Latest News from: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

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Released: 22-Nov-2010 8:00 AM EST
For Health and Well-Being, Place Matters
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Place matters when it comes to health; zip code may be as important a number to physical health as blood pressure or glucose level.

Released: 17-Nov-2010 1:15 PM EST
Apon Elected National Chair of CASC
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Amy Apon, professor of computer science and computer engineering and director of the Arkansas High Performance Computing Center, has been elected as the 2011 chair of the Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation (CASC), a national organization of academic high-performance computing centers and government laboratories.

Released: 12-Nov-2010 1:35 PM EST
Graphic Images Influence Intentions to Quit Smoking; Study Examines the Effect of Images to Appear on Cigarette Packages
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Marketing researchers surveyed more than 500 smokers and found that highly graphic images of the negative consequences of smoking have the greatest impact on smokers’ intentions to quit.

Released: 28-Oct-2010 5:40 PM EDT
Batter Up! Law Professor Analyzes Baseball’s Designated Hitter Rule
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Just in time for the World Series, a University of Arkansas law professor weighs in on a classic American debate: Should baseball get rid of the designated hitter rule?

Released: 27-Oct-2010 7:30 AM EDT
Arkansas Poll Finds Independents Swinging the Vote
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The 12th annual Arkansas Poll finds Arkansans favoring John Boozman for senator by a substantial margin, concerned about the economy and supportive of existing tax cuts.

Released: 24-Oct-2010 9:00 PM EDT
Fall 2010 Research Frontiers Sports New Technology
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

People with “smart phones” can now access videos and slide shows from University of Arkansas’ Research Frontiers on the Web directly from the print magazine using “QR code,” short for “quick response code.”

Released: 14-Oct-2010 8:00 AM EDT
The Gap Between Voting and Public Policy in Georgia: Study Examines Inequities in Health, Education and Criminal Justice
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

African Americans in Georgia: A Reflection of Politics and Policy in the New South offers a comprehensive study of politics and public policy issues with implications for African Americans in Georgia.

Released: 11-Oct-2010 5:00 PM EDT
Better Drug Delivery Eradicates Tumors; Study Shows Promise for Treatment of Colon, Pancreatic Cancer
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A new study by a University of Arkansas biomedical engineer and his colleagues at the National Cancer Institute demonstrates further promise for chitosan/interleukin-12 as an effective anti-tumor immunotherapy. The researchers had already demonstrated success with chitosan/IL-12 in the treatment of superficial bladder cancer in mice, for which human clinical trials will likely begin in 2011. But recent findings revealed that injections of chitosan/IL-12 eradicated aggressive colorectal and pancreatic tumors as well.

Released: 8-Oct-2010 8:00 AM EDT
University of Arkansas to Host National Breast Cancer Workshop
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Leading national researchers in the fight against breast cancer will convene Oct. 26-29 for the 2010 Advances in Breast Cancer Research Workshop at the University of Arkansas. More than 70 scientists from diverse research areas in science, medicine, engineering and technology will participate.

Released: 7-Oct-2010 3:00 AM EDT
Does the Face Match the Words?
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Political scientist Patrick Stewart uses the Facial Action Coding System to examine the facial expressions of political leaders and the effects they have on their audiences.

Released: 4-Oct-2010 3:30 PM EDT
University Centers Focus on Solar Power, Electric Grid, Plant Molecular Biology
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Three teams of researchers at the University of Arkansas will receive $8.7 million over five years in a cooperative agreement between the National Science Foundation and the Arkansas Science & Technology Authority.

Released: 4-Oct-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Snow Blowers: Handle With Care
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Most snow-blower injuries occur when the operator does not follow the instructions in the safety manual and attempts to remove snow from the blades of the snow blower with a hand.

Released: 27-Sep-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Probe Detects HIV Protease and Toxicity of Drugs
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A biomedical engineer at the University of Arkansas has developed a molecular probe that can be used to determine the efficacy and efficiency of drugs targeting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Released: 22-Sep-2010 11:00 AM EDT
Protein Center's Success Nets $5.4 Million More
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The University of Arkansas Center for Protein Structure and Function will receive more than $5.4 million over the next five years from the National Institutes of Health to continue the biomedical research it has established during the last decade.

Released: 16-Sep-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Peripheral Developers Increase Product Quality; Study Examines Innovative Roles in Open-Source Software Development
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

An information systems researcher at the University of Arkansas has found that peripheral developers – those outside the core development team – make significant contributions to product quality, especially on projects beyond the design phase. Results also indicated that peripheral developers significantly influence product awareness and adoption.

Released: 15-Sep-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Saxena Awarded Wohler Medal; Dean of the University of Arkansas College of Engineering Only Third U.S. Researcher to Receive Award
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Ashok Saxena, Distinguished Professor and dean of the College of Engineering, was recently awarded the Wohler Medal by the European Society for Structural Integrity. Saxena was recognized for his research on creep-fatigue interactions, which cause degradation in structural metals used at high temperatures.

Released: 13-Sep-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Book Ruminates on Evolution of Mammal Teeth
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Few people think about the 400 million years of evolution that took place before they could chomp on a carrot, but University of Arkansas anthropologist Peter Ungar does, and he’s written a book about it.

Released: 2-Sep-2010 6:00 AM EDT
Longer is Better? We Seem to Think So
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Longevity trumps other factors when evaluating objects and policies. The longer a policy, medical practice, painting, tree or consumer good was said to exist, the more favorably it was evaluated.

Released: 23-Aug-2010 3:00 PM EDT
Higher Education Affirmative Action Decision Misunderstood
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Professor Ann Killenbeck argues that institutions that choose to use race as a factor in admission decisions must understand that they will be held to a more rigorous legal standard if their programs are challenged in the courts.

Released: 18-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Bowl Championship Series Has Mixed Effect on Competitive Balance
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas researcher Steve Dittmore discusses the BCS in a podcast released by the Journal of Sport Administration and Supervision.

Released: 6-Aug-2010 9:00 AM EDT
First Wild Canola Plants With Modified Genes Found in United States
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Scientists at the University of Arkansas and their colleagues have found populations of wild plants with genes from genetically modified canola in the United States.

Released: 29-Jul-2010 11:00 AM EDT
Study Findings Have Impact Up and Down Stream
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A University of Arkansas researcher and her colleagues examined streams in urban, agricultural and forested settings and determined that the differences they found may affect how cities try to restore urban streams.

Released: 22-Jul-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Grant Facilitates Emergence of Physical Internet
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Researchers in the Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution have received $197,181 from the National Science Foundation to investigate ways to maximize efficiency in distribution and shipping centers. The grant, announced Tuesday by U.S. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, will further establish the University of Arkansas-based center as the U.S. research leader on the emerging physical Internet initiative, which seeks to merge computing with modern transportation logistics to standardize shipping containers and share resources among companies.

Released: 19-Jul-2010 12:05 PM EDT
New Financial Regulations Will Not Prevent Another Crisis, Expert Warns
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

New and sweeping federal financial regulation passed by Congress late last week will give regulators tools to clean up the next financial crisis but will not prevent another crisis, says banking expert Tim Yeager, associate professor of finance at the University of Arkansas and former economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Released: 19-Jul-2010 10:00 AM EDT
What Can the Arterioles Tell Us About Hypertension?
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Research at the University of Arkansas took a step toward understanding hypertension in women by using a new technique to examine the release of a neurotransmitter in small blood vessels.

Released: 14-Jul-2010 2:35 PM EDT
Virtual Reality Gives Insight on Protein Structures
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Visualization of 3-D proteins opens up new research avenues for protein chemists, allowing them to walk inside, through or around a protein of interest to learn more about its structure.

Released: 13-Jul-2010 10:20 AM EDT
Researchers Study Mars Phoenix Data for Salt, Water
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A University of Arkansas researcher has received funding from NASA to study data from the Mars Phoenix mission and develop a better understanding of how the soil on Mars interacts with the atmosphere, and whether these interactions ever produce liquid water.

Released: 14-Jun-2010 3:00 PM EDT
Expert Available to Discuss Environmental Damage to Gulf Coast
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Professor and ecological engineering expert Marty Matlock is available to discuss environmental damage from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Released: 27-May-2010 1:25 PM EDT
Housing Needs to Evolve for Aging Population
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

One major aspect missing from recent health care reform conversations is housing, especially with regard to the aging population of the United States, according to three University of Arkansas researchers who have collaborated on a new book.

Released: 27-May-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Engineer Receives National Cancer Institute Award To Further Work on New Treatment for Cancers
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Biomedical engineering professor David Zaharoff has been awarded a Transition Career Development Award by the National Cancer Institute to further his research on Interleukin-12, a powerful cytokine that shows great promise for therapeutic treatment of numerous types of cancer.

Released: 25-May-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Analyzing the 2008 Presidential Election in the South
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas political scientists found that “a deep, subtle and modern symbolic racism” influenced voting behavior during the 2008 presidential election.

Released: 18-May-2010 12:00 PM EDT
Breast Cancer Research Workshop to Bring Together Researchers from Varied Fields
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Breast Cancer workshop The workshop will bring together researchers in nanotechnology, biomagnetics, microwave imaging, acoustics, laser and biochemistry fields with researchers from radiology, oncology and breast surgery.

Released: 17-May-2010 11:50 AM EDT
Acting White: The Ironic Legacy of Desegregation
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

The use of “acting white” as a criticism of high-achieving black students is a social phenomenon with deep cultural roots. Acknowledging its power over student achievement is a critical first step for moving forward to improved educational results.

Released: 6-May-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Households Overreached, Led to Foreclosure Crisis
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

During the 2007-2008 foreclosure crisis, did banks prey on unwitting consumers, or did households overreach and borrow more than they could afford? A new study by University of Arkansas economists suggests the latter. The researchers found that most households in foreclosure were relatively affluent and highly educated people, with few or no children, living in geographical areas that experienced extremely rapid real-estate appreciation – the housing bubble.

Released: 3-May-2010 3:30 AM EDT
University of Arkansas to Host International Floodplain Lake Workshop
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Every year, rivers flood their banks and threaten homes and farmland, filling floodplain lakes. Researchers who study the evolution of lakes are turning to lake floodplains to help explain not only how these systems have behaved in the past, but to help water systems managers work with these floodplains in the future.

Released: 20-Apr-2010 10:30 AM EDT
Ten Years of Research: Magazine Celebrates a Decade
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Through the past decade, Research Frontiers magazine has served as a source of information on the work of faculty at the University of Arkansas, and the spring 2010 issue, which is now available in print and online, continues to bring to light the work done by professors.

Released: 20-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
From ‘Yes We Can’ to the Oval Office: Weighing the Obama Campaign Against Its Administration
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A team lead by University of Arkansas political scientist Pearl K. Ford examined Barack Obama’s campaign strategies and asked whether the Obama administration has begun to fulfill voters’ visions and whether his presidency will open the doors to more minority candidates.

Released: 15-Apr-2010 9:00 AM EDT
There’s a Fungus Among Us: Mushrooms, Molds and Lichens Subject of Book
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Fungi fuel hungry humans, cure infections and have changed the course of history, says a University of Arkansas biology professor in his new book on this little examined kingdom.

Released: 15-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
‘Fingerprinting’ Breast Cancer Cells
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Researchers at the University of Arkansas are building a library of synthetically produced antibodies that can detect and rapidly validate proteins secreted by breast cancer cells. Their work will accelerate the process of developing a simple blood test for early detection of breast cancer.

Released: 14-Apr-2010 5:35 PM EDT
Book, A Savage Conflict, Receives Distinguished Book Prize from Military Historians
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Daniel E. Sutherland, professor of history at the University of Arkansas, has been awarded the Distinguished Book Prize by the Society of Military Historians for his work A Savage Conflict: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War.

Released: 13-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Pilot Study Examines Use of RFID at JCPenney; System Improves Inventory Accuracy of Shoes and Bras
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

New findings out of the RFID Research Center at the University of Arkansas confirm that radio-frequency identification tags on individual retail items can significantly improve inventory accuracy, even within departments or stores that already have high inventory accuracy.

Released: 12-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Inside the Worlds of Exotic Dance
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Research by sociologist Mindy S. Bradley-Engen reveals how the organization of an exotic dance establishment affects how the women who work there perceive their jobs.

Released: 7-Apr-2010 11:50 AM EDT
For Listening Pleasure, Skip the Program Notes?
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Research by University of Arkansas music theorist suggests re-thinking the effect of program notes on listeners.

Released: 31-Mar-2010 10:30 AM EDT
Researchers Discover New, Controllable State in Ferroelectric Nanowires
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Researchers at the University of Arkansas and their colleagues have discovered a new phase in ferroelectric nanowires that could be controlled to optimize important properties for future electronic devices.

Released: 31-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Understanding the Electricity of Breast Cancer Cells
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Building on previous findings demonstrating that breast cancer cells emit unique electromagnetic signals, engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas have found that a single cancerous cell produces electric signals proportional to the speed at which the cell divides. Their model reveals that heightened movement of ions at the boundary of the cancerous cell produces larger electrical signals.

Released: 16-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Prevention of Workplace Violence for Nurses
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Health science researchers lay out the issues and actions administrators can take to provide a safe and functioning health care facility.

Released: 16-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EDT
As the Recession Weakens, Consumers Will Stick with Private-Label Products, Researcher Predicts
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas marketing professor Molly Jensen says American consumers will continue to purchase more private label (non-brand) items as the recession weakens.

Released: 14-Mar-2010 12:00 PM EDT
Reconstruction of Historical Climate Record in Kansas Shows Warming Trend
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas researchers examined records of 65,987 daily mean temperature observations to reconstruct climate data in Manhattan, Kan., for the past 180 years and have found that 19th century temperatures were significantly cooler than in the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Released: 11-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EST
International Faculty Stand Out in Research
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

International faculty members are significantly more productive in research but less engaged in teaching and service roles than their citizen faculty colleagues at research universities in the United States.

Released: 2-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EST
Five Tips to Help a Stressed-Out President – or Anyone Else – Quit Smoking
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Susan Rausch, health educator at the University of Arkansas, offers a five-step plan for quitting smoking, even when stressed out.
