Breaking News: Floods

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Newswise: Call for World to Unite to Predict Rainfall Futures and Tackle Climate Change More Effectively
14-Jun-2022 5:05 AM EDT
Call for World to Unite to Predict Rainfall Futures and Tackle Climate Change More Effectively
University of Bristol

Despite decades of research, what will happen to rainfall in years to come remains unknown, and severe floods as well as prolonged droughts are already defying expectations. Today, in a paper published in Nature Climate Change, experts argue that the answers exist but a huge joint international investment in resources, expertise, and infrastructure – amounting to an estimated $250 million annually – is urgently needed to develop much more advanced climate models.

Released: 14-Jun-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Study Explores Uncertainties in Flood Risk Estimates
Desert Research Institute (DRI)

Flood frequency analysis is a technique used to estimate flood risk, providing statistics such as the “100-year flood” or “500-year flood” that are critical to infrastructure design, dam safety analysis, and flood mapping in flood-prone areas.

Newswise: How Crops Can Better Survive Floods
Released: 10-Jun-2022 2:55 PM EDT
How Crops Can Better Survive Floods
University of Freiburg

Extreme weather phenomena are on the rise worldwide, including frequent droughts and fires. Floods are also a clear consequence of climate change.

Released: 1-Jun-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Argonne Helps Prepare Communities for Dam-Related Emergencies
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne is working with local jurisdictions to develop dam-related emergency action plans through FEMA’s Collaborative Technical Assistance (CTA) program.

Newswise: Dammed If You Do, Dammed If You Don’t
Released: 1-Jun-2022 9:45 AM EDT
Dammed If You Do, Dammed If You Don’t
Texas Tech University

New research shows dams may enhance flood risk, contrary to previous understanding.

Newswise: The Road to Success When It Comes to Mitigating Flood Disasters
Released: 24-May-2022 8:05 PM EDT
The Road to Success When It Comes to Mitigating Flood Disasters
University of South Australia

As Australia continues to mop up after one of the wettest years on record, councils might want to consider a new flood mitigation strategy proposed by UniSA engineers - permeable pavements to suit specific soil and rainfall conditions.

5-May-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Research Shows Future Super Cyclones Would Expose Vastly Greater Numbers of People in Most Vulnerable Parts of the World to Extreme Flooding
University of Bristol

A new study has revealed super cyclones, the most intense form of tropical storm, are likely to have a much more devastating impact on people in South Asia in future years.

Released: 26-Apr-2022 3:25 PM EDT
New climate modeling predicts increasing occurrences of flash flooding across most of the U.S.
University of Oklahoma

The latest U.N. report on climate change documented researchers’ efforts that have shown some measures of global warming are now unavoidable, and current research efforts are focusing on mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Newswise: Greenhouse study confirms flood-tolerant varieties of soy
Released: 23-Mar-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Greenhouse study confirms flood-tolerant varieties of soy
American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)

Researchers use carbon dioxide in a hydroponic system to quickly and accurately determine how soy varieties fare in oxygen-deprived environments

Newswise: Nature-based solutions in mountains can reduce climate change impact on drought
Released: 9-Mar-2022 4:40 PM EST
Nature-based solutions in mountains can reduce climate change impact on drought
University of South Africa

New research, led by Dr Petra Holden from the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) at the University of Cape Town (UCT), has shown how catchment restoration – through the management of alien tree infestation in the mountains of the southwestern Cape – could have lessened the impact of climate change on low river flows during the Cape Town “Day Zero” drought.

Newswise: Nova Southeastern University Experts Leading Team Tackling Major Florida Challenges
Released: 1-Mar-2022 9:15 AM EST
Nova Southeastern University Experts Leading Team Tackling Major Florida Challenges
Nova Southeastern University

NSU Researcher Leading Project to Create Interdisciplinary Teams of Faculty From Across Florida to Focus on a Florida-Based Challenges

Newswise: First-ever study looks at glacial lakes, dams in Alaska and potential for flooding
Released: 4-Feb-2022 10:10 AM EST
First-ever study looks at glacial lakes, dams in Alaska and potential for flooding
Colorado State University

Brianna Rick, a doctoral student in the Department of Geosciences at Colorado State University, has been conducting research in Alaska for several years.

Newswise: Pioneering research forecasts climate change set to send costs of flooding soaring
28-Jan-2022 11:50 AM EST
Pioneering research forecasts climate change set to send costs of flooding soaring
University of Bristol

Climate change could result in the financial toll of flooding rising by more than a quarter in the United States by 2050 – and disadvantaged communities will bear the biggest brunt, according to new research.

Released: 28-Jan-2022 5:05 PM EST
New study improves understanding of Southern California’s intense winter rains
American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Long, skinny strips of rain can deliver brief but punishing rainfall as they sweep across the land, which may initiate landslides and flash floods.

Released: 10-Dec-2021 4:20 PM EST
Has winter blown off course? ASU professors discuss how a lack of snow is impacting drought, water supply, and tourism in the West
Arizona State University (ASU)

ASU News enlisted the state’s climatologist and a tourism expert to discuss this year’s cause and effects of snow, or lack thereof, and the impacts to our water supply and economy.

30-Nov-2021 4:20 PM EST
Tracking Inequities and Health Impacts of Flooding
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

Flooding is the most expensive natural disaster in the United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), costing the country more than $1 trillion in inflation-adjusted dollars since 1980. Rising sea level and more intense storms could be devastating for the more than 40 percent of Americans who live in coastal areas.

