Breaking News: International Law

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Released: 6-Dec-2012 3:00 PM EST

Released: 8-Nov-2012 1:50 PM EST
International Criminal Court Conference Set for Nov. 11, 12
Washington University in St. Louis

The “International Criminal Court at Ten,” a major international conference commemorating the 10th anniversary of the International Criminal Court, will convene at Washington University School of Law Sunday, Nov. 11, and Monday, Nov. 12. The conference will honor victims of atrocity crimes and the 100th birthday of former Nuremberg prosecutor Whitney R. Harris. Speakers will include Stephen Rapp, U.S. ambassador-at-large, Office of Global Justice, and Hans Corell, former under-secretary-general for legal affairs and the legal counsel of the United Nations. The conference, which features more than 20 speakers, also includes special addresses by International Criminal Court Judges Hans-Peter Kaul and Joyce Aluoch, president of the Trial Division of the Court.

Released: 18-Sep-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Expert Says Legal Fight Over Royal Vacation Photos Highlights Difference Between European and American Views of Privacy and Free Speech
Washington University in St. Louis

Britain’s royal family has obtained an injunction against the French magazine Closer to prevent it from publishing topless photographs of the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. “The case would likely come out differently if it were brought in the United States,” says Neil Richards, JD, professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. Richards, an internationally recognized expert in privacy and free speech law who hails from England, explains that English and European courts have been very aggressive in stopping media from publishing pictures delving into the sex lives of celebrities.

Released: 4-Sep-2012 11:45 AM EDT
Groups Tell IUCN: Shark Rules Need Teeth
Wildlife Conservation Society

The Wildlife Conservation Society and over 35 government agency and NGO partners participating in IUCN’s World Conservation Congress this week are urging the world’s governments to take urgent steps to save the world’s sharks and rays from the relentless pressure of over-fishing for international trade.

Released: 16-May-2012 12:15 PM EDT
Mladic War-Crimes Trial the Critical Culmination of Hague Tribunal’s Work
Cornell University

Jens Ohlin, an expert in international and criminal law and associate professor of law at Cornell University, comments on the war-crimes trial of Ratko Mladic, the former Serb military leader and accused “Butcher of Bosnia.”

Released: 15-May-2012 10:00 AM EDT
Military Enforcement Not the Answer to Mexican Drug War, Say Cornell Latino Studies Professor
Cornell University

Ron Mize, assistant professor of Latino Studies at Cornell University, and co-author of “Consuming Mexican Labor and Latino Immigrants in the United States,” comments on this week’s events in Monterrey, Mexico that claimed 49 lives in the country’s ongoing drug war.
