Experts Available

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Released: 30-May-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Wallenda’s High-Wire Walk: Experts Outline Dangers, Payoffs
University at Buffalo

On June 15, high-wire artist Nik Wallenda will attempt to cross Niagara Falls on a tightrope. University at Buffalo experts crowd psychology, the role of spectacle in popular culture, the Niagara mist plume, and the payoffs of this kind of venture.

Released: 22-May-2012 12:50 PM EDT
Law Professor: ‘Devil Is in the Details’ of Cybersecurity Bill
University at Buffalo

The “devil is in the details” of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) pending in the U.S. Congress, says University at Buffalo Associate Professor Mark Bartholomew, an expert in intellectual property and cyber law.

Released: 3-May-2012 4:40 PM EDT
Experts: Did Post-Concussion Symptoms Lead Junior Seau to his Death?
University at Buffalo

John J. Leddy, MD, associate professor and director of the University at Buffalo Concussion Clinic and Barry S. Willer, PhD, professor and the clinic’s research director consider the possibility that former NFL player, Junior Seau, found dead on May 2, may have been suffering from concussion-related depression.

Released: 27-Apr-2012 5:00 PM EDT
Volcanologist Can Discuss Mexico’s Rumbling Popocatepetl Volcano
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo volcanologist Michael Sheridan can discuss Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano, which has entered a heightened phase of activity. Sheridan has been studying Popocatepetl for years.

Released: 2-Apr-2012 5:10 PM EDT
‘Bully’ Movie Triggers a Valuable Dialogue, but Shows the Need for More Training, Says Expert
University at Buffalo

The new documentary “Bully” starts a valuable conversation about bullying, but illustrates how many schools lack adequate training to cope with this all-too-common problem, according to the director of the University at Buffalo’s Jean M. Alberti Center for the Prevention of Bullying Abuse and School Violence.

Released: 5-Mar-2012 7:15 AM EST
Political Scientists Available for Super Tuesday Races, Results and Reactions
University at Buffalo

Two University at Buffalo political science professors are available as expert sources for analysis of Super Tuesday Republican presidential primaries and the candidates still in the race

Released: 21-Oct-2011 1:35 PM EDT
Why We Create Monsters
University at Buffalo

Experts in various aspects of the macabre include several University at Buffalo faculty members who specialize in what in many cultures find horrible and terrifying.

Released: 23-Sep-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Gaga’s Anti-Bullying Stance Can Help, Says Expert
University at Buffalo

Lady Gaga and other celebrities commenting on bullying have the chance to teach young people about the horrors of bullying abuse, says the director of the University at Buffalo’s Alberti Center for the Prevention of Bullying Abuse, a power that makes it important they act responsibly.

Released: 8-Sep-2011 3:30 PM EDT
UB Faculty Experts Can Discuss 10th Anniversary of 9/11
University at Buffalo

As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to discuss the Sept. 11 attacks and their aftermath.

Released: 24-Aug-2011 8:00 AM EDT
East Coast Earthquake was Moderate but Significant, says UB Earthquake Researcher
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo researcher Andre Filiatrault is available for expert commentary about Tuesday's earthquake. director of UB's MCEER (Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research).

Released: 11-Aug-2011 3:40 PM EDT
Hacktivism, Salmonella and Binge Drinking; Got Experts?
University at Buffalo

Faculty experts from the University at Buffalo are available for commentary on a range of issues in the news, including the rise of “hackivism” (hacking and activism), violence in England, prevention of salmonella poisoning, and how to prevent teenage binge drinking.

Released: 2-May-2011 1:10 PM EDT
UB Experts Available to Comment on Bin Laden’s Death
University at Buffalo

Faculty experts and scholars from the University at Buffalo are available to comment on the political, cultural, international and economic impact of Osama bin Laden’s death.

Released: 23-Mar-2011 1:30 PM EDT
Iodine 131 Exposure Puts Children's Normal Growth and Development at Risk, Says Radiation Expert
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo radiation expert, Alan H. Lockwood, MD, professor of neurology and nuclear medicine is available to discuss human health effects of radiation. Six weeks after the Chernobyl accident, he examined survivors at a Moscow hospital. For more UB faculty expertise, go to the UB Faculty Experts blog:

Released: 24-Feb-2011 1:30 PM EST
Baby Boomers Turning 65; What Does It Mean for Us?
University at Buffalo

As of Jan. 1, the first baby boomers turned 65. What can society expect as boomers retire, age and continue to be active? How will this affect the stigma of growing old? University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to comment on aging in America.

Released: 11-Jan-2011 12:10 PM EST
What Are the Legal, Historical and Psychological Impacts of the Arizona Shootings?
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to comment on the Arizona shootings and their relationship to recent political rhetoric from a historical and legal perspective. For example, recent rhetoric is similar to that during the Reconstruction period and appears to legitimize violence. And that while the vast majority of mentally ill will never commit a violent crime, commentators who preach hatred should shoulder some of the blame for this violent attack.

Released: 23-Nov-2010 4:00 PM EST
Experts Available to Discuss Safe Holiday Driving and the New Airport Full-Body Scan
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to comment on the following topics: Safe driving tips for the holiday and the uphill battle of a possible legal challenge to the body scans. The thoughts of the UB faculty members are summarized below. For more information or to search the university’s Newstips blog, go to the Newstips Web site

Released: 2-Nov-2010 4:15 PM EDT
Political Scientists Available for Post-Election Analysis
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo political scientists James Campbell, PhD, Joshua Dyck, PhD and James Coleman Battista, PhD, will be available to the media on Wednesday, November 3 for post-election commentary and analysis.

Released: 26-Oct-2010 4:05 PM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss the Anti-Bullying Initiative by the Federal Government
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to comment on the following topics: Praise for the federal government’s anti-bullying initiative.

Released: 18-Oct-2010 10:50 AM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss Chilean Miners Group Support and the Effect of the Chilean Mining Disaster on Safety in the Global Mining Industry
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to comment on the following topics: 1) How group support among the miners may prevent PTSD and 2) A Chilean geologist describes the situation in the Chilean mining industry and how this event may change mining practices.

Released: 12-Oct-2010 2:45 PM EDT
Experts Available to Discuss Carl Paladino’s Personal Attacks, New Breast Cancer Research, McDonald’s Health Plan and Adult Stem Cell Research
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo faculty experts are available to comment on the following topics: How New York State gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino’s personal attacks are affecting his chances, how a breast cancer diagnosis changes self-concept, McDonald’s health plan from the worker’s perspective and the promise of adult (non-embryonic) stem cells. The thoughts of the UB faculty members are summarized below. For more information or to search the university’s Newstips blog, go to
