Hormone Foundation publishes new fact sheet explaining risks of using hCG to lose weight

Newswise — Chevy Chase, MD— In an effort to provide clarity to the confusion surrounding the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) diet, The Hormone Foundation, the public education affiliate of The Endocrine Society, today published, “Myth vs. Fact: The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Diet.” The fact sheet explains how hCG is intended to work in the body and the inherent risks in using hCG to lose weight.

hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy to help maintain pregnancy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved hCG for infertility treatment, but not for weight-loss purposes.

In recent years, some companies have been marketing the use of hCG in conjunction with a very low-calorie diet to lose weight. However, decades of scientific research indicate that hCG is not an effective weight-loss treatment and may actually be harmful. In a news release issued yesterday by the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission, they warned companies marketing over-the-counter hCG products that are labeled as “homeopathic” for weight loss that they are “violating federal law by selling drugs that have not been approved, and by making unsupported claims for the substances.”

“hCG is ineffective in achieving weight loss and can be dangerous,” said Bradley Anawalt, MD, chair of The Endocrine Society’s Hormone Foundation Committee and one of the authors of the new fact sheet. “There are a number of potential risks associated hCG including blood clots, decreased sperm production, vaginal bleeding, ovarian cysts and breast enlargement in men.”

In addition to hCG use, the hCG diet also includes a very low-calorie diet that might not provide the more than 40 different nutrients necessary for good health. A very low-calorie diet can cause gallstones, an irregular heartbeat and other health problems. Because of these potential dangers, patients should consult a physician before considering a very low-calorie diet.

“Many people hoping to lose weight will be attracted to a program like the hCG diet because of its quick weight loss promises, but these promises are hollow,” said Anawalt. “Doctors agree the best way to lose extra pounds and keep them off is to eat a healthy diet with plenty of whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruits, and to limit fried foods or fatty meat products. Drink water instead of sugary sodas and be sure to exercise for 30 minutes a day, most days of the week.”

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The Hormone Foundation, the public education affiliate of The Endocrine Society, promotes the prevention, treatment, and cure of hormone-related conditions through outreach and education. To find an endocrinologist, a physician who specializes in hormone diseases and conditions, and to obtain free publications, visit www.hormone.org and subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, Hormone Hotline.

Founded in 1916, The Endocrine Society is the world’s oldest, largest and most active organization devoted to research on hormones and the clinical practice of endocrinology. Today, The Endocrine Society’s membership consists of over 14,000 scientists, physicians, educators, nurses and students in more than 100 countries. Society members represent all basic, applied and clinical interests in endocrinology. The Endocrine Society is based in Chevy Chase, Maryland. To learn more about the Society and the field of endocrinology, visit our site at www.endo-society.org. Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/EndoMedia.

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