Feature Channels: Plants

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Newswise: Now We Know How Plants Steer Clear of Salt
Released: 2-Nov-2022 12:30 PM EDT
Now We Know How Plants Steer Clear of Salt
University of Copenhagen

To avoid salt in soil, plants can change their root direction and grow away from saline areas.

Newswise: Faster Screen of Biologicals for Growth Stimulants, Disease Protection in Wheat and Corn
Released: 31-Oct-2022 6:25 PM EDT
Faster Screen of Biologicals for Growth Stimulants, Disease Protection in Wheat and Corn
University of Johannesburg

Researchers found a much faster way to screen soil bacteria as potential biostimulants and bio-pesticides.

Newswise: Vegetation Regulates Energy Exchange in the Arctic
Released: 31-Oct-2022 6:20 PM EDT
Vegetation Regulates Energy Exchange in the Arctic
University of Zurich

The heat waves that swept across Europe this summer made many people realize how important plants are when it comes to cooling down the environment.

Newswise: RUDN Biologists Created Safe and Effective Nanofertilizers
Released: 31-Oct-2022 11:05 AM EDT
RUDN Biologists Created Safe and Effective Nanofertilizers
Scientific Project Lomonosov

RUDN biologists have shown the effectiveness of nano-fertilizers, solutions with metal-based nanoparticles necessary for plant growth. Unlike traditional fertilizers, they are easily absorbed by plants and do not pollute the environment.

Newswise: Biologist Names the Most Harmless Vegetable Crop for Global Warming
Released: 31-Oct-2022 11:05 AM EDT
Biologist Names the Most Harmless Vegetable Crop for Global Warming
Scientific Project Lomonosov

A RUDN University biologist with colleagues from Egypt studied in detail the energy consumption of farms where vegetables are grown. The authors studied all the parameters that directly or indirectly contribute to global warming and named the safest crop from this point of view.

Newswise: Study Examines How Well-Timed Cover Crops Can Suppress Weeds in California Orchards
Released: 28-Oct-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Study Examines How Well-Timed Cover Crops Can Suppress Weeds in California Orchards
Cambridge University Press

California’s commercial orchards are home to nearly 2.5 million acres of almonds, walnuts, stone fruit and similar crops.

Newswise: El NiñO Increases Seedling Mortality Even in Drought-Tolerant Forests
Released: 28-Oct-2022 2:15 PM EDT
El NiñO Increases Seedling Mortality Even in Drought-Tolerant Forests
Osaka Metropolitan University

Global climate change may lead to more extreme weather events such as droughts.

Newswise: UV-to-Red Light Converting Films Accelerate Plant Growth
Released: 26-Oct-2022 3:30 PM EDT
UV-to-Red Light Converting Films Accelerate Plant Growth
Hokkaido University

Plastic sheets coated with an Eu3+ film that converts UV light to red light were able to accelerate growth of vegetal plants and trees.

Released: 26-Oct-2022 1:15 PM EDT
Honeycrisp Genome Will Help Scientists Breed Better Apples
Cornell University

A team of researchers has sequenced the Honeycrisp apple genome, a boon for scientists and breeders working with this popular and economically important cultivar.

Newswise: Synthetic Genetic Circuits Reprogram Plant Roots
Released: 26-Oct-2022 11:35 AM EDT
Synthetic Genetic Circuits Reprogram Plant Roots
Department of Energy, Office of Science

Controlling gene activity is important for engineering plants for improved bioenergy crops and other applications. This research developed synthetic genes that use Boolean logic gates to achieve specific patterns of gene expression within a plant. The researchers used these gene circuits to redesign the root architecture by tuning the number of root branches.

Newswise: 3D Flora and Fauna at Your Fingertips
Released: 25-Oct-2022 1:25 PM EDT
3D Flora and Fauna at Your Fingertips
Kyushu University

Reporting in Research Ideas and Outcomes, a Kyushu University researcher has developed a new technique for scanning various plants and animals and reconstructing them into highly detailed 3D models.

Newswise: Evidence for New Theory of Genetic Recombination
Released: 24-Oct-2022 6:30 PM EDT
Evidence for New Theory of Genetic Recombination
Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)

In most higher organisms, including humans, every cell carries two versions of each gene, which are referred to as alleles.

Released: 24-Oct-2022 5:30 PM EDT
CO2 ventilation breakthrough could turn city rooftops into bumper vegetable gardens

As the world’s cities grow, the hunt is on for ways to make them greener, more sustainable, and more livable.

Newswise: Different blossoming schedules have kept these flowers from driving each other extinct
Released: 24-Oct-2022 5:25 PM EDT
Different blossoming schedules have kept these flowers from driving each other extinct
Field Museum

A big part of evolution is competition-- when there are limited resources to go around, plants and animals have to duke it out for nutrients, mates, and places to live.

Newswise: More yield, fewer species: How human nutrient inputs alter grasslands
Released: 24-Oct-2022 3:05 PM EDT
More yield, fewer species: How human nutrient inputs alter grasslands
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

One of the reasons for the global threat to biodiversity is that we humans introduce more nutrients into our environment than would naturally be present there, for example, when fertilising agricultural land.

Newswise: Secret behind spectacular blooms in world’s driest desert is invisible to human eyes
Released: 21-Oct-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Secret behind spectacular blooms in world’s driest desert is invisible to human eyes

The Atacama desert, which stretches for approximately 1,600 km along the western coast of the cone of South America, is the driest place on Earth.

Released: 20-Oct-2022 4:55 PM EDT
Smartphone data can help create global vegetation maps
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

Nature and climate are mutually dependent. Plant growth is absolutely dependent on climate, but this is, in turn, strongly influenced by plants, such as in a forest, which evaporates a lot of water.

Released: 18-Oct-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Considerations of soil health on farms across regions of the United States
American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)

Symposium will feature presentations about studies in the south, west, north and Pacific Northwest regarding land management and farming

Newswise: European colonial legacy is still visible in today’s alien floras
17-Oct-2022 4:05 AM EDT
European colonial legacy is still visible in today’s alien floras
University of Vienna

Alien floras in regions that were once occupied by the same European power are, on average, more similar to each other compared to outside regions and this similarity increases with the length of time a region was occupied. This is the conclusion of a study by an international team of researchers led by Bernd Lenzner and Franz Essl from the University of Vienna, which was recently published in the scientific journal "Nature Ecology and Evolution".
