Latest News from: Kansas State University

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Released: 9-Aug-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Source of Conflict: Study Finds Factors That Can Shape Divorced Mothers' Co-Parenting Experiences
Kansas State University

The type of relationship a woman has with her ex-partner is a factor in how the couple shares custody of children, according to a Kansas State University expert on postdivorce and co-parenting relationships.

Released: 8-Aug-2012 10:30 AM EDT
Test of Tolerance: Diversity Keeps Grasslands Resilient to Drought, Climate Change
Kansas State University

Study finds grasslands should come out as the winner with increased periods and intensity of drought predicted in the future.

Released: 7-Aug-2012 10:00 AM EDT
Time to Get Moving: Researcher Recommends Physical Activity Be Part of School Day, After-School Programs
Kansas State University

Add this to the back-to-school checklist: make sure children get enough exercise both at school and after.

Released: 6-Aug-2012 10:40 AM EDT
A New Line of Defense: Researchers Find Cattle Vaccine Works to Reduce E. coli O157:H7
Kansas State University

A commercial vaccine for cattle can effectively reduce levels of E. coli O157:H7 by more than 50 percent, a Kansas State University study has found. The vaccine is also effective using two doses instead of the recommended three doses, which can help cut costs for the beef industry.

Released: 2-Aug-2012 11:20 AM EDT
Smooth Transition: Researchers Helping Freshmen with ADHD Succeed in College
Kansas State University

Kansas State University researchers have studied ways to help freshmen with ADHD plan a successful transition to college. They have found that having management strategies in place before coming to campus helps students succeed. The researchers have developed recommendations for ways that universities and families can support college students with ADHD.

Released: 1-Aug-2012 10:45 AM EDT
Luring Locavores: Research Shows Female and Older Consumers Highly Motivated to Buy Local
Kansas State University

A study finds that women and older food consumers are more likely to buy local.

Released: 31-Jul-2012 12:40 PM EDT
Forget Pencils and Paper: Smartphones and E-Readers Are the New School Supplies, Says Education Technology Expert
Kansas State University

The use of technology in the classroom is growing beyond computers to improve student learning, according to a Kansas State University education technology expert.

Released: 30-Jul-2012 10:25 AM EDT
Researcher Seeks to Update Fiber Recommendation in Children, Increase Understanding of Nutrient
Kansas State University

Research tries to pin down recommendations for children's fiber intake and increase understanding of the nutrient in kids.

Released: 26-Jul-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Healthy Connections: Using Social Media for Health Concerns Can Help Patients Find Success, Stay Motivated
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University researcher said an increasing number of individuals seeking health information are turning to websites like Facebook to get support and advice in addition to their professional medical care. When used correctly, social media websites may help patients stay motivated and accountable.

Released: 25-Jul-2012 11:40 AM EDT
Ageless Education: Researchers Create Guide for Intergenerational Program at Nursing Homes to Benefit Students, Residents
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University researcher and writing team are developing ways for nursing home residents and elementary school students to learn in a shared setting: an intergenerational classroom.

Released: 24-Jul-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Research Team Looks at What Happens When Roommates, Romantic Partners Have Different Levels of Tolerance for Housework Left Undone
Kansas State University

Professors look at what happens when neat freaks and slobs are paired, either romantically or as roommates.

Released: 19-Jul-2012 10:30 AM EDT
Crossing the Gap: Civil Engineers Develop Improved Method for Detecting, Measuring Bridge Damage
Kansas State University

A ratings system developed by a group of Kansas State University researchers could keep bridges safer and help prevent catastrophic collapses. The researchers have created a bridge health index, which is a rating system that more accurately describes the amount of damage in a bridge. Additionally, the health index can extend beyond bridges and apply to other structures, such as gas pipelines, dams, buildings and airplanes.

Released: 18-Jul-2012 10:40 AM EDT
Accepting the End: Bucket Lists, Cemeteries Show Changing Attitudes Toward Death
Kansas State University

Bucket lists are more than goals or accomplishments a person wants to achieve before dying. They are also a way for people to discuss death -- even though most of us probably would rather avoid doing so.

Released: 12-Jul-2012 10:00 AM EDT
Going for the Gold: Medals Aren't Only Way an Olympic Champion Can Excel
Kansas State University

For many Olympic athletes, gold medals often translate to product endorsements for an athlete. But several factors are also taken into account for endorsements.

Released: 11-Jul-2012 10:40 AM EDT
Social Responsibility: Monitoring Children's Social Media Usage Is Important, but So Is Allowing Their Mistakes
Kansas State University

Parenting expert discusses how parents can prevent cyberbullying and protect personal privacy on social media -- both through their child's account and their own account.

Released: 9-Jul-2012 10:45 AM EDT
Geologists Testing Aquifer Rocks as Containers to Permanently Trap Carbon Dioxide
Kansas State University

Kansas geologists are doing a comprehensive statewide study on using rocks for long-term storage of carbon dioxide.

Released: 5-Jul-2012 10:40 AM EDT
'God Particle' Announcement Gives Weight to Scientific Theory, University Contributions
Kansas State University

The announcement of the Higgs boson gives weight to scientific theory and Kansas State University scientists' contributions to get there.

Released: 5-Jul-2012 10:30 AM EDT
Study Finds Drug Warning Labels Need Overhaul to Better Capture Attention, Convey Information
Kansas State University

Research on the effectiveness of prescription drug warning labels found that prescription drug warning labels fail to capture patients' attention, impairing the communication of important safety information.

Released: 3-Jul-2012 2:00 PM EDT
Campus Dining Centers Make the Grade in Boosting Students' Academics, Social Support
Kansas State University

According to research, eating with others in a university dining center is related to academic success and perceived social support.

Released: 3-Jul-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Strength in Numbers: Physicists Identify New Quantum State Allowing Three -- but Not Two -- Atoms to Stick Together
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University-led quantum mechanics study has discovered a new bound state in atoms that may help scientists better understand matter and its composition.

Released: 28-Jun-2012 11:40 AM EDT
Seeking Solace: Celebrity Deaths Often Have Pronounced Effects on Their Audiences
Kansas State University

According to a cognitive psychologist, the common responses to celebrity deaths demonstrate important realities about how people build relationships with the media they consume.

Released: 28-Jun-2012 11:30 AM EDT
Going Gluten-Free: Is the Diet a Good Fit for Everyone?
Kansas State University

Two nutrition experts say going gluten-free may be a good choice for some individuals, but that just because a product's label says it's gluten-free doesn't means that it's healthy.

Released: 27-Jun-2012 2:45 PM EDT
The Beauty Behind the Bang: A Look at How Fireworks Produce Color
Kansas State University

A chemistry professor describes how fireworks make those colors that keep eyes glued to the sky.

Released: 25-Jun-2012 10:45 AM EDT
Research with Gluten Alternatives Shows Promise for Kansas Sorghum Farmers and Consumers
Kansas State University

Research at Kansas State University could give consumers with celiac disease more food product choices and expand the sorghum market for Kansas farmers.

Released: 21-Jun-2012 11:00 AM EDT
Routine Justice: Research Shows How Racial and Gender Profiling Can Affect Outcome of Traffic Stops
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University researcher is finding that racial profiling can involve an additional factor: gender. The researcher is analyzing police actions during routine traffic stops to understand how race and gender are connected.

Released: 20-Jun-2012 10:30 AM EDT
What's Your Name Again? Why It Might Not Be Your Brain's Ability but Your Lack of Interest That Causes a Bad Memory
Kansas State University

We’ve all been there: Meeting someone new and seconds later forgetting his or her name. According to an expert, it’s not necessarily your brain that determines how well we remember names, but rather our level of interest.

Released: 19-Jun-2012 9:55 AM EDT
The Power of Playtime: Study Finds That Single Mothers Can Reduce Stress by Playing, Engaging with Children
Kansas State University

A group of researchers is studying ways to help single mothers improve their relationship with their children.

Released: 18-Jun-2012 9:45 AM EDT
It Takes a Village: Youth Expert Says Positive Adult, Community Involvement Keeps Teens From Trouble
Kansas State University

Two experts discuss how to keep rural teens involved in the community this summer, turning them into productive citizens.

Released: 14-Jun-2012 12:45 PM EDT
Steering Safety: Research Looks at Factors in Truck-Related Fatalities and Injuries to Reduce Accidents
Kansas State University

Two Kansas State University civil engineers are working to make Kansas roads and highways safer by reducing the number and severity of vehicular crashes that involve large, cargo-carrying trucks.

Released: 13-Jun-2012 10:30 AM EDT
Fatherly Advice: Therapist Helps First-Time Dads Experience the Joy of Fatherhood
Kansas State University

The transition to fatherhood can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, journeys for dads today, says Jared Durtschi, a Kansas State University marriage and family therapist. Durtschi offers advice for all fathers, especially those experiencing parenthood for the first time.

Released: 12-Jun-2012 10:40 AM EDT
Aging Expert Discusses How to Talk with Parents About Moving Into Nursing Home, End-of-Life Wishes
Kansas State University

Aging expert discusses how to talk with parents about moving into nursing home and end-of-life wishes.

Released: 22-May-2012 11:25 AM EDT
Deal Website Discretion: A Deal a Day Can Keep the Consumer Away
Kansas State University

While daily deal websites and flash sale websites offer a service or product at a discount to bring in new consumers and incentivize them to return, consumers are not coming back after the initial use, a marketing and technology researcher says.

Released: 21-May-2012 3:50 PM EDT
Civil Engineering Professor Part of Team Researching Effects of Dust Deposits on Soil Formation, Water Quality in Rocky Mountains
Kansas State University

Researchers are studying the effects of wind deposition of dust and other particulates, such as pollen or bacteria, on water quality and soil formation.

Released: 21-May-2012 11:00 AM EDT
Rewarding Innovation: How Water Buffalo, Seed Funding May Help Researcher Fight Disease in Dairy Cattle
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University professor is getting support for his research to develop a novel class of natural antibiotics for the treatment of mastitis in dairy cattle.

Released: 15-May-2012 11:00 AM EDT
Timely Discovery: Physics Research Sheds New Light on Quantum Dynamics
Kansas State University

Kansas State University physicists and an international team of collaborators have made a breakthrough that improves understanding of matter-light interactions. Their research allows double ionization events to be observed at the time scale of attoseconds and shows that these ionization events occur earlier than thought -- a key factor to improve knowledge of correlated electron dynamics.

Released: 10-May-2012 10:15 AM EDT
Cybersecurity Experts Begin Investigation on Self-Adapting Computer Network That Defends Itself Against Hackers
Kansas State University

Kansas State University cybersecurity experts are researching the feasibility of building a computer network that could protect itself against online attackers by automatically changing its setup and configuration.

Released: 8-May-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Building a Career: Co-Workers Can Be as Important as Supervisors for Effective Student Internships
Kansas State University

Summer internships are beginning, and career-related research from Kansas State University is helping determine what can make those internships more meaningful for students. Kerri Day Keller, director of career and employment services, has studied internships as high-impact educational practices and identified eight themes that characterize effective internships.

Released: 7-May-2012 12:00 PM EDT
A Place to Play: Researchers Design Schoolyard for Children with Autism
Kansas State University

Kansas State University researchers in landscape architecture are creating a schoolyard that can become a therapeutic landscape for children with autism. They have designed a place where elementary school children with autism can feel comfortable and included.

Released: 2-May-2012 10:35 AM EDT
For Mother's Day: Literature Experts Say Many Maternal Characters in Books Display Ideal Values of Motherhood
Kansas State University

With Mother's Day coming up May 13, two Kansas State University experts say literary characters can inspire families as they celebrate the maternal figures in their lives.

Released: 1-May-2012 10:20 AM EDT
A New Type of Training: Partnership Helps Athletic Training Students Learn in a Military Setting
Kansas State University

A new, first-of-its-kind undergraduate athletic training program at Kansas State University is helping students experience a different part of the profession: working with active-duty soldiers. The university is in the first semester of a partnership between its athletic training education program and nearby Fort Riley.

Released: 24-Apr-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Positive Diagnosis: Impact of University's Diagnostic Laboratory Continues to Broaden with New Testing, Partnership
Kansas State University

For decades, Kansas State University's Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory has been the go-to regional source for animal testing and diagnoses, and a national center for rabies serological testing. With recent developments it's likely to remain so for decades more.

Released: 23-Apr-2012 10:35 AM EDT
Whether the Weather Is Cold or Hot, Rainy or Not, Research Is Ensuring Stormwater Systems Are Designed for the Future
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University team is researching how climate change is affecting rainfall and weather patterns to help with future adaptation and mitigation strategies. The researchers are updating rainfall distribution data to ensure current stormwater management systems can handle future weather changes.

Released: 17-Apr-2012 10:00 AM EDT
It's a Dog's Life: To Make It Better, University Veterinarian Says Add Exercise to Canine's Daily Routine
Kansas State University

A university veterinarian gives dog owners advice about daily exercise that improves their canine's life.

Released: 10-Apr-2012 9:55 AM EDT
Restocking Rural Communities: University Initiative Using Funding to Help Reopen Grocery Stores, Increase Benefits to Towns
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University initiative is helping rural communities across the nation restock their town with a disappearing business: grocery stores.

Released: 9-Apr-2012 9:50 AM EDT
Research Finds Bright Future for Alternative Energy with Greener Solar Cells
Kansas State University

Research to green alternative energy technologies has led to a dye-sensitized solar cell that uses a bacteria and dye to generate energy. It is also friendlier to the environment and living organisms.

Released: 4-Apr-2012 9:05 AM EDT
Improving Equine Health: Research Studies Vaccinations to Protect Newborn Foals
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University veterinary medicine student is investigating ways to improve horse vaccinations and defend them against pathogen challenges at an early age.

Released: 19-Mar-2012 10:55 AM EDT
Anatomy of Success: Genetic Research Develops Tools for Studying Diseases, Improving Regenerative Treatment
Kansas State University

Research from a Kansas State University professor may make it easier to recover after spinal cord injury or to study neurological disorders. The research can greatly improve animal and human health by developing technology to advance cellular therapy and regenerative medicine.

Released: 15-Mar-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Animal Health Breakthrough: Research Uncovers Genetic Marker That Could Help Control, Eliminate PRRS Virus
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University researcher was part of a collaborative effort that recently discovered a genetic marker that identifies pigs with reduced susceptibility to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, or PRRS. The discovery may improve animal health and save the U.S. pork industry millions of dollars each year.
