Jefferson W. Tester is a professor of sustainable energy systems, director of the Cornell Energy Institute and the associate director of Cornell University’s Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. He comments on President Obama’s inaugural call for U.S. leadership on renewable energy to combat climate change.

Tester says:

“It was refreshing to hear the President speak truthfully and with conviction on the important issue of transitioning to a sustainable energy future.

“American leadership and knowhow are absolutely needed now to get started. And, as the President implied, a long-term commitment by our government and citizens to support and deploy our rich renewable solar, wind, geothermal and biomass resources in a thoughtful and deliberate manner is required to be successful with this transition.

“While adhering to such multi-year commitments has been difficult in the past, they are clearly needed now. If we choose our options wisely with long-term stewardship front and center, the collateral benefits of achieving an economically and environmentally secure energy future will be insured for generations to come.”

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