Breaking News: Wildfires

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Newswise: Tree Species in one of World’s Most Diverse Conifer Forests Not Migrating Uphill Fast Enough
Released: 16-Aug-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Tree Species in one of World’s Most Diverse Conifer Forests Not Migrating Uphill Fast Enough
Cal Poly Humboldt

The trees in Northern California’s Klamath Mountains are not keeping up with climate change. Instead, many tree species are in decline, losing the race due to climate warming and decades of fire suppression.

Newswise: Study from “Black Tuesday” bushfires finds link to PTSD
Released: 15-Aug-2022 10:05 PM EDT
Study from “Black Tuesday” bushfires finds link to PTSD
University of Adelaide

New research published in the Australian Journal of Rural Health has shown people who are forced to relocate after a bushfire are at a higher risk of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD. Led by Associate Professor Venkatesan Thiruvenkatarajan from the University of Adelaide, and Dr Richard Watts from Flinders University, the researchers spoke with people affected by the 2005 “Black Tuesday” Eyre Peninsula bushfires, which took nine lives, destroyed 93 homes and blackened 80,000 hectares of land near Port Lincoln on 11 January, 2005.

Newswise:Video Embedded sensor-research-helps-fight-wildfires
Released: 15-Aug-2022 1:40 PM EDT
Sensor Research Helps Fight Wildfires
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

As climate change leads to larger and more frequent wildfires, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory are using sensors, drones and machine learning to both prevent fires and reduce their damage to the electric grid. Engineers are honing technology to remotely sense electrical arcing and faulty equipment, as well as the direction of spreading fires.

Released: 11-Aug-2022 11:20 AM EDT
Taming Tomorrow's Wildfires
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

From uncovering where best to apply controlled burns to protecting energy infrastructure from outer space, scientists at PNNL are using their research to get an edge on tomorrow's wildfires.

Newswise: Simultaneous climate events risk damaging entire socioeconomic systems
3-Aug-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Simultaneous climate events risk damaging entire socioeconomic systems
PLOS Climate

In heatwaves where heat and drought combine, effects can destabilize interlinked sectors, including health, energy and food production systems.

Released: 8-Aug-2022 5:40 PM EDT
Dry lightning sparks some of the most destructive and costly wildfires in California, study finds
Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing

A new study has found dry lightning outbreaks are the leading cause of some of the largest wildfire outbreaks in modern California history. Despite this, dry lightning has remained largely understudied across this region – until now.

Newswise: WVU researchers work to restore iconic West Virginia red spruce forests 
Released: 3-Aug-2022 10:45 AM EDT
WVU researchers work to restore iconic West Virginia red spruce forests 
West Virginia University

Clearcutting and wildfires destroyed the red spruce which were once the dominant tree species in West Virginia. Today, only 10% of the state’s red spruce coverage remains and it faces a new threat in climate change. West Virginia University researchers are working toward restoring some of the original tree habitat by studying the long-term effects of climate change on red spruce and the surrounding environment.

Released: 2-Aug-2022 2:05 PM EDT
Wildfires are intensifying around the world. Here are the latest headlines in wildfires research for media

California’s McKinney Fire grew to become the state’s largest fire so far this year. The risk of wildfire is rising globally due to climate change. Below are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Wildfires channel on Newswise.

Released: 2-Aug-2022 1:40 PM EDT
Department of Energy Announces $10 Million for Research on Environmental Systems Science
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $10 million in funding for 12 projects to universities, academic institutions, federal research labs, and nonprofits within the area of Environmental System Science (ESS) research. Grants will focus on studies intended to improve the understanding and representation of the impact of wildfires and floods on ecosystems and watersheds, as well the role of plant-mediated water redistribution and fungal networks in shaping ecosystem and watershed function.

Released: 2-Aug-2022 7:05 AM EDT
Wildfires disproportionately affect the poor
University of Georgia

With fires raging from California to Alaska, the 2022 wildfire season is off to a violent start. It’s an ominous sign of what promises to be another record-breaking fire season in the U.S. Roughly 2 million acres burned last month. And major fires are currently scorching Idaho, Utah and California, threatening tens of thousands of Americans’ homes and livelihoods. Many of those at risk are lower-income Americans who face canceled homeowners insurance policies and rising premiums, according to new research from the University of Georgia.

Released: 26-Jul-2022 3:05 PM EDT
New Sensing Platform Deployed at Controlled Burn Site, Could Help Prevent Forest Fires
Argonne National Laboratory

Sage, a new sensing and computing platform based on Argonne’s Waggle technology, has been deployed at a controlled burn site in Kansas.

Newswise: Wildfire-smoke observations fill gap in estimating soot’s role in climate change
Released: 21-Jul-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Wildfire-smoke observations fill gap in estimating soot’s role in climate change
Los Alamos National Laboratory

New research refining the amount of sunlight absorbed by black carbon in smoke from wildfires will help clear up a long-time weak spot in earth system models, enabling more accurate forecasting of global climate change.

Released: 19-Jul-2022 9:50 AM EDT
Arctic Shrub Expansion Limited by Seed Dispersal and Wildfire
Ohio State University

Scientists investigating the growth of arctic vegetation have found that seed dispersal and fire will slow its land expansion in the long term, despite more favorable conditions from a warming planet.

Released: 14-Jul-2022 4:15 PM EDT
UCI Study: California’s Trees Are Dying, and Might Not Be Coming Back
University of California, Irvine

The State of California is banking on its forests to help reduce planet-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But that element of the state’s climate-change solution arsenal may be in jeopardy, as new research from the University of California, Irvine reports that trees in California’s mountain ranges and open spaces are dying from wildfires and other pressures – and fewer new trees are filling the void.

Newswise: Wildfires May Have Sparked Ecosystem Collapse During Earth’s Worst Mass Extinction
Released: 30-Jun-2022 10:40 AM EDT
Wildfires May Have Sparked Ecosystem Collapse During Earth’s Worst Mass Extinction
University College Cork

Researchers at University College Cork (UCC) and the Swedish Museum of Natural History examined the end-Permian mass extinction (252 million years ago) that eliminated almost every species on Earth, with entire ecosystems collapsing.

Released: 30-Jun-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Climate Change Will Increase Chances of Wildfire Globally – but Humans Can Still Help Reduce the Risk
University of East Anglia

New research highlights how the risk of wildfire is rising globally due to climate change – but also, how human actions and policies can play a critical role in regulating regional impacts.

Released: 23-Jun-2022 1:35 PM EDT
Disaster Scientist Explores Role of Place Attachment Following California Wildfires
University at Albany, State University of New York

Homeowners across the United States are not only experiencing higher mortgage rates and property costs, they’re also at risk of damage from an increasing number of disasters linked to natural hazards, including wildfires.

