Newswise — CHICAGO—The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) today announced the winner of the 2013 Media Award for Excellence in Consumer Journalism as Deborah Blum. Blum’s article in the March 2012 issue of Time magazine, “Food That Lasts Forever,” explains how food scientists are working with new methods of preservation to feed a global population expected to top 7 billion in the near future.

This award is given each year to a journalist who has done an excellent job of covering food science and technology issues. A jury comprised of IFT spokespeople evaluates dozens of articles in which an IFT member or resource is referenced. The articles are evaluated on scientific accuracy, balance of sources, consumer understanding, and contribution to the profession in general. “I am so honored to receive this award,” said Blum. “I was very proud of that story and it's wonderful to see it get this recognition from the Institute of Food Technologists.”

Blum is a professor of science journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Pulitzer-prize winning science journalist. In addition to Time, she writes for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Wired. Her articles and books explore the intersection between science and society, focusing on subjects ranging from animal research to forensic toxicology.

Blum received an award plaque at the awards ceremony during the 2013 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo® and an honorarium of $500.

Watch the video here.


About IFT For more than 70 years, IFT has existed to advance the science of food. Our nonprofit scientific society—more than 18,000 members from more than 100 countries—brings together food scientists, technologists and related professions from academia, government, and industry. For more information, please visit

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