Feature Channels: In the Workplace

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Released: 27-Dec-2022 7:00 PM EST
Health care is increasingly unaffordable for people with employer-sponsored health insurance—especially women
New York University

Health care is growing less affordable for U.S. adults—particularly women—with employer-sponsored health insurance, according to an analysis by researchers at the NYU School of Global Public Health published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

19-Dec-2022 1:30 PM EST
Male gender bias deters men from some career paths
American Psychological Association (APA)

Men are less likely to seek careers in early education and some other fields traditionally associated with women because of male gender bias in those fields, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 5:05 PM EST
Study finds anger over COVID-19 layoffs keeping hospitality workers from returning to jobs
University of Houston

Researchers at the University of Houston Conrad N. Hilton College of Global Hospitality Leadership say many skilled hospitality workers who were furloughed or laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic are angry and unlikely to return to the industry.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 10:05 AM EST
More than fun and games: Celebrations can benefit your health and well-being
Indiana University

Making an intentional effort to recognize positive life events and achievements while gathering for food and drink will leave you feeling more socially supported, new research from Indiana University shows.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 9:55 AM EST
Tis the season to manage stress: Winter holiday story ideas and expert commentary

Here are some of the latest articles that have been added to the Winter Holidays channel on Newswise.

Released: 21-Dec-2022 6:05 AM EST
"Survival at work": RUDN medic named the main risk factors for high-altitude enterprises
Scientific Project Lomonosov

Mining gold high in the mountains is a risky job. Not everyone can endure such workload, so a medical examination is essential for hiring. The RUDN medic with a colleague from Kyrgyzstan found out that the standard contraindications list needs an update. The usual physiological parameters practically do not affect the probability of whether a person will survive at the workplace, but smoking and some other factors can affect this.

Newswise: RUDN University doctors named health risks for workers in the nickel industry
Released: 21-Dec-2022 6:05 AM EST
RUDN University doctors named health risks for workers in the nickel industry
Scientific Project Lomonosov

RUDN University doctors conducted the first large-scale study of occupational diseases of workers in the electrolysis production of nickel. The most common diseases were bronchitis and asthma, and the most vulnerable group were cleaners of finished products.

Released: 20-Dec-2022 7:55 PM EST
Chinese Communist Party zero-covid “volunteers” have suffered from stress and anxiety, study shows
University of Exeter

“Volunteers” tasked with enforcing the Chinese Communist Party’s zero-covid policies have suffered from stress and anxiety, a new study shows.

Released: 20-Dec-2022 7:00 PM EST
How many free hot drinks and biscuits are excessive?

When free hot drinks and biscuits are on offer to healthcare staff, how much is reasonable to take before it’s deemed “excessive” consumption, ask researchers in the Christmas issue of The BMJ?

Released: 16-Dec-2022 10:45 AM EST
One is the loneliest number: game theory shows why sexual misconduct is underreported
University of Toronto, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management

The idea that there’s safety in numbers was a major driver behind the #MeToo movement, which encouraged people who had been targets of sexual misconduct to come forward.

Newswise: BioBuzz Workforce Champion Award goes to Wistar’s New Biomedical Technician Training Program
Released: 14-Dec-2022 2:25 PM EST
BioBuzz Workforce Champion Award goes to Wistar’s New Biomedical Technician Training Program
Wistar Institute

The Wistar Institute Biomedical Technician Training (BTT) Program was awarded Workforce Champion of the Year in the 3rd Annual 2022 BioBuzz Awards. The program is a collaborative that includes The Wistar Institute, West Philadelphia Skills Initiative, Iovance Biotherapeutics, PIDC, and others.

Newswise: Lawrence Livermore Campaign Again Raises $3.6 Million for Non-Profit Organizations
Released: 14-Dec-2022 1:05 PM EST
Lawrence Livermore Campaign Again Raises $3.6 Million for Non-Profit Organizations
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory employees, along with Lawrence Livermore National Security (LLNS), LLC, donated more than $3.6 million to non-profit organizations via the annual employee charitable giving program, the Helping Others More Effectively (HOME) Campaign.

Newswise: Shift workers have a higher risk of severe COVID-19
Released: 13-Dec-2022 2:55 PM EST
Shift workers have a higher risk of severe COVID-19
University of Bergen

Working night shifts is associated with several negative health outcomes, including an increased risk of infections.

Released: 12-Dec-2022 5:20 PM EST
Holiday humbug hits workforce this year
Arizona State University (ASU)

The holiday season is upon us once again. That means gift purchases, time with family and friends, and good tidings all around. But thousands of workers are part of a year-end trend that seems to be emerging: mass layoffs.

Newswise: Chula Researcher Pushes “Tamsang-Tamsong On-Demand Delivery” Platform to Foster Social Solidarity Economy
Released: 9-Dec-2022 8:55 AM EST
Chula Researcher Pushes “Tamsang-Tamsong On-Demand Delivery” Platform to Foster Social Solidarity Economy
Chulalongkorn University

Now available! ‘Tamsang-Tamsong On-Demand Delivery’ platform, a business model based on Social Solidarity Economy idea by a Chula researcher that supports community ownership and synergies, creates jobs, generates revenue, and reduces consumer costs. This New choice for consumers is now ready to expand to many communities across the country!

Newswise: Calmness and the common good, anyone? Mindfulness can help deal with challenges in working life
Released: 8-Dec-2022 7:55 PM EST
Calmness and the common good, anyone? Mindfulness can help deal with challenges in working life
University of Vaasa

At work, mindfulness, ’present-moment awareness’, benefits not only the individual but the whole work community, comes up in Laura Urrila’s doctoral dissertation in human resource management.

Released: 8-Dec-2022 1:40 PM EST
Co-working spaces limit creativity in the long run, finds new study
City University London

Co-working spaces can limit the creativity and innovation of new businesses, a study has found.

5-Dec-2022 12:10 PM EST
Volatile pay for gig workers linked to health problems
American Psychological Association (APA)

Gig workers, waiters, salespeople and others who rely on fluctuating income may be paying for wage volatility with their health, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
