Latest News from: University of Virginia

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Released: 25-Mar-2005 1:20 PM EST
New Digital Archive Brings Civil Rights Era Alive
University of Virginia

A new archive at the Virginia Center for Digital History brings to life that period of our National history through filmed local civil rights events and the words and actions of citizen and national activists in Roanoke, Va.

Released: 9-Mar-2005 1:30 PM EST
Study Traces Transition from Student to Scientist
University of Virginia

A professor is tracking how a student makes the shift from being a consumer of knowledge to being a producer of knowledge -- such as an independent researcher who might win a Nobel prize or patent a new vaccine -- thanks to a $1 million grant.

Released: 28-Feb-2005 12:00 PM EST
Justice Will be Served at the 2005 Virginia Film Festival
University of Virginia

This October a posse will attempt to lynch a cattle thief, and a man of principle and reason will risk being beheaded by a religious court. We predict a challenging weekend for judges, juries and other legal institutions ... and proudly announce the theme of the eighteenth annual Virginia Film Festival: IN/JUSTICE.

Released: 23-Feb-2005 11:20 AM EST
Don’t Panic! Study Helps People Who Suffer from Panic Attacks
University of Virginia

Whether it's a fear of heights, or spiders, or driving, or social situations, or a fear of fear itself, all of these people suffer from potentially debilitating anxiety disorders and the resulting panic attacks that can keep them from doing the routine activities of everyday life.

Released: 10-Feb-2005 2:00 PM EST
Researchers Manipulate Atomic Electrons Into Classical Orbit
University of Virginia

In physics textbooks, an atom is drawn as a tiny solar system with the nucleus uniformly orbited by electrons. It's a good illustration of a neat and predictable Newtonian world. But in the real world, atoms are a cloud of swirling electron motion around the nucleus.

Released: 7-Feb-2005 4:40 PM EST
How Schools Can Safely Deal with Student Threats of Violence
University of Virginia

A new study demonstrates how schools can safely respond to students who make violent threats, thereby preventing them from being carried out. The study reports on guidelines for student threat assessment, a method the U.S. Department of Education recommends for all schools.

Released: 12-Jan-2005 12:40 PM EST
Book Mirrors Government's Dietary Guidelines; Debunks Dieting Fads
University of Virginia

No matter how you slice it, the calories are what counts, explains Glenn Gaesser, a U.Va. professor of exercise physiology, in his new book, "It's the Calories, Not the Carbs." And a government panel that is releasing new dietary guidelines today, Jan. 12, agrees.

Released: 1-Dec-2004 9:30 AM EST
Astronomers Uncover a Baby Galaxy in a Grown-Up Universe
University of Virginia

The baby galaxy, I Zwicky 18, might represent the only opportunity for astronomers to study the building blocks from which galaxies are formed.

Released: 30-Nov-2004 9:30 AM EST
World AIDS Day Sources at the University of Virginia
University of Virginia

Dr. Guerrant has been treating patients and conducting infectious disease research for more than 30 years in several countries. He is an outspoken advocate for improving health worldwide, particularly for the poor in developing nations.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Stem Cell Policy
University of Virginia

Experts available to discuss stem cell policy and biomedical ethics.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
The Middle East After Arafat
University of Virginia

University of Virginia Experts on the Middle East After Arafat.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Biomedical Ethics
University of Virginia

University of Virginia expert on biomedical ethics.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Morals, Values, Church & State
University of Virginia

U.Va. conference on faith and social action gathers grassroots activists and distinguished theologians.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Gay Marriage
University of Virginia

The gay marriage myth.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
The Fight to Protect the First Amendment
University of Virginia

The fight to Protect the First Amendment.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Terrorism and Homeland Security
University of Virginia

Center helps assess threats to critical infrastructures courtesy of School of Engineering and Applied Science.

15-Nov-2004 1:00 AM EST
Teenagers of Same-Sex Parents Developing Normally
University of Virginia

Teenagers of same-sex female parents are developing as well as the children of opposite-sex parents, and good quality family relationships are more important contributors to successful development than family type, according to a new study.

Released: 12-Nov-2004 1:30 PM EST
Need for Action on Global Nitrogen Management
University of Virginia

Reactive nitrogen is a potent force that possesses the ability to significantly improve and damage the quality of life for all the Earth's inhabitants. Recognizing this, a group of 400 environmental experts has formulated the Nanjing Declaration on Nitrogen Management.

Released: 5-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Investment Management Company Names New CEO
University of Virginia

The University of Virginia Investment Management Co., which is responsible for overseeing investment of assets approaching $2.5 billion, has named a new CEO.

Released: 19-Oct-2004 2:00 PM EDT
Unique Educational Collaboration to Improve Student Learning Tablet
University of Virginia

The University of Virginia, Thomson Learning, and Microsoft Corp. today announced that HP has agreed to participate in UVa's groundbreaking collaboration to develop and deliver digital course material, allowing students to experience a first-of-a-kind multimedia classroom setting.

Released: 19-Oct-2004 9:30 AM EDT
Virginia Mountain Streams Is Topic of Public Symposium
University of Virginia

Thirteen states in the Southeast and Midwest contribute to acidic rain in Virginia. This pollution, primarily from coal-burning power plants, causes long-term damage to mountain streams and forests.

Released: 10-Sep-2004 9:10 AM EDT
Dean of Darden Graduate School to Step Down at End of Academic Year
University of Virginia

University of Virginia President John T. Casteen III announced today that Robert S. Harris, dean of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, will step down from that post effective July 31, 2005.

Released: 2-Jul-2004 1:20 PM EDT
Amorphous Steel: Three Times Stronger and Non-magnetic
University of Virginia

Scientists have announced the discovery of a non-magnetic amorphous material that is three times stronger than conventional steel and has superior anti-corrosion properties. Commercial use of the material could be available within three to five years.

Released: 24-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Biomedical Institute Formed
University of Virginia

Carilion Health System, in partnership with Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia, is launching the Carilion Biomedical Institute. With university research and a private 12-hospital network, the goal is development and commercial application of health-related products.

Released: 26-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Marriage Gives Men Positive Identity, Book Asserts
University of Virginia

Marriage improves men. They work more, have better jobs, give to charity, and attend church more frequently, an award-winning book shows. As impressive as those findings are, the books goes one step farther. It attempts to answer the baffling question "why?"

Released: 26-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
People Overestimate Hills, Heights
University of Virginia

Hills appear steeper than they actually are. For example, everyone judges hills with only a seven-degree slant as extremely steep. The tendency to overestimate steepness is even greater for elderly people, people carrying a heavy load and people who are tired, of low fitness or in poor health.

Released: 19-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
E-Summit@Virginia, Conference about the Internet
University of Virginia

Leading Internet industry pioneers who are University of Virginia alumni will lead e-summit@virginia, a free public forum about the Internet, Nov. 12 and 13 at the University of Virginia. Key topics of debate include: ethics, privacy and personal security, the changing economy, free expression, censorship, and the common good.

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Keepin Traffic Flowing in DC and Hampton Areas
University of Virginia

Research under way at Virginiaís Smart Travel Laboratory at the University of Virginia will help drivers in metropolitan areas better predict traffic patterns and adjust their travel plans.

Released: 25-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Web Sites Help Understand Religion
University of Virginia

With more than a million hits per month, the Religious Movements home page at the University of Virginia has developed a faithful following.

Released: 13-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Cocaine Addiction Linked to Biological Clock Genes
University of Virginia

A new study published in Science indicates that cocaine sensitization -- linked to addiction -- might be associated with circadian genes, the genes that set the biological clock. This implies that cocaine addiction could be a disease rather than a criminal behavior problem, according to U.Va. researchers.

Released: 11-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Will Technology Change Learning? New Book Offers Answer
University of Virginia

Computers are staples in classrooms nationwide. But does technology improve the quality of education children receive? A new book, "Will Technology Really Change Education?", examines how the computer and new technologies are being used in K-12 classrooms.

Released: 8-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Voters Reject Unfair Campaign Ads, Study Finds
University of Virginia

Virginia voters have clear views on what is and is not a fair campaign advertisement and are prepared to punish candidates who make unfair charges, according to a new study conducted for the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia.

Released: 24-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
First Global Atmospheric Chlorine Emissions Inventory
University of Virginia

An international team of atmospheric chemists has produced the first gridded global inventory of reactive chlorine emissions to the atmosphere. These compounds contribute to the destruction of stratospheric ozone.

Released: 8-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Students' First Year College Guide
University of Virginia

To help entering freshmen, the University of Virginia's Northern Virginia Center and HRD Press are offering "Surviving the First Year of College: Myth vs. Reality" free.

Released: 12-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Virginia, Appalachians Losing Trout Streams to Acid Rain
University of Virginia

A study shows that only 50 percent of Virginia's mountain streams support trout, down from an estimated 82 percent before the mid-1800s. Unless acidic emissions are reduced dramatically, only about 42 percent will support trout before the midpoint of the 21st Century. Similar decline is expected throughout the Southern Appalachians.

Released: 8-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Howard Baker Jr., Sara James: Commencement Speakers
University of Virginia

Former U.S. Senator Howard H. Baker Jr. and NBC correspondent Sara James are among scheduled speakers for Finals Weekend at the University of Virginia on May 22 and 23.

Released: 6-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Help People Regain Hearing, Taste, Smell After Injury
University of Virginia

University of Virginia scientists have received nearly $3 million on research that may enhance people's ability to smell, taste and hear again after injury.

Released: 29-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Media Workshop on Coastal Environments
University of Virginia

A two-day media workshop on the ecology of change in coastal environments will be held May 27-28 at the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge.

Released: 7-Apr-1999 12:00 AM EDT
New Class in "Internet Engineering" with Gift
University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is leveraging a gift of 12 Cisco routers from MCI WORLDCOM, Inc. and Cisco Systems, Inc. to fuel a national pilot project to teach students about Internet technology through a new hands-on course in Internet engineering.

Released: 16-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Most Eye Injuries in Children Are Caused by Baseballs
University of Virginia

Baseball, America's national pastime, is the leading cause of eye injuries in children 5-14 years old. Researchers recommend adoption of softer baseballs for Little League players.

Released: 3-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Networking Tool Gives "UCAN" Succeed Job Advice
University of Virginia

For students wondering if they'll succeed in the working world, University of Virginia officials have a helpful piece of advice: UCAN. Students can gain tips on job searches, career paths or internships through the University Career Assistance Network, which offers 15,000 alumni nationwide willing to offer advice.

Released: 3-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Impossible to Determine Truth from Witnesses
University of Virginia

Seeing witnesses during the impeachment trail will not help senators determine the truth, says a University of Virginia authority on lying. In more than 100 studies of people with no special training in detecting deception, such as the senators, accuracy in determining lying averages only 54 percent.

Released: 23-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
UVA Launches High-Tech Business Degree
University of Virginia

Fast-track, mid-level employees now can earn a combined master's degree in business management and information technology at U.Va.'s McIntire School of Commerce. This hot new program will be offered primarily over the Internet so people won't have to quit their day jobs to go back to school.

Released: 20-Jan-1999 12:00 AM EST
Business Studies Go High-Tech
University of Virginia

"Could stock car drivers sell hamburgers in Denver as well as Daytona?" is the question facing students in a marketing class at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. Unlike past classes that pored over case studies in print, these students are logging onto the Internet to hone their marketing skills.

Released: 12-Dec-1998 12:00 AM EST
U.Va. Biomedical Department Receives Whitaker Grants
University of Virginia

The University of Virginia's Department of Biomedical Engineering has received two grants totalling $10.5 million from the Whitaker Foundation -- the largest gift of its kind the University has ever received. The funding will help support the department's research and development of new treatments for cardiovascular disease.

Released: 2-Dec-1998 12:00 AM EST
Covenant Marriages Gaining Support
University of Virginia

As holidays with their emphasis on families approach, a new poll finds support for Covenant marriages growing. Respondents believe covenant marriages strengthen families, are better for children and last longer.

Released: 21-Nov-1998 12:00 AM EST
Teens' Actions Closely Tied to Parental Feelings
University of Virginia

In contrast to research saying that parents are not important in determining teens' behavior,a new study shows a strong connection between teens' relationship with their parents and how they interact with peers. Teens who do not feel close to their parents do not respond to firm discipline, the study also shows.

26-Oct-1998 12:00 AM EST
Ancient Hair Key to Diets of Ancient Civilizations
University of Virginia

First-time studies of hair from the Neolithic Ice Man, Egyptian and Chilean mummies are bringing new insights to old questions about the diet of ancient civilizations. "You are what you eat, and clues to what people ate thousands of years ago are stored in their hair," says a University of Virginia researcher.
