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Released: 16-Nov-2022 6:20 PM EST
Q&A: How ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ impacts financial health
University of Washington

Ed deHaan, associate professor of accounting in the University of Washington Foster School of Business, studies the impact of Buy Now Pay Later on financial health. His research finds that BNPL users faced rapid increases in bank overdraft charges and credit card interests and fees.

Newswise: How to Handle the Challenges of Caring for Your Aging Parent
Released: 16-Nov-2022 12:45 PM EST
How to Handle the Challenges of Caring for Your Aging Parent
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

As a clinical social worker, Natasha Mosby has counseled family members on both sides of the spectrum: the caretakers and their aging parents. Both groups want to understand how to navigate their reversal of roles as they progress into this new chapter of their lives.

Released: 10-Nov-2022 3:10 PM EST
Will ERC Equal PPP In Terms of Fraud?
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

With the IRS warning about “ERC mills” – third parties improperly advising businesses to claim the employee retention credit, UMD's Sam Handwerger explains Congress’ shifting guidelines, “less-than-scrupulous consultants” and a newly bolstered IRS as “a perfect storm” for exposure of ERC fraud.

Newswise: The Medical Minute: RSV is back with a vengeance
Released: 9-Nov-2022 1:30 PM EST
The Medical Minute: RSV is back with a vengeance
Penn State Health

Cases of respiratory illnesses – particularly RSV – are on the rise. A Penn State Health Children’s Hospital infectious disease physician explains why, and what you can do.

Released: 9-Nov-2022 12:35 PM EST
Avanços no tratamento do câncer de pâncreas significam opções e esperança
Mayo Clinic

Um diagnóstico de câncer pode ser devastador. E o câncer de pâncreas é o que possui menor chance de sobrevivência de todos os cânceres conhecidos. Isso porque, quando diagnosticado, ele geralmente já está disseminado. O Dr. Mark Truty, cirurgião oncologista da Mayo Clinic, diz que o estigma do diagnóstico pode fazer com que as pessoas se sintam sem esperança. Ele gostaria que as pessoas com câncer de pâncreas soubessem que os avanços no tratamento significam que há mais opções disponíveis do que nunca.

Released: 9-Nov-2022 12:35 PM EST
تطورات في علاج سرطان البنكرياس تطرح المزيد من الخيارات وتدعو إلى التحلي بالأمل
Mayo Clinic

مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — التشخيص بمرض السرطان قد يكون أمرًا مدمرًا. ولاسيما سرطان البنكرياس حيث إن نسبة النجاة منه ضئيلة للغاية. ويرجع هذا إلى أنه عند اكتشافه، يكون غالبًا قد انتشر بالفعل. يقول مارك تروتي، دكتور الطب، اختصاصي الأورام الجراحية لدى مايو كلينك: "إن وصمة العار المرتبطة بالتشخيص بذلك المرض تجعل الناس يشعرون باليأس". لذلك، يريد أن يعرف المصابون بسرطان البنكرياس أن التطورات في العلاج تعني توفير المزيد من الخيارات أكثر من أي وقت مضى.

Released: 9-Nov-2022 12:30 PM EST
Mayo Clinic

癌症确诊会让人感到毁灭性的打击,而胰腺癌是所有已知癌症中存活率最低的一种。因为该病症在诊断出来时通常已经扩散。妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic) 的肿瘤外科医生Mark Truty医学博士表示,针对癌症诊断的偏见会让人们感到绝望。他希望胰腺癌患者知道,治疗手段的进步意味着比以往有更多的选择。

Released: 9-Nov-2022 12:25 PM EST
Los avances en el tratamiento contra el cáncer de páncreas brindan opciones y esperanza
Mayo Clinic

Recibir un diagnóstico de cáncer puede ser devastador. Y el cáncer de páncreas es el más difícil de combatir de todos los tipos de cáncer conocidos. Esto se debe a que cuando se diagnostica, a menudo ya se ha diseminado. El Dr. Mark Truty, oncólogo cirujano de Mayo Clinic dice que el estigma que rodea al diagnóstico puede hacer que las personas se sientan desesperanzadas. Quiere que las personas con cáncer de páncreas sepan que los avances en el tratamiento implican que hay más opciones disponibles que nunca.

Newswise: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers
Turkey-Free Thanksgiving Tips
Released: 9-Nov-2022 12:05 PM EST
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers Turkey-Free Thanksgiving Tips
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Thanksgiving is a time for friends and families to come together to enjoy a hearty meal, but with food prices continuing to rise, some families might want to consider alternatives to the “traditional” fall turkey feast.

Newswise: How parents can help their kids with asthma avoid serious attacks
Released: 8-Nov-2022 4:05 PM EST
How parents can help their kids with asthma avoid serious attacks
UT Southwestern Medical Center

UTSW pediatric pulmonologist highlights how to reduce risk of serious asthma attack

Released: 8-Nov-2022 3:05 PM EST
Movie release prompts national conversation about colorectal cancer in the Black community
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Marvel Studios’ movie, “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” is the highly anticipated sequel to “Black Panther,” hitting theaters on November 11th. It will premiere without “Black Panther” star Chadwick Boseman, who passed away in 2020 from colorectal cancer at the age of 43. Boseman’s death was a stark reminder of the alarming rise in colorectal cancer in patients younger than 50, as well as the higher incidence and mortality of this disease in the non-Hispanic Black population.

Newswise: Renowned neuroscientist will lead Tulane Brain Institute as new Presidential Chair
Released: 8-Nov-2022 10:25 AM EST
Renowned neuroscientist will lead Tulane Brain Institute as new Presidential Chair
Tulane University

Matthew Dalva will succeed Jill Daniel, who has been head of the Brain Institute since its inception in 2016.

Newswise: Media Advisory: Cedars-Sinai Experts to Discuss Latest Brain Research
Released: 7-Nov-2022 1:35 PM EST
Media Advisory: Cedars-Sinai Experts to Discuss Latest Brain Research

Neuroscientists from Cedars-Sinai will present—and are available to comment on—cutting-edge brain research at the sixth International Human Single Neuron Meeting Nov. 10-11 at UCLA, and Neuroscience 2022, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Nov. 12-16 in San Diego.

Released: 7-Nov-2022 11:05 AM EST
In His Blood
University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center

A former fellow at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, Dr. Shashank Cingam comes back to New Mexico to Treat blood cancers.

Newswise: Epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease: Are there connections?
Released: 7-Nov-2022 9:35 AM EST
Epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease: Are there connections?
International League Against Epilepsy

Alzheimer's disease is a risk factor for epilepsy - and epilepsy is a risk factor for Alzheimer's. We spoke with Dr. Andrew Cole and Dr. Alice Lam about the latest research and some intriguing findings that suggest links between these two conditions.

Released: 7-Nov-2022 8:05 AM EST
Going Beyond Lung Care for Babies With Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

The Infant Chronic Lung Disease Program takes a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to support each baby’s overall development. For Manvi Bansal, MD, one of the biggest challenges of caring for babies with severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is dealing with “the elephant in the room.”

Newswise: CDC Data Suggests Attitudes Are Shifting About the HPV Vaccine: Utah Vaccine Rates Among Teens Increased More Than 16%
Released: 4-Nov-2022 5:00 PM EDT
CDC Data Suggests Attitudes Are Shifting About the HPV Vaccine: Utah Vaccine Rates Among Teens Increased More Than 16%
University of Utah Health

Many more Utah teens are getting vaccinated for HPV, protecting them against six types of cancer. The state saw a significant increase in HPV vaccinations after a long history of mixed messages and misunderstandings about the vaccine. Huntsman Cancer Institute experts explain what’s working, and one woman tells about her harrowing cancer journey.

Released: 4-Nov-2022 10:45 AM EDT
Top Climate Experts Set to Share Expertise on Global Stage at COP27
University of Bristol

A team of leading University of Bristol researchers on hot topics, ranging from climate change policy to adapting to a warming world and ensuring the transition to a net zero economy is fair, are poised to join the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Newswise: Career development profile: Dr. Meriem Bensalem-Owen
Released: 4-Nov-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Career development profile: Dr. Meriem Bensalem-Owen
International League Against Epilepsy

From medical training during a civil war to starting Kentucky's first epilepsy fellowship program, Dr. Meriem Bensalem-Owen talks with Sharp Waves about her career journey.

Newswise: TPM Examines the Shortcomings of BMI, Allyship in Science + More
Released: 3-Nov-2022 4:50 PM EDT
TPM Examines the Shortcomings of BMI, Allyship in Science + More
American Physiological Society (APS)

In the latest issue out today, The Physiologist Magazine (TPM) explores the scientific relevance of the body mass index (BMI) tool for assessing health; examines the critical role allyship plays in expanding diversity in physiology; and profiles gastrointestinal physiologist Simon Hirota, PhD, an associate professor at the University of Calgary in Canada.

