-Jul-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Producing ‘Space Brick’ for Moon Base Using Microwave
National Research Council of Science and Technology

Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT), has developed technology for producing construction materials using in-situ resources from the moon.

Newswise:Video Embedded argonne-develops-new-kind-of-ai-model-for-weather-prediction
Released: 9-Jul-2024 10:45 AM EDT
Argonne develops new kind of AI model for weather prediction
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne environmental and computer scientists have developed a new kind of model, called a foundation model, to predict weather and eventually climate.

Newswise:Video Embedded like-mother-like-daughter-how-caterpillars-pass-down-food-preferences-to-their-offspring
Released: 4-Jul-2024 2:05 AM EDT
Like mother, like daughter: How caterpillars pass down food preferences to their offspring
National University of Singapore (NUS)

Researchers from the National University of Singapore conducted smell tests with caterpillars and discovered that caterpillars’ preferences for certain types of plants are determined by factors, or substances, present in their blood.

Newswise:Video Embedded summer-safety-what-you-should-know-about-melanoma
Released: 3-Jul-2024 10:05 AM EDT
Summer Safety: What You Should Know About Melanoma

After a cold and rainy winter, it’s refreshing to plan summertime outdoor activities or a day at the beach soaking up the sun. But it’s important to remember that too much sun exposure can be harmful.

Newswise:Video Embedded newswise-live-press-conference-mercy-medical-center-first-in-mid-atlantic-region-to-offer-orthopedic-patients
Released: 3-Jul-2024 8:05 AM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE: Mixed Reality for Surgical Precision Expert Q&A

Live, virtual press briefing with Mercy Medical Center surgeon Dr. Gregory Gasbarro, to discuss the advanced new surgical technique using mixed reality to assist in the operating room.

Newswise:Video Embedded high-ceilings-linked-to-poorer-exam-results-for-university-students
Released: 2-Jul-2024 6:05 PM EDT
High ceilings linked to poorer exam results for university students
University of South Australia

Ever wondered why you performed worse than expected in that final university exam that you sat in a cavernous gymnasium or massive hall, despite countless hours, days and weeks of study? Now you have a genuine reason – high ceilings.

Newswise:Video Embedded under-pressure-learning-how-deep-sea-animals-deal-with-it-could-be-valuable-for-humans
Released: 2-Jul-2024 2:05 PM EDT
Under pressure: Learning how deep-sea animals deal with it could be valuable for humans
University of Delaware

New research sheds light on how deep-sea “comb jellies” adapt and survive at extreme pressures. The work may inform what’s known about the human body — in particular, how a specific lipid called plasmalogen found in nerve cells might work in our brains.

Newswise:Video Embedded particle-physics-with-a-cern-scientist-dr-christina-kourkoumelis
Released: 1-Jul-2024 8:05 PM EDT
Particle Physics with a CERN Scientist - Dr. Christina Kourkoumelis

The Curious by Nature podcast episode, “Particle Physics with a CERN Scientist,” featuring Dr. Christina Kourkoumeli, is now available on Spotify and Apple Podcast. Dr. Kourkoumeli began her career as a scientist when our understanding of atomic particles emerged.
