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Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
"Good Vibrations" coming out of Robotics Lab
Vanderbilt University

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- There are some good, good vibrations coming out of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at the Vanderbilt Engineering School.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Researchers Workins to Harness Photosynthesis
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Researchers have embarked on fabricating multi-layer assemblies that they hope will capture the sun's energy for useful purposes much as the process of photosynthesis does in plants.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Subject to Intense Scientific Scrutiny, Emotions Appear More Important Than Ever
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Medicine

Scientists from around the world will gather at the University of Wisconsin, April 17-18, to discuss their latest findings demonstrating the biological underpinnings of emotion, and the profound effects positive and negative feelings can have on human health. The latest technological advances used to identify brain systems associated with different emotions will also be described.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Media Advisory: Scientific Symposium Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology
National Sea Grant College Program

Media Advisory about Sea Grant-sponsored symposium on wetland and marsh ecology and restoration issues using the largest wetland restoration project in the U.S. as a backdrop and example.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
School violence expert: school crime may never end, but can be reduced
Mississippi State University

High-profile shootings by students in Mississippi, Kentucky and Arkansas generate interational headlines and parental fears that school violence is the norm. But a professor who developed a method for reducing school crime says deadly incidents are anomalies that should mobilize the public to action.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Recent School Violence Is Wake-Up Call for the Nation
Mental Health America

"The Arkansas schoolyard shooting and other recent acts of school violence are a wake-up call to the nation about our children," said Michael Faenza, President and CEO of the National Mental Health Association.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Mental Health Parity Would be Boon to Millions of Americans with Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
Mental Health America

"Full parity is cheap and good public policy precisely because behavioral health treatments work. Treatment restores functioning at home, work and school, reducing other social costs by improving lives," said Michael Faenza, President and CEO of the National Mental Health Association.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Early Death Linked With Tendency To "Catastrophize"
University of Michigan

A new analysis shows the tendency to "catastrophize"---to see the bad that happens to you as part of a pervasive pall of evil and pain that happens to everyone, everywhere---has been linked to an increased risk of dying before the age of 65.

Released: 28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Computers in the classroom:Teacher ease affects student attitudes
University of North Texas

A recent University of North Texas study of three public elementary schools in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex indicates that positive teacher attitudes toward information technology result in similar positive attitudes among students.

28-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
UD geographer receives lifetime achievement award
University of Delaware

University of Delaware geographer John R. Mather received the Association of American Geographers (AAG) Lifetime Career Honor at the group's 94th annual meeting in Boston on March 28.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
"Mean gene" found in Africanized honey bees
Purdue University

A gene that has a large effect on the aggressive stinging behavior in Africanized honey bees ó the so-called "killer bees" ó has been identified by a group of scientists at three institutions. Greg Hunt, a bee specialist with Purdue University and principal investigator on the research project, says finding the mean gene in honey bees "may help us understand what makes Africanized bees so aggressive."

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Paint Changes Color To Reveal Corrosion On Aircraft
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University are developing an early warning system for aircraft degradation -- paint that changes color when the metal beneath it begins to corrode.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Healthier Foods Could Mean Tastier Foods
USDA Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS)

The dilemma: how to allow fruit to ripen naturally on the tree or vine to get the maximum in phytonutrients while retarding the softening that occurs after the fruit is picked.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
ASME International Honored with Diversity Award
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

ASME International (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) was honored today by the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) for promoting the participation of minorities in ASME and in mechanical engineering. Carolyn Meyers, ASME vice president of Minorities and Women, accepted the first-ever "Golden Torch Award" in the category of Association Diversity at NSBE's 24th Annual Convention in Anaheim, Calif.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Study shows hypertension in African Americans can be prevented
Vanderbilt University

African Americans are not necessarily genetically predisposed to hypertension, according to a study by a team of researchers from Meharry Medical College and Vanderbilt University that has discovered that hypertension, obesity and high cholesterol in African Americans can be prevented with a radical change in lifestyle.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Four-year Study Shows Calcium Supplements Reduce Bone Loss, Help Prevent Osteoporosis
Mayo Clinic

Calcium supplements reduce bone loss in elderly women, although only modestly, and can help prevent osteoporosis in women who don't already have the condition, reports a Mayo Clinic study.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
New Resource For Treating Women's Medical Emergencies
University of Michigan

First care providers can now have the latest knowledge from top medical experts in the field of emergency medicine, obstetrics and gynecology at their fingertips. The book will help family physicians, as well as emergency medicine doctors, quickly and effectively diagnose and treat emergency gynecologic and obstetric problems.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Media Briefing -- Ultrasound Breakthrough Allows Instant 3D Scans of Heart
Volumetrics Medical Imaging

The co-founders of Volumetric Medical Imaging, Inc. will conduct a media briefing to demonstrate Volumetric Sonography (tm) "” the first fundamental breakthrough in diagnostic ultrasound in more than decade.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
UCLA Medical Center Saves Patient with Revolutionary Heart-Assist Device
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A temporary heart device used by cardiac doctors at UCLA Medical Center saved a 24-year-old patient dying from heart failure. The cardiac-assist device avoided the need for an emergency heart transplant.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Experimental Treatment at UCLA Attempts to Combat Recurrent Benign Brain Tumors with Chemotherapy
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

Benign, non-cancerous brain tumors, called meningiomas, can impair brain function and even kill. So UCLA medical researchers have begun testing a new form of chemotherapy to treat them.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
No sweat! Positive thoughts help exercisers stick with it
Washington University in St. Louis

Although researchers know that half of all folks who take up exercise quit during the first six months, they have failed to ask how peopleís thoughts and feelings during workouts affect their decision to drop out.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Needlestick Injuries Common in Female Veterinarians
Ohio State University

Two out of every three female veterinarians have reported accidental needlestick wounds while they were on the job, according to a recent study.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Program Shows Promise for Treating Children with Mood Disorders
Ohio State University

Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a new intervention program that shows early signs of helping children and teenagers with mood disorders.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Troubled Teens Report Serious Problems with Marijuana Dependence
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

A University of Colorado study of marijuana dependence among adolescents in a university treatment program found that such youth reported serious problems in their lives related to dependence on the drug.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Job Stability Is No Virtue For Young Men, New Study Finds
Ohio State University

Young men who jump from one job to another in their early years after school don't seem to be hurting their later wages, a new national study suggests. If anything, men who stay in their first occupation or industry may earn 5 to 7 percent less than their peers.who have moved on, according to the results.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Consumers Will Benefit When They Choose Their Electric Company
Ohio State University

Within the next few years, many consumers across the country will have the opportunity to choose their electric utility just like they choose their long-distance phone service. And, for most people, that will mean lower prices, says an Ohio State University expert.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
El Nino Not The Driving Force Behind North Pacific Hurricanes
Ohio State University

El Nino may be responsible for severe weather conditions across North America, but an Ohio State University study has revealed that El NiÃ’o weather systems don't always spawn severe hurricanes in the North Pacific.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Two Simple Tests May Screen For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ohio State University

Based on a new study, researchers are suggesting physicians use two simple tests to screen patients for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Mathematics Reveals New Patterns of Brain Cell Activity
Ohio State University

A mathematics researcher at Ohio State University and his colleagues have discovered two new patterns of electrochemical activity among brain cells.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Cornell - NASA infrared telescope contract
Cornell University

NASA has opened the way for the signing of a $24.8 million contract between Cornell University and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for building an infrared spectrograph that will be sent into orbit to detect and analyze some of the most distant objects in the universe. The contract announcement was made as NASA authorized the start of work on the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), an observatory that will be launched into orbit around the sun in 2001.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Prostate Cancer Treatment From U of Minnesota Works in Mice; Researchers Aim for Clinical Trials in Fall
University of Minnesota

A prostate cancer treatment that kills cancer cells while largely sparing healthy organs has been successfully tested in mice and will be ready for clinical trials this fall if approved by the Food and Drug Administration, according to University of Minnesota researchers who devised the treatment.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Frozen methane gas provides new frontier for research
Louisiana State University

Gas hydrates which have been found on all the world's oceans like a ring around a bathtub, are estimated to contain more gas than has ever been produced by man or identified in conventional reservoirs.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
DDI Gives $125,000 for WVU China Center
West Virginia University - Eberly College of Arts and Sciences

Development Dimensions International Inc., an international human resource consulting firm, is giving a $125,000 grant to the Center for Chinese Business at West Virginia University to hold workshops in China and sponsor one Chinese participant per year for three years in the Shanghai Municipal Government Executive Education Program in Morgantown.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Primary Care Doctors Enlisted to help fight Debilitating Sleep Disorders
Stanford Medicine

Until every primary care physician in the United States recognizes and responds to the signs of life-depleting and sometimes fatal sleep disorders, Dr. William C. Dement believes his work is unfinished.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Letting Your Child go to Preschool
Purdue University

Sometimes it's difficult to decide who suffers the greater trauma when preschool starts -- the child or the parents. But a Purdue University expert says there are things mom or dad can do to make the adjustment easier for everyone involved

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Sea Grant Marks 30th Anniversary As Nation's Premier Coastal Research Program
National Sea Grant College Program

The National Sea Grant College Program marks 30 years of marine science and coastal outreach with Congressional reauthorization for up to $290 million in research funding over the next five years. Historical Background, Congressional, NOAA quotes, and selected accomplishments provided in story.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Sea Grant News Story Tip Sheet 3/26/98
National Sea Grant College Program

Sea Grant News & Notes Story Ideas: 1) Survey: Delmarva Residents Committed to Keeping Bays Clean 2) Students to Conduct Water Research Without Getting Wet 3) Treating Sewage Naturally: Constructed Wetlands Help Clean Up Texas Coast

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Purdue Program aims to put Physicists on Wall Street
Purdue University

A hybrid master's program in finance and science at Purdue University could put physicists to work on Wall Street and has caught the attention of financial firms. Purdue's computational finance program is the first to include physics in an interdisciplinary curriculum designed to produce graduates who combine high-level calculation skills with an understanding of business and finance.

Released: 27-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Hard Hearts: New Discovery of Bone in Heart Tissue May Explain Valve Disease
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

For the first time, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center have confirmed that bone--similar to that found in the human skeleton--is present in a substantial portion of diseased heart valves.This finding could lead to the development of therapies to prevent or treat heart-valve disease.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Stone 'jigsaw' puzzles yield clues about mysterious Saharan nomads
University of Washington

A faint image of mysterious ancient Egyptian nomads living in the Sahara Desert has emerged from thousands of stone artifacts painstakingly collected and reassembled by a University of Washington archaeologist. The stone tools and fragments offer clues to a people who lived 5,500 to 8,000 years ago and harvested wild grass seed.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Phamacist Attracts National Media Interest in Herbal Medicine Study
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Bill J. Gurley, Ph.D., associate professor and chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutics in the UAMS College of Pharmacy's recent study of herbal medicines containing ephedrine has attracted media attention. Supplements containing ephedrine are widely used, especially by students to help them stay awake to study. The danger is that too much ephedrine can cause adverse side effects and even death.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Tip Sheet from New Scientist for 3-25-98
New Scientist

Tip Sheet from New Scientist for 3-25-98

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Elder care: More heart-rending for daughters than for wives?
Stanford Medicine

STANFORD -- Daughters serving as the primary caregivers for an ailing parent show more cardiovascular stress than do wives caring for their ailing husbands, according to a new study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Virginia Tech Engineers Receive $9.6 Million Contract To Conduct MicroElectronic Research
Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech's Fiber and Electro-Optics Research Center (FEORC) has received a $9.6 million grant from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for an Optical Sciences Research program. The five-year research project will focus on optical fiber materials, optoelectronics and fundamental optical materials science related in part to microelectronics, including optical microchips.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Growth Factors Shown to Increase Vitamin C in the Immune System
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Ever since vitamin C was found to prevent scurvy -- a disease that has killed millions of people throughout history -- scientists have known that the vitamin plays an essential role in the body's defense against disease. Immune cells, for example, are known to accumulate and retain high levels of vitamin C, but just how this process occurs, has largely remained a mystery.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Prozac might not cheer up the clams or mussels, but it did jump-start their reproductive behavior
Gettysburg College

Peter Fong prescribes Prozac to fingernail clams and zebra mussels. The popular antidepressant might not cheer up the clams or mussels, but it did jump-start their reproductive behavior, prompting the fingernail clams to spawn in synchrony.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Malthus + 200: Disastrous 'correction' looms
Cornell University

Two hundred years after the essay by T.R. Malthus that put "Malthusian" in the lexicon, the consequences of overpopulation are more dire than ever, says anthropologist David Price, a research associate in Cornell University's Population and Development Program. A disastrous Malthusian correction looms ahead, Price warns.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Fewer than Half of Schizophrenia Patients Get Proper Treatment
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Fewer than half of the patients under treatment for schizophrenia are receiving proper doses of antipsychotic medications or appropriate psychosocial interventions, according to a national study funded by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). The study identified gaps in effective care for people with schizophrenia and opportunities for improvement in all aspects of treatment.

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
Nuclear Energy Institute Criticizes Administration's Lack Of Energy Policy
Nuclear Energy Institute

Nuclear Energy Institute Criticizes Administration For Absence of Effective Domestic Energy Policy

Released: 26-Mar-1998 12:00 AM EST
The Ethics of Brown vs. DSC
[email protected]

When does an idea belong to an employee and when can a company claim incubation rights? Richard Mason, the incoming director of SMU's Maguire Ethics Center and current distinguished professor in MIS at SMU's Cox School of Business, tackles this issue. Using the case of Brown v. DSC Communications, Mason discusses questions including who owns intellectual property and where is the line between ideas created at work and those created on personal time.
