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Released: 5-Oct-2012 9:00 AM EDT
New Survey Shows Meatless Monday Helps Consumers Munch More Greens
Monday Campaigns

The Monday Campaigns and Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future announced the results of a national survey that suggest how Meatless Monday can be an effective tool to meet this challenge.

Released: 11-Nov-2013 9:00 AM EST
Caregiver Monday Survey FindingsShow 47% of Caregivers Overlook Their Own Needs
Monday Campaigns

Caregiver Monday is sharing survey results about caregivers neglecting their health during November, National Family Caregivers Month. The NFCM’s goals are to celebrate, educate, and raise awareness about the issues surrounding caregiving.

Released: 11-Jan-2016 1:00 PM EST
Reboot Your New Year’s Resolutions with a Monday Health Reset
Monday Campaigns

Public health experts think the key to success to turn our New Year’s resolutions into reality is to bring the “fresh start” mindset of the beginning of the year to the beginning of every week. Research conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that Monday is akin to a “mini-New Year.” Reinforcing this “fresh start” Monday mindset with weekly cues and reminders can be a powerful tool in helping people sustain healthy behaviors over time.

Released: 27-Dec-2016 9:00 AM EST
Give New Year’s Resolutions a Boost with a “Monday Resolution”
Monday Campaigns

Research shows that only 8% of people making New Year’s resolutions end up achieving them each year. Some health experts believe a more effective approach would be to follow New Year’s with a recommit strategy that capitalizes on the natural momentum of the weekly cycle.

Released: 4-Feb-2020 9:00 AM EST
New National Survey Shows that 73% of people making New Year’s resolutions agree that recommitting every Monday can help them stay on track
Monday Campaigns

DDG (Data Decisions Group) and the Monday Campaigns, a public health initiative, conducted research that showed that 20% of people that make New Year’s resolutions fall off in January and by July, 43% have given up on some of their top resolutions. People surveyed responded favorably to the idea of a “Monday Resolution”— with 73% of those who made a resolution in 2019 saying that recommitting every Monday would help them stay on track.

Released: 21-Sep-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Enjoy the Physical Benefits of Biking
Monday Campaigns

From September 21-27, The League of American Bicyclists is encouraging everyone to bike , “wherever that there may be….Any bike, anywhere, it all counts.”

Released: 14-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
It Takes a Community to Fight Climate Change
Monday Campaigns

How can a community and a group of volunteers encourage fellow citizens to shift to a climate-friendly diet?

