Research, Advocacy and Patient Issues are the Focus

Newswise — DETROIT, December 29, 2015 -- What are the known environmental factors that trigger autoimmune disease and what are the latest technologies being developed to measure an individual’s exposure to such risks?

Why and how are researchers using rheumatic fever as a guidepost for one day curing other autoimmune diseases and is this approach promising?

Why is autoimmune-related fatigue different from normal tiredness and why is it increasingly a focus of medical attention and research?

These were among the key issues and trends presented at the recent State of Autoimmunity National Summit which are included in a new report published by the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA).

The report highlights the major themes, news and developments that emerged during the daylong event co-hosted by AARDA and the National Coalition of Autoimmune Patient Groups (NCAPG) in Washington, D.C. The summit brought together roughly 20 leading experts to advance knowledge and understanding by sharing the most current thinking in autoimmune disease research, advocacy and patient issues.

Panelists and speakers included autoimmunity experts, such as Dr. Noel Rose, Former Director for Autoimmune Research, JohnsHopkins University and chairman emeritus of AARDA’s Scientific Advisory Board; Dr. Frederick Miller, Deputy Chief, Clinical Research Branch and Head, Environmental Autoimmunity Group, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Dr. Robert Carter, Deputy Director, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; Dr. Anne Davidson, Investigator, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research; and, Dr. William Harvey, Clinical Director of Arthritis Treatment Center, Tufts University School of Medicine and Chair, Government Affairs Committee, American College of Rheumatology.

The report is available free to the public on AARDA’s website. Please visit to download a copy.

Direct link to report:

About American Autoimmune Related Diseases AssociationAmerican Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) is the nation's only non-profit organization dedicated to bringing a national focus to autoimmunity as a category of disease and a major women's health issue, and promoting a collaborative research effort in order to find better treatments and a cure for all autoimmune diseases. For more information, please visit

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