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Released: 13-Jul-2004 4:40 PM EDT
Corporate Giving Can Encourage Customers to Give Too
University of Colorado Boulder

The old business adage that a company does well by doing good needs adjusting, according to new research.

Released: 7-Dec-2004 2:00 PM EST
U.S. Innovation Hurt by Restrictions on Foreign Grad Students
University of Colorado Boulder

Tight restrictions on student visas for foreign graduate students will hasten the erosion of America's global dominance in innovation, according to a University of Colorado at Boulder researcher.

9-Mar-2005 4:50 PM EST
New Technique to Free Seismologists from ‘Tyranny of Earthquakes’
University of Colorado Boulder

Seismologists have long relied on earthquakes or expensive tools like explosives to help create images of Earth's interior, but a new method created by University of Colorado at Boulder researchers will produce quicker, cheaper and clearer images.

Released: 25-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
A Changing Season Means a Changing Diet for Bison
University of Colorado Boulder

North American bison adjust their diet seasonally in order to take full advantage of the growing season when grasses become less nutritious, a new study led by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder has discovered.

Released: 29-Dec-2015 2:05 PM EST
Early-Life Exercise Alters Gut Microbes, Promotes Healthy Brain and Metabolism
University of Colorado Boulder

The human gut harbors a teeming menagerie of over 100 trillion microorganisms, and researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered that exercising early in life can alter that microbial community for the better, promoting healthier brain and metabolic activity over the course of a lifetime.

Released: 8-Jan-2016 2:05 PM EST
Colorado Business Confidence Increases Slightly Heading Into 2016, Says CU-Boulder Index
University of Colorado Boulder

After a small dip last quarter, the optimism of Colorado business leaders grew modestly for the start of 2016, according to the Leeds Business Confidence Index released today by the University of Colorado Boulder’s Leeds School of Business.

Released: 18-Jan-2016 2:05 PM EST
Light-Activated Nanoparticles Prove Effective Against Antibiotic-Resistant 'Superbugs'
University of Colorado Boulder

In the ever-escalating evolutionary battle with drug-resistant bacteria, humans may soon have a leg up thanks to adaptive, light-activated nanotherapy developed by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Released: 27-Jan-2016 11:05 AM EST
An Interstate for Renewable Energy
University of Colorado Boulder

The United States could slash greenhouse gas emissions from power production by up to 78 percent below 1990 levels within 15 years while meeting increased demand, according to a new study by NOAA and University of Colorado Boulder researchers.

Released: 3-Feb-2016 2:05 PM EST
Breakfast of Champions: Humans Played a Role in Extinction of Giant Australian Bird
University of Colorado Boulder

The menu for the earliest inhabitants of the Australian Outback some 50,000 years ago may have included some very big omelets.

Released: 12-Feb-2016 1:05 PM EST
New Study Confirms Giant Flightless Bird Wandered the Arctic 50 Million Years Ago
University of Colorado Boulder

A single toe bone found on Ellesmere Island in the 1970s is described for the first time.
