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Newswise: New Fossil Bovids from Kromdraai
Release date: 9-May-2024 8:05 AM EDT
New Fossil Bovids from Kromdraai
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

New Fossil Bovids from Kromdraai shed light on South Africa's ancient ecosystems.

Released: 9-May-2024 8:05 AM EDT
التهابات المسالك البولية: التهابات شائعة قد تصبح خطيرة
Mayo Clinic

فينيكس —  التهابات المسالك البولية التهابات شائعة لكنها قد تصبح خطيرة.

Released: 9-May-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Infecção do trato urinário: Essa infecção comum pode ser grave
Mayo Clinic

A infecção do trato urinário (ITU) é comum, mas pode ser grave. "As infecções simples do trato urinário podem ser gerenciadas pelo seu clínico geral, mas quando elas se tornam complexas, levando a outras questões ou problemas, deve-se procurar os cuidados de um especialista", explica o Dr. Mitchell Humphreys, urologista da Mayo Clinic no Arizona.

Released: 9-May-2024 8:00 AM EDT
Infección del tracto urinario: Esta infección común puede ser grave
Mayo Clinic

La infección del tracto urinario (ITU) es común, pero puede ser grave. "Las infecciones simples del tracto urinario pueden ser manejadas por su médico de familia, pero cuando se vuelven complejas, lo que lleva a otras cuestiones o problemas, uno debe buscar la atención de un especialista", explica el Dr. Mitchell Humphreys, urólogo de Mayo Clinic en Arizona.

8-May-2024 5:05 PM EDT
Study Shows Ineffectiveness of Targeted Credit Rationing in Banking
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

With the recent ESG-inspired shift towards and away from the rationing of capital to specific firms that arguably generate negative externalities, a new study shows targeted credit rationing in recent history has been widely ineffective in promoting change.

Newswise: New study reveals how gender affects liver transplant success in cancer patients
Released: 9-May-2024 7:05 AM EDT
New study reveals how gender affects liver transplant success in cancer patients
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A groundbreaking multicenter cohort study in China has illuminated the impact of sex on the outcomes of liver transplantation (LT) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer.

Newswise: Supercharging immune cells to battle blood cancer: breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy
Released: 9-May-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Supercharging immune cells to battle blood cancer: breakthrough in cancer immunotherapy
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A new study reveals a groundbreaking approach to immunotherapy, demonstrating that blocking the interaction between the CD300A receptor and phosphatidylserine (PS) significantly enhances the ability of human natural killer (NK) cells to lyse hematologic malignancies (HMs).

Released: 9-May-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Youth Experiencing Parental Death Due to Drug Poisoning and Firearm Violence in the US, 1999-2020

The US is experiencing dual overlapping public health crises of drug poisoning (herein, drugs) and firearm deaths. Since 1999, more than 1 million residents of the US have died by fatal drug poisonings and more than 750 000 by firearms.

Released: 9-May-2024 4:05 AM EDT
New DNA origami technique promises breakthroughs in medicine
University of Portsmouth

A new study led by the University of Portsmouth in England has developed an innovative method to customise and strengthen DNA origami structures, which could lead to advances in medicine, biotechnology, and beyond.

Newswise:  A comprehensive review by the team of Xinhua Zhang at Shandong University of Technology on the significant roles and regulatory mechanisms of lncRNAs in fruit and vegetables
Released: 9-May-2024 3:05 AM EDT
A comprehensive review by the team of Xinhua Zhang at Shandong University of Technology on the significant roles and regulatory mechanisms of lncRNAs in fruit and vegetables
Chinese Academy of Sciences

With the development of genome sequencing technologies, many long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been identified in fruit and vegetables.
