Feature Channels: Chemistry

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Newswise: Understanding How Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc Batteries Work
Released: 9-Aug-2022 10:30 AM EDT
Understanding How Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc Batteries Work
University of Illinois Chicago

“With this study, we showed there is actually no microscopic evidence of zinc reinsertion into manganese dioxide, and what was previously thought to be indicators of recharging was from positively charged hydrogen ions being inserted in the manganese, not zinc.”

Released: 9-Aug-2022 4:05 AM EDT
Pimp my Spec: Upgrade for Magnetic Resonance Methods with a 1,000-fold Amplifier
University of Vienna

Researchers determine the structure and dynamics of proteins using NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy. Until now, however, much higher concentrations were necessary for in-vitro measurements of the biomolecules in solution than found in our body's cells. An NMR method enhanced by a very powerful amplifier, in combination with molecular dynamics simulation, now enables their detection and accurate characterization at physiological concentrations. This is reported by Dennis Kurzbach chemist at the University of Vienna and his colleagues in the journal "Science Advances". The team demonstrated their new method with the example of a protein that influences cell proliferation and thus also potential tumour growth.

Newswise: In Control of Chaos
Released: 9-Aug-2022 3:05 AM EDT
In Control of Chaos
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Crystals consisting of wildly mixed ingredients - so-called high-entropy materials - are currently attracting growing scientific interest. Their advantage is that they are particularly stable at extremely high temperatures and could be used, for example, for energy storage and chemical production processes. An Empa team is producing and researching these mysterious ceramic materials, which have only been known since 2015.

Released: 8-Aug-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Simulations provide map to treasure trove of fluorinated compounds
Hokkaido University

Computer simulations are most often used as a guide, so chemists can more efficiently work out the exact details of a general reaction idea they have in mind — much like a compass helps guide an explorer efficiently to a destination on their map.

Released: 4-Aug-2022 4:10 PM EDT
An Easier and Safer Way to Synthesize Medicines
Ohio State University

Despite being some of the most versatile building blocks in organic chemistry, compounds called carbenes can be too hot to handle. In the lab, chemists often avoid using these highly reactive molecules due to how explosive they can be. Yet in a new study, published today in the journal Science, researchers from The Ohio State University report on a new, safer method to turn these short-lived, high-energy molecules from much more stable ones.

Released: 4-Aug-2022 12:20 PM EDT
Argonne Researchers Develop New Way to Calculate Environmental Impact of Ammonia Production
Argonne National Laboratory

The production of ammonia, a major ingredient in fertilizers, involves greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists at Argonne have quantified ways to reduce carbon impacts in this process.

Released: 4-Aug-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Highlights for the hybrid ACS Fall 2022 meeting, in Chicago or virtual
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Journalists who register for the fall meeting of the American Chemical Society will have access to nearly 11,000 presentations on topics including food, energy, pollution mitigation, health and more. ACS Fall 2022 is a hybrid meeting being held virtually and in-person in Chicago on Aug. 21–25.

Newswise: Tuning strategies and structure effects of electrocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction reaction
Released: 4-Aug-2022 11:15 AM EDT
Tuning strategies and structure effects of electrocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction reaction
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Excessive carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel consumption lead to serious climate and environmental problems, such as increasing global average temperature and sea-level rise.

Newswise: New method enables efficient sample preparation for single-cell proteomics
Released: 4-Aug-2022 11:05 AM EDT
New method enables efficient sample preparation for single-cell proteomics
Kumamoto University

The proteins that make up our cells hold within an entire world of information, which, when unlocked, can give us insights into the origins of many essential biological phenomena.

Released: 3-Aug-2022 8:15 AM EDT
Nano-sponges with potential for rapid wastewater treatment
University of Vienna

Efficient adsorbents for industrial wastewater treatment are important to minimize potential environmental damage. In particular, organic dyes, as a significant group of industrial pollutants, are usually highly water soluble, non-degradable and many are toxic to carcinogenic. Changxia Li and Freddy Kleitz from the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Vienna together with colleagues now presented a new approach to design an innovative composite material, consisting of a nanoporous, ultrathin covalent organic framework (COF) anchored on graphene, that is highly efficient at filtering organic pollutants from water. The study was published in “Angewandte Chemie”.

Newswise: Rapid, at-home prototype saliva test that’s as good as RT-PCR
29-Jul-2022 6:05 PM EDT
Rapid, at-home prototype saliva test that’s as good as RT-PCR
American Chemical Society (ACS)

At-home COVID-19 tests have become an easy way to self-diagnose. But current tests have drawbacks. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Sensors have developed a SARS-CoV-2 saliva assay and prototype device that combine speed and ease with high sensitivity.

Newswise: Stickers and a Smartphone for Easy Nitrite Detection on Foods
29-Jul-2022 6:05 PM EDT
Stickers and a Smartphone for Easy Nitrite Detection on Foods
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces have developed a color-changing film that consumers can stick onto foods and easily analyze nitrite levels by snapping a picture with a smartphone.

Released: 2-Aug-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Enzyme, proteins work together to tidy up tail ends of DNA in dividing cells
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have described the way an enzyme and proteins interact to maintain the protective caps, called telomeres, at the end of chromosomes, a new insight into how a human cell preserves the integrity of its DNA through repeated cell division. DNA replication is essential for perpetuating life as we know it, but many of the complexities of the process — how myriad biomolecules get where they need to go and interact over a series of intricately orchestrated steps — remain mysterious.

Newswise: Improving Yields in Enhanced Oil Recovery
29-Jul-2022 9:20 AM EDT
Improving Yields in Enhanced Oil Recovery
American Crystallographic Association (ACA)

Nonionic surfactants are molecules with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic components, which lets them interact both with hydrophilic liquids like water as well as hydrophobic liquids like oil. This surface-active property makes them invaluable in enhanced oil recovery, where they can be used to greatly increase oil yields. During the 72nd ACA meeting, Thomas Fitzgibbons, of Dow, will detail how nonionic surfactants behave under the high-pressure conditions found in oil wells; adding nonionic surfactants to the injection fluid can help in several ways.

Newswise: Light as a tool for the synthesis of complex molecules
Released: 2-Aug-2022 10:25 AM EDT
Light as a tool for the synthesis of complex molecules
University of Münster

Chemists at the University of Münster have developed a novel and straightforward way to produce complex organic molecules.

Newswise: Turning fish waste into quality carbon-based nanomaterial
Released: 1-Aug-2022 3:45 PM EDT
Turning fish waste into quality carbon-based nanomaterial
Nagoya Institute of Technology

Thanks to their low toxicity, chemical stability, and remarkable electrical and optical properties, carbon-based nanomaterials are finding more and more applications across electronics, energy conversion and storage, catalysis, and biomedicine.

Newswise: Developing tech to eliminate ‘forever chemicals’ from water
Released: 1-Aug-2022 3:05 PM EDT
Developing tech to eliminate ‘forever chemicals’ from water
University of Illinois Chicago

Engineers have been awarded $1 million to build a system that selectively removes and destroys poly- and perfluorinated substances, commonly called PFAS. PFAS are man-made chemicals found in many common materials, and the grant will support the team’s work for three years.

Released: 1-Aug-2022 2:55 PM EDT
Bacteria use genetic switch to defend death by metals
Griffith University

Griffith University researchers have discovered a genetic switch in a common bacterium that helps defend itself against the human body’s natural immune system.

Newswise: New Method to Promote Biofilm Formation and Increase Efficiency of Biocatalysis
Released: 1-Aug-2022 12:35 PM EDT
New Method to Promote Biofilm Formation and Increase Efficiency of Biocatalysis
University of Birmingham

Birmingham scientists have revealed a new method to increase efficiency in biocatalysis, in a paper published today in Materials Horizons.

Newswise: JMIR Public Health and Surveillance | Diagnostic Accuracy of Self-test for Influenza
Released: 31-Jul-2022 1:05 AM EDT
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance | Diagnostic Accuracy of Self-test for Influenza
JMIR Publications

JMIR Publications recently published "Diagnostic Accuracy of an At-Home, Rapid Self-test for Influenza: Prospective Comparative Accuracy Study" in JMIR Public Health and Surveillance which reported that rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for influenza used by individuals at home could potentially expand access to testing and reduce the impact of influenza on health systems. Improving access to testing could lead to earlier diagnosis following symptom onset, allowing more rapid interventions for those who test positive, including behavioral changes to minimize spread.

