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Released: 10-Jul-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Micropatterned Organoids Enable Modeling of the Earliest Stages of Human Cardiac Vascularization

Although model organisms have provided insight into the earliest stages of cardiac vascularization, we know very little about this process in humans.

Released: 10-Jul-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Bayesian Inference of RNA Velocity from Multi-Lineage Single-Cell Data

Experimental approaches for measuring single-cell gene expression can observe each cell at only one time point, requiring computational approaches for reconstructing the dynamics of gene expression during cell fate transitions.

Released: 10-Jul-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Latent Transforming Growth Factor β Binding Protein 3 Controls Adipogenesis

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) is released from cells as part of a trimeric latent complex consisting of TGFβ, the TGFβ propeptides, and either a latent TGFβ binding protein (LTBP) or glycoprotein-A repetitions predominant (GARP) protein.

Released: 10-Jul-2022 12:00 PM EDT
Adult neural stem cells and neurogenesis are resilient to intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a promising non-pharmacological strategy to counteract ageing which has been shown to increase the number of adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus of mice.

7-Jul-2022 6:30 PM EDT
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Reduced Deaths in Hospitalized COVID Patients
Duke Health

A monoclonal antibody treatment taken by patients hospitalized with COVID-19 did not improve recovery time but did reduce deaths, according to a study published July 8 in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.

Newswise: Saint Louis University and Industry Partners Discover Treatment for Rare, Genetic Liver Disease
Released: 8-Jul-2022 4:50 PM EDT
Saint Louis University and Industry Partners Discover Treatment for Rare, Genetic Liver Disease
Saint Louis University

Researchers at Saint Louis University's School of Medicine, in collaboration with Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals and Takeda Pharmaceuticals, report the first effective drug to treat a rare, genetic liver disease that formerly could only be treated with a liver transplant.

Newswise: Hidden in Plain Sight: Seven Showy Tropical Forest Ferns Described as New to Science
Released: 8-Jul-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Hidden in Plain Sight: Seven Showy Tropical Forest Ferns Described as New to Science
University of Turku (Turun yliopisto)

Researchers from the University of Turku have described seven new fern species from the rainforests of tropical America.

Newswise: 500-million-year-old fossilized brains of stanleycaris prompt a rethink of the evolution of insects and spiders
Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:55 PM EDT
500-million-year-old fossilized brains of stanleycaris prompt a rethink of the evolution of insects and spiders
Royal Ontario Museum

ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) revealed new research based on a cache of fossils that contains the brain and nervous system of a half-billion-year-old marine predator from the Burgess Shale called Stanleycaris

Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:55 PM EDT
Study shows that 8% of athletes have persistent symptoms after contracting COVID-19
Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)

Researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil analyzed data from 43 scientific articles describing the effects of COVID-19 on athletes and concluded that while the disease was asymptomatic or mild in the vast majority of cases (94%), about 8% of the subjects concerned had persistent symptoms affecting their performance and potentially preventing a return to training and competing.

Newswise: Responsive Soft Robots Inspired by Sputtering Ketchup Bottle
Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:50 PM EDT
Responsive Soft Robots Inspired by Sputtering Ketchup Bottle

A smartly designed pressure valve allows soft robots to respond to their environment without the need for computer control, reveal AMOLF researchers in their article in the journal Matter.

Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:45 PM EDT
Immune system uses two-step verification to defend against HIV
Scripps Research Institute

Human immunodeficiency virus 1, more commonly known as HIV-1, is known for its uncanny ability to evade the immune system.

Newswise: A Major Step Forward for Organ Biofabrication
Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:35 PM EDT
A Major Step Forward for Organ Biofabrication
Harvard John A. Paulson School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Heart disease — the leading cause of death in the U.S. — is so deadly in part because the heart, unlike other organs, cannot repair itself after injury.

Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:30 PM EDT
Spot the Difference: Brain Changes That Enable Fine Visual Discrimination Learning
Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience

Our visual perception of the world is often thought of as relatively stable. However, like all of our cognitive functions, visual processing is shaped by our experiences.

Newswise: Swans Sacrifice Rest to Squabble
Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Swans Sacrifice Rest to Squabble
University of Exeter

Swans give up resting time to fight over the best feeding spots, new research shows.

Newswise: Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Pain by Separating it from the Self
Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:25 PM EDT
Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Pain by Separating it from the Self
UC San Diego Health

Mindfulness meditation is effective in reducing pain relief; UC San Diego study reveals the underlying neural circuitry.

Newswise: Scientists Analyze Structure of Antibodies That Could Be Key to More Effective Cancer Treatments
Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:20 PM EDT
Scientists Analyze Structure of Antibodies That Could Be Key to More Effective Cancer Treatments
University of Southampton

Researchers at the University of Southampton have gained unprecedented new insight into the key properties of an antibody needed to fight off cancer.

Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:15 PM EDT
Artificial intelligence folds RNA molecules
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

For the function of many biomolecules, their three-dimensional structure is crucial. Researchers are therefore not only interested in the sequence of the individual building blocks of biomolecules, but also in their spatial structure.

Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:15 PM EDT
How Society Thinks About Risk
University of Basel

Many of our everyday activities involve a certain degree of risk – whether to our work, finances or health. But how is risk perceived within a society and how do individuals think about risk?

Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Study Finds Childhood Obesity Occurring at Greater Frequency, with More Severity and at Younger Ages
Emory Health Sciences

Obesity in childhood and early adolescence can be linked to poor mental health and are often precursors to chronic diseases in adulthood, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Released: 8-Jul-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Mask Wearing Amplifies Harms of Smoking
European Society of Cardiology

Smoking traditional or non-combustible cigarettes while wearing a surgical mask results in a two-fold rise in exhaled carbon monoxide and impaired blood vessel function compared to non-mask periods.
