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Released: 10-Jul-2013 12:00 PM EDT
‘Bath Salts’ Stimulant Could Be More Addictive than Meth
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have published one of the first laboratory studies of MDPV, an emerging recreational drug that has been sold as “bath salts.” The TSRI researchers found evidence that it could be more addictive than methamphetamine, one of the most addictive substances to date.

Released: 9-Jul-2013 1:30 PM EDT
Two TSRI Professors Named Simons Investigators
Scripps Research Institute

Professors Donna Blackmond, PhD, and Gerald Joyce, MD, PhD, of The Scripps Research Institute have been named Simons Investigators for the Collaboration on the Origins of Life, sponsored by the Simons Foundation.

25-Jun-2013 12:15 PM EDT
Scientists Turn Muscular Dystrophy Defect On and Off in Cells
Scripps Research Institute

For the first time, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have identified small molecules that allow for complete control over a genetic defect responsible for the most common adult onset form of muscular dystrophy.

Released: 27-Jun-2013 4:00 PM EDT
TSRI Professor Wins Russian ‘Mega-Grant’ Award
Scripps Research Institute

Valery Fokin, professor at The Scripps Research Institute, has been awarded a prestigious grant from the Russian government for $3.75 million over three years, with a possible two-year renewal, to fund establishment of a laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Released: 26-Jun-2013 9:10 PM EDT
Tiny RNA Molecules Could Have Medical Applications
Scripps Research Institute

A team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute has identified a family of tiny RNA molecules that work as powerful regulators of the immune response in mammals. Mice who lack these RNA molecules lose their normal infection-fighting ability, whereas mice that overproduce them develop a fatal autoimmune syndrome.

Released: 21-Jun-2013 7:00 AM EDT
Solitary Mutation Destroys Key ‘Window’ of Brain Development
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have shown in animal models that brain damage caused by the loss of a single copy of a gene during very early childhood development can cause a lifetime of behavioral and intellectual problems.

18-Jun-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Found: Key Signaling Pathway That Makes Young Neurons Connect
Scripps Research Institute

Neuroscientists at The Scripps Research Institute have filled in a significant gap in the scientific understanding of how neurons mature, pointing to a better understanding of some developmental brain disorders.

Released: 20-Jun-2013 9:45 AM EDT
Potential Drug Compound Attacks Parkinson’s on Two Fronts
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have found a compound that could counter Parkinson’s disease in two ways at once. In a new study published recently online ahead of print by the journal ACS Chemical Biology, the scientists describe a “dual inhibitor” that attacks a pair of proteins closely associated with development of Parkinson’s disease.

12-Jun-2013 6:00 PM EDT
Structure from Disorder
Scripps Research Institute

In this week’s issue of Nature, scientists at The Scripps Research Institute report their discovery of an important trick that a well-known intrinsically disordered protein uses to expand and control its functionality.

Released: 19-Jun-2013 10:15 AM EDT
Scripps Florida Wins $1.4 Million for Chronic Leukemia Research
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have been awarded more than $1.4 million from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health to create a potential new drug to attack the malignant cells that cause chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most common leukemia in the Western world.

Released: 17-Jun-2013 4:10 PM EDT
Compound Kills Persistent and Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Scripps Research Institute

An international team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University has identified a highly promising new anti-tuberculosis compound that attacks the tuberculosis (TB) bacterium in two different ways.

Released: 12-Jun-2013 1:50 PM EDT
Team Points to Brain’s ‘Dark Side’ as Key to Cocaine Addiction
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have found evidence that an emotion-related brain region called the central amygdala—whose activity promotes feelings of malaise and unhappiness—plays a major role in sustaining cocaine addiction.

Released: 11-Jun-2013 11:45 AM EDT
Scientists Uncover New Details of Natural Anticancer Mechanism
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have identified key triggers of an important cancer-blocking mechanism in cells. Termed “oncogene-induced senescence,” this mechanism can block most cancer types and is commonly experienced when incipient skin cancers turn instead into slow-growing moles.

6-Jun-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Unusual Antibodies in Cows Suggest New Ways to Make Therapies for People
Scripps Research Institute

Humans have been raising cows for their meat, hides and milk for millennia. Now it appears that the cow immune system also has something to offer. A new study led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) focusing on an extraordinary family of cow antibodies points to new ways to make human medicines.

30-May-2013 12:20 PM EDT
New Technique Selectively Dampens Harmful Immune Responses
Scripps Research Institute

Current immune suppressants have major drawbacks, but a team from The Scripps Research Institute has demonstrated a new technique that may lead to a better way to selectively repress unwanted immune reactions without disabling the immune system as a whole.

Released: 30-May-2013 1:00 PM EDT
O'Keeffe Foundation Donates $250,000 to Scripps Florida
Scripps Research Institute

The Esther B. O'Keeffe Charitable Foundation has made a $250,000 donation to The Scripps Research Institute to fund neuroscience training and public outreach on the Florida campus.

Released: 29-May-2013 2:50 PM EDT
Marshall Criser III and James LaBelle Join TSRI Board
Scripps Research Institute

Marshall M. Criser III, president of AT&T Florida, and James E. LaBelle, chief medical officer and corporate senior vice president of Scripps Health in San Diego, have been elected to The Scripps Research Institute Board of Trustees.

21-May-2013 3:25 PM EDT
Powerful New Method IDs Therapeutic Antibodies
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have devised a powerful new technique for finding antibodies that have a desired biological effect. The newly reported technique should greatly speed the process of discovering medicines, diagnostics and laboratory reagents.

Released: 9-May-2013 2:00 PM EDT
TSRI’s Ardem Patapoutian Named HHMI Investigator
Scripps Research Institute

Ardem Patapoutian, professor in the Dorris Neuroscience Center at The Scripps Research Institute, has been named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator, based on demonstrated potential to contribute significantly to biomedical science.

8-May-2013 4:45 PM EDT
Scientists Find Key to Gene-Silencing Activity
Scripps Research Institute

A team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute has found how to boost or inhibit a gene-silencing mechanism that normally serves as a major controller of cells’ activities. The discovery could lead to a powerful new class of drugs against viral infections, cancers and other diseases.

Released: 7-May-2013 7:00 AM EDT
TSRI and Janssen Ink New Research and License Agreement
Scripps Research Institute

The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) today announced a five-year agreement with Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Janssen) to collaborate on focused research projects in the infectious disease area, with the initial project targeting the influenza virus. Under the agreement Janssen will receive certain license rights to the results of the research. Janssen Pharmaceuticals will collaborate in the research on influenza through its Crucell Vaccine Institute.

3-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Preclinical Study Shows Heroin Vaccine Blocks Relapse
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have reported successful preclinical tests of a new vaccine against heroin. The vaccine targets heroin and its psychoactive breakdown products in the bloodstream, preventing them from reaching the brain.

1-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Scientists Find Dissimilar Proteins Evolved Similar 7-Part Shape
Scripps Research Institute

Solving the structure of a critical human molecule involved in cancer, scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have found what they call a good example of structural conservation—dissimilar genes that keep very similar shapes.

Released: 29-Apr-2013 4:55 PM EDT
Scientists Discover How a Protein Finds Its Way
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have uncovered how an enzyme co-factor can bestow specificity on a class of proteins with otherwise nonspecific biochemical activity. Proteins can have more than one function, but they often need to be very specific in their action or they create cellular havoc, possibly leading to disease.

Released: 25-Apr-2013 3:35 PM EDT
Tracking Down RNAs Involved in Long-Term Memory
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute, Florida campus; Columbia University and the University of Florida, Gainesville, have developed a novel strategy to isolate and characterize a substantial number of RNAs transported from the cell-body of neuron to the synapse, the small gap separating neurons that enables cell to cell communication.

18-Apr-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Antibody Transforms Stem Cells Directly into Brain Cells
Scripps Research Institute

In a serendipitous discovery, scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have found a way to turn bone marrow stem cells directly into brain cells.

Released: 18-Apr-2013 2:00 PM EDT
Karen Marcus to Advise Scripps Florida
Scripps Research Institute

The Scripps Research Institute has contracted with former Palm Beach County Commissioner Karen Marcus to provide advice and assistance in community and government relations.

9-Apr-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Study Suggests New Approach to AIDS, Hepatitis
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have made a counterintuitive finding that may lead to new ways to clear persistent infection that is the hallmark of such diseases as AIDS, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

5-Apr-2013 7:00 PM EDT
Team Unravels Central Mystery of Alzheimer’s
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have shed light on one of the major toxic mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease. The discoveries could lead to a much better understanding of the Alzheimer’s process and how to prevent it.

1-Apr-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Revealed: Elusive Mechanism of Widely Used Click Reaction
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have illuminated the mechanism at the heart of one of the most useful processes in modern chemistry. A reaction that is robust and easy to perform, it is widely employed to synthesize new pharmaceuticals, biological probes, new materials and other products.

Released: 4-Apr-2013 1:45 PM EDT
Immunologist Joins Scripps Florida Faculty
Scripps Research Institute

The Scripps Research Institute has appointed Laura Solt as assistant professor at the Florida campus. Previously, Solt was a research associate and a member of the laboratory of Professor Thomas Burris at Scripps Florida.

Released: 4-Apr-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Found: Potential Therapy for Human Prion Disease
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have for the first time identified a pair of drugs already approved for human use that show anti-prion activity and, for one of them, great promise in treating rare and universally fatal disorders, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, caused by misfolded proteins called prions.

Released: 2-Apr-2013 4:40 PM EDT
Interactive Textbook Offers New Resource for Chemists
Scripps Research Institute

A trio of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute has created the first-ever fully interactive advanced organic chemistry textbook, called "The Portable Chemist’s Consultant: A Survival Guide for Discovery, Process, and Radiolabeling," for industrial chemists working toward new drugs and other goals, as well as organic chemistry students

Released: 28-Mar-2013 3:40 PM EDT
New Vaccine-Design Approach Targets Viruses Such as HIV
Scripps Research Institute

A team led by scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative has unveiled a new technique for vaccine design that could be particularly useful against HIV and other fast-changing viruses.

Released: 27-Mar-2013 11:15 AM EDT
Collaborative Grant Speeds Anti-Addiction Medication
Scripps Research Institute

As part of an unprecedented national effort to develop new drugs to treat neurological disorders, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have been awarded an innovative grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to help people break their addiction to nicotine.

Released: 25-Mar-2013 6:00 PM EDT
Scientists Find New Compounds, Approach to Breast Cancer
Scripps Research Institute

Using a broad spectrum of analytical tools, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have uncovered a class of novel compounds that can alter cell signaling activity, resulting in a variety of responses including a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

21-Mar-2013 6:00 AM EDT
Study Reveals How Serotonin Receptors Can Shape Drug Effects
Scripps Research Institute

A team including scientists from The Scripps Research Institute, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has determined and analyzed the high-resolution atomic structures of two kinds of human serotonin receptor.

Released: 20-Mar-2013 3:30 PM EDT
John Moores Gives $2 Million to TSRI for River Blindness Test
Scripps Research Institute

Philanthropist, businessman and community leader John Moores has given The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) approximately $2 million to fund the development of a new field test for Onchocerciasis, or river blindness, a parasitic infection that affects tens of millions of people in Africa, Latin America and other tropical regions.

Released: 3-Mar-2011 2:00 PM EST
Study Points to Liver, Not Brain, as Origin of Alzheimer’s Plaques
Scripps Research Institute

Unexpected results from a Scripps Research Institute and ModGene, LLC study could completely alter scientists’ ideas about Alzheimer’s disease—pointing to the liver instead of the brain as the source of the “amyloid” that deposits as brain plaques associated with this devastating condition. The findings could offer a relatively simple approach for Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment.

Released: 21-Feb-2011 9:00 AM EST
Scripps Research Institute Names Michael Marletta as President
Scripps Research Institute

Renowned biochemist Michael A. Marletta, PhD, has been named by the Board of Trustees today as the next president of The Scripps Research Institute, effective January 1, 2012. He will succeed President Richard A. Lerner, MD, who has led the institution for 25 years.

Released: 31-Jan-2011 8:00 AM EST
Scientists Convert Skin Cells to Beating Heart Cells
Scripps Research Institute

Breakthrough discovery offers hope for new therapies for range of diseases.

25-Jan-2011 2:15 PM EST
Scientists Reveal Key Mechanism Governing Nicotine Addiction
Scripps Research Institute

New research could produce novel therapies that increase natural resistance to addiction to smoking.

Released: 2-Dec-2010 12:00 PM EST
Research Scientists Home In on Chemicals Needed to Reprogram Cells
Scripps Research Institute

Groundbreaking discovery moves field closer to therapeutic applications.

28-Apr-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Research Team Provides Groundbreaking New Understanding of Stem Cells
Scripps Research Institute

In findings that could one day lead to new therapies, researchers from The Scripps Research Institute have described some striking differences between the biochemistry of stem cells versus mature cells.

26-Apr-2010 2:30 PM EDT
Scientists Solve Protein Structure Revealing Secrets of Cell Membranes
Scripps Research Institute

A team of scientists at The Scripps Research Institute and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has discovered the structure of a protein that pinches off tiny pouches from cells’ outer membranes. Cells use these pouches, or vesicles, to carry nutrients and other essential substances, but many medicines also hitch a ride inside them.

19-Apr-2010 4:30 PM EDT
Scientists Reveal How Genetic Mutations May Cause Type 1 Diabetes
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have provided an answer to the 40-year-old mystery of how certain genetic mutations lead to Type 1 diabetes. This new molecular understanding could lead to novel therapies for Type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.

Released: 12-Apr-2010 4:45 PM EDT
Research Scientists Solve Mystery of Fragile Stem Cells
Scripps Research Institute

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have solved the decade-old mystery of why human embryonic stem cells are so difficult to culture in the laboratory, providing scientists with useful new techniques and moving the field closer to the day when stem cells can be used for therapeutic purposes.

23-Mar-2010 3:00 PM EDT
Compulsive Eating Shares Same Addictive Biochemical Mechanism with Cocaine, Heroin Abuse
Scripps Research Institute

In a newly published study, scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have shown for the first time that the same molecular mechanisms that drive people into drug addiction are behind the compulsion to overeat, pushing people into obesity.

22-Mar-2010 4:15 PM EDT
Research Team Finds Structure of “Swine Flu” Virus
Scripps Research Institute

A team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year’s “swine flu” influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th century, helping to explain why, in general, older individuals have been less severely affected by the recent outbreak than younger ones.

Released: 22-Mar-2010 4:35 PM EDT
Richard and Helen Devos Gift Kicks Off Drive to Endow Scripps Florida Graduate School
Scripps Research Institute

The Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation has donated $100,000 to The Scripps Research Institute that will be used to jump start a new philanthropic drive to expand the graduate school program at Scripps Florida. The program, part of Scripps Research's Kellogg School of Science and Technology, offers a doctoral degree with an emphasis on chemistry, chemical biology, biophysics, or the biological sciences.
