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Released: 7-Dec-2023 11:05 AM EST
Wasps that recognize faces cooperate more, may be smarter
Cornell University

A new study of paper wasps suggests social interactions may make animals smarter. The research offers behavioral evidence of an evolutionary link between the ability to recognize individuals and social cooperation.

Released: 6-Dec-2023 11:05 AM EST
Huge benefits of merging hydropower and desalination
Cornell University

Cornell University engineers have refined a concept for desalinating ocean water for large, drought-stricken coastal populations, while cultivating green energy in the process.

Released: 5-Dec-2023 12:05 PM EST
Cornell’s iconic ‘Intro to Wines’ class turns 50
Cornell University

One of Cornell University’s most popular elective courses, the iconic “Introduction to Wines” has helped generations of Cornellians refine their palates – and knowledge – about the many varieties of wine. Cornell’s first wines course – and the first accredited wines course offered at any American university – launched in 1953 for students in what is now the Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration.

Released: 5-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
Under-the-skin implant could treat Type I diabetes
Cornell University

A collaboration between researchers from Cornell and University of Alberta, Edmonton, has created a new technique to treat Type 1 diabetes: implanting a device inside a pocket under the skin that can secrete insulin while avoiding the immunosuppression that typically stymies management of the disease.

Released: 5-Dec-2023 10:05 AM EST
Crowdsourcing city complaints: Cornell Tech method improves equitability
Cornell University

Crowdsourcing is an essential component of city management; crews can’t be everywhere at the same time, and they rely on residents to report issues to the proper authorities so they can be addressed.

Released: 4-Dec-2023 11:05 AM EST
Consistency key to corporate expressions of racial solidarity
Cornell University

An analysis of Fortune 500 company statements after the 2020 police killing of George Floyd finds that donations to social justice groups only conveyed allyship to Black Americans when seen as part of a long-term commitment to diversity.

Released: 4-Dec-2023 11:05 AM EST
Snail-inspired robot could scoop ocean microplastics
Cornell University

Inspired by a small and slow snail, scientists have developed a robot protype that may one day scoop up microplastics from the surfaces of oceans, seas and lakes.

Released: 30-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Sea fireflies synchronize their sparkle to seek soulmates
Cornell University

In sea fireflies’ underwater ballet, the males sway together in perfect, illuminated synchronization, basking in the glow of their secreted iridescent mucus.

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Released: 29-Nov-2023 1:05 PM EST
600 years of tree rings reveal climate risks in California
Cornell University

The San Joaquin Valley in California has experienced vast variability in climate extremes, with droughts and floods that were more severe and lasted longer than what has been seen in the modern record, according to a new study of 600 years of tree rings from the valley.

Released: 27-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Wind and solar projects can profit from bitcoin mining
Cornell University

Bitcoin mining is often perceived as environmentally damaging because it uses huge amounts of electricity to power its intensive computing needs, but a new study demonstrates how wind and solar projects can profit from bitcoin mining during the precommercial development phase — when a wind or solar farm is generating electricity, but has not yet been integrated into the grid.

Released: 27-Nov-2023 9:05 AM EST
Oral delivery a possibility for silica-based C’Dots
Cornell University

Ultrasmall fluorescent core-shell hybrid silica nanoparticles – known as Cornell Prime Dots, or C’Dots – are among the nanocarriers for therapeutics that were thought to be viable only by injection, but new Cornell research has shown the potential for their oral administration.
