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Released: 23-Jun-2010 9:45 AM EDT
Pharmaceutical Press and University of the Sciences Partner to Publish "Remington"
University of the Sciences

Pharmaceutical Press, in collaboration with Philadelphia College of Pharmacy at University of the Sciences, will publish "Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy."

Released: 6-May-2010 8:35 AM EDT
Health Tip: Gardening Ergonomics - Picking the Right Tools
University of the Sciences

Choosing an ergonomic tool can help gardening enthusiasts significantly reduce discomfort and fatigue and reduce injuries according to Occupational Therapist Dr. Paula Kramer at University of the Sciences.

Released: 3-May-2010 10:00 AM EDT
University of the Sciences to Recognize Two with Honorary Degrees at 189th Commencement on May 26
University of the Sciences

University of the Sciences will bestow two honorary doctor of science degrees when it holds graduation at The Mann Center for the Performing Arts on Wednesday, May 26, 2010, at 1 p.m.

Released: 12-Feb-2010 1:00 PM EST
Diabetes Prevention: What You Need to Know
University of the Sciences

Diabetes may be one of the nation’s leading causes of death, but knowing the facts can help you understand and avert the onset of the most common form of diabetes, type 2. Education is power to fight the deadly consequences of diabetes, and Dr. Schwartz identifies what you need to know.

Released: 5-Feb-2010 12:30 PM EST
It’s No Stretch Shoveling Snow Leads To Injuries
University of the Sciences

When your driveway is covered in snow this winter, your first thought may be to dig yourself out. But before you grab the shovel, physical therapist Dr. Susan Wainwright shares simple tips to prepare for and avoid injuries from shoveling snow.

Released: 28-Jan-2010 11:30 AM EST
One Year Later – Delay in Healthcare Reform Impacting Older Americans
University of the Sciences

As a practicing geriatrician and health policy expert, Dr. Richard Stefanacci recognizes the major components of healthcare reform that cannot wait any longer to be addressed, especially those negatively affecting older Americans and Medicare patients. Dr. Stefanacci identifies key issues and changes that can make healthcare reform a reality.

Released: 22-Jan-2010 1:00 PM EST
Everyday Habits for a Healthy Heart
University of the Sciences

American Heart Month in February is the perfect time to initiate lifestyle changes that can help lower your risk of cardiovascular diseases, the world’s largest killers. Fitness expert Karin Richards provides simple lifestyle changes that can keep your heart healthy.

Released: 23-Oct-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Choose Toys to Encourage Learning This Holiday Season
University of the Sciences

For many parents, the holiday season comes with pressure to buy your child the “hottest” toy of the season. But Dr. Paula Kramer, chair and professor of occupational therapy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, wants parents to know that while the “it” toys may be unique and novel, they’re not always the best choice.

Released: 23-Oct-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Save Money on Children’s Gifts this Holiday Season
University of the Sciences

In what is shaping up to be another lean holiday season, many parents are on the look-out for a bargain. Dr. Roger Ideishi, associate professor of occupational therapy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, offers strategies to help parents save money this holiday season, while stealthily surprising their children with gifts that encourage learning, creativity, and development.

Released: 25-Sep-2009 1:45 PM EDT
H1N1 Flu – Understanding Your Treatment Options
University of the Sciences

While Americans wait for the H1N1 influenza vaccine, it’s important to know and understand the options for treatment for those who have been diagnosed and are ill.

Released: 25-Sep-2009 12:55 PM EDT
Fall Allergy OTC Medicines – Speak With Your Pharmacist
University of the Sciences

For the estimated 36 million Americans who will continue to sniffle and sneeze into the fall, allergy symptoms can be just as bad as they are in spring. Dr. Daniel A. Hussar, Remington professor of pharmacy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, strongly recommends that patients speak with a pharmacist before selecting the OTC product that will be the most effective and safest to use for the symptoms that they are experiencing.

Released: 15-Sep-2009 11:30 AM EDT
Healthy Eating Habits Are First Line of Defense in Flu Season
University of the Sciences

As cold and flu season get underway, breaking poor eating habits can not only prevent sickness, but also give you more energy, make you feel better about yourself, and help you live a healthier life. Ara DerMarderosian, PhD, professor of pharmacognosy for University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and an expert in nutraceuticals and natural foods, provides guidance to change how you eat and break habits that pack on the pounds and compromise immunity.

Released: 8-Sep-2009 4:30 PM EDT
University of the Sciences H1N1 Swine Flu Experts
University of the Sciences

As students head back to school and flu season gets underway, experts from University of the Sciences in Philadelphia are available and ready to discuss various aspects of H1N1 flu, including vaccines and treatments, pandemic preparedness, medication-use systems, and more.

Released: 28-Aug-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Simple Strategies for Healthy Eating and Living
University of the Sciences

Ara DerMarderosian, PhD, professor of pharmacognosy for University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and an expert in nutraceuticals and natural foods, provides guidance to change how you eat and break habits that pack on the pounds.

Released: 24-Jul-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Take a Load Off: Back-to-School Backpack Safety
University of the Sciences

Picking out the latest and greatest backpack is an end of summer tradition for many students, but this essential back-to-school item has the potential to cause a lifetime of back and neck ailments. Paula Kramer, PhD, a licensed occupational therapist and chair of the Occupational Therapy Department at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, provides tips to correctly choose and use a backpack.

Released: 8-Jul-2009 2:45 PM EDT
The Acetaminophen Challenge - and Recommendations
University of the Sciences

Last week, an FDA joint advisory committee gathered to discuss safety questions surrounding acetaminophen. They made several recommendations, such as lowering the maximum daily dosage and strengthening the labeling. Daniel A. Hussar, PhD, Remington Professor of Pharmacy at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia shares potential outcomes and consequences of these recommendations.

Released: 8-Jun-2009 3:50 PM EDT
University of the Sciences Elects Four to Board of Trustees
University of the Sciences

Four new members were recently elected to serve on the board of trustees of University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Dr. Frank Baldino, Jr. (Cephalon, Inc.), Daniel K. Fitzpatrick (Citizens Bank); Dr. Donald J. M. Phillips (Vox Medica Holdings, Inc.), and Dominic A. Marasco (Quintiles Commercial/Innovex).

Released: 8-Jun-2009 10:55 AM EDT
Experts Reveal How to Keep Summer Safe and Fun
University of the Sciences

Temperatures are rising and summer has finally arrived. As the season of swimming, hiking, biking, and exploring the great outdoors kicks-off, University of the Sciences experts are available to talk about summer safety issues and how to make sure summer is not a bummer. Safety topics include: tips for the pool safety, sun burn relief, heat exposure and dehydration, helmet usage, and Lyme disease.

Released: 1-Jun-2009 11:20 AM EDT
University of the Sciences Names Samson College of Health Sciences in Honor of Marvin Samson
University of the Sciences

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia's board of trustees has approved changing the name of its College of Health Sciences to the Samson College of Health Sciences in honor of Marvin Samson, a longtime friend, honorary alumnus, and trustee of the University.

Released: 22-May-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Home Safety Checklist for the Elderly
University of the Sciences

Home is meant to be a haven of safety and comfort, but for adults 65 and older, hazards in a home pose a serious threat to their health and independence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that half of all falls in older adults happen at home and every 35 minutes, someone in this population group dies as a result of their injuries.

Released: 18-May-2009 3:10 PM EDT
University of the Sciences to Recognize Three with Honorary Degrees at 188th Commencement on May 20
University of the Sciences

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia will officially launch the careers of the next generation of pharmacists, scientists, and healthcare professionals when the University conducts its 188th commencement ceremony on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 1 p.m.

Released: 4-May-2009 11:15 AM EDT
Health Policy Symposium at University of the Sciences Focuses on Digital Healthcare
University of the Sciences

The Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy at University of the Sciences presents The Future of Health Information Technology on May 14, 2009, from 5-7 p.m. A panel of prominent experts with experience in industry, government, academia, and medicine will seek to define a vision for digital healthcare.

Released: 1-May-2009 12:00 PM EDT
Get it Straight: Simple Steps to Improve Your Posture
University of the Sciences

As National Correct Posture Month, May is the perfect time to focus on keeping your spine healthy. University of the Sciences in Philadelphia's Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Dr. Greg Thielman offers simple exercises and solutions to improve your posture"”and avoid a lifetime of aches and pains.

Released: 27-Apr-2009 5:00 PM EDT
Electronic Medical Records: Challenges to the President's Plan to Digitize Healthcare
University of the Sciences

Ready or not, electronic medical records are coming to a hospital near you. President Obama has dedicated $19 billion of the stimulus package for the digitization of medical records, and despite the clear advantages of this massive investment in health IT, Dr. James Pierce, chair of the Bioinformatics and Computer Science Department at University of the Sciences, warns of the significant challenges to nation-wide information technology adoption in the health sector.

Released: 7-Apr-2009 4:20 PM EDT
NDCR 2009 Provides First-of-its-Kind Reference for Pharmacists and Healthcare Practitioners
University of the Sciences

NDCR 2009 by Dr. Daniel A. Hussar provides a first-of-its-kind reference for pharmacists and healthcare practitioners. The book details the 158 drugs that have been marketed in the U.S. during the 2002-2008 period, and features comparisons to previously marketed drugs, specific advantages and disadvantages of each, and ratings for each new drug based on comparisons with related agents.

Released: 26-Mar-2009 4:40 PM EDT
Annual Research Day at University of the Sciences Showcases Diversity of Research Pursuits on Campus
University of the Sciences

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia will showcase the diversity and growth of research pursuits on campus during its 7th Annual Research Day on Thursday, April 2, 2009.

Released: 27-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
Take Care of Your Body Before You Take Care of the Garden
University of the Sciences

Spring is the time when we plant gardens that will reap a summer of flowers and vegetables. While this popular outdoor activity has stress-relieving benefits, it can also be physically challenging, warns Dr. Paula Kramer. Dr. Kramer provides easy tips to safely tend your garden and prevent serious injury.

Released: 27-Feb-2009 1:00 PM EST
Use Caution When Treating Seasonal Allergies
University of the Sciences

Spring is in the air"“literally. Pollen, grass, spores, dust, and other allergens, mean that over-the-counter allergy medications are flying off the shelves. But before you turn to a pill for relief, Dr. Daniel A. Hussar cautions on the risks of mixing and misusing over-the-counter medicines.

Released: 29-Jan-2009 12:30 PM EST
Institute for Geriatric Studies Established at University of the Sciences
University of the Sciences

The newly established Institute for Geriatric Studies at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia focuses squarely on the critical issues of business and policy affecting geriatric health by uniting resources to provide education and services.

Released: 23-Jan-2009 1:00 PM EST
Healthy Habits for Your Heart
University of the Sciences

American Heart Month is the perfect time to initiate diet and lifestyle changes that can help lower your risk of heart disease, the No. 1 killer of men and women in the U.S. Dr. Ara DerMarderosian, professor of pharmacognosy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia provides a few simple measures to keep your heart at its healthiest.

Released: 11-Dec-2008 10:30 AM EST
Make a Healthy and Lasting Impression with Toys this Holiday Season
University of the Sciences

Instead of shopping for the hottest pricey toy this holiday season, Dr. Paula Kramer, chair and professor of occupational therapy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, encourages parents to buy their children toys that promote healthy childhood development.

Released: 8-Dec-2008 4:30 PM EST
This New Year, Ditch the Gym for a Healthy Outdoor Workout
University of the Sciences

If getting into shape is on your New Year's resolution list, but you're not interested in navigating jam-packed gyms, the answer is simple: take your exercise regime out of the gym and into the great outdoors. To be sure you're safely working toward your goals and getting the most out of your outdoor exercise this winter, Professor Richards has provided simple tips.

Released: 17-Nov-2008 4:35 PM EST
Simple Steps to Help Your Skin Weather the Winter Season
University of the Sciences

Cracking, chaffing, dry patches, and itchiness"“all are unpleasant symptoms of dry and irritated skin that often comes with winter. As temperatures drop, the wind howls, and humidity levels hit an all-year low, our skin requires extra attention and care to stay healthy. To be sure you're effectively treating and protecting your skin during the harsh winter season, Jeff Moore, an instructor of pharmaceutics in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, has provided simple skin care tips.

Released: 15-May-2008 3:40 PM EDT
Experts Agree: Vaccines Give Health Care a Needed Shot in the Arm
University of the Sciences

Vaccines will play a growing role in global public health, but controversies may impede their progress. That was the conclusion of four international experts at a symposium sponsored by University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, the fifth in a series on the future of health care.

Released: 1-May-2008 10:55 AM EDT
The Future of Vaccines
University of the Sciences

Five internationally recognized experts on public health, vaccines, and bioethics meet at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia for its annual health policy symposium titled "The Future of Vaccines: Challenges, Successes, Opportunities."

Released: 14-Mar-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Playing it Safe on the Playground has its Rewards
University of the Sciences

Parents shouldn't horse around when it comes to playground safety. Whether it's in the neighborhood park or their own backyard, adult supervision and risk awareness are the keys to keeping kids playing and progressing, according to two University of the Sciences in Philadelphia occupational therapy professors.

Released: 8-Feb-2008 1:00 PM EST
Rest Assured You’re Making the Most of Bedtime
University of the Sciences

In recognition of National Sleep Awareness Week (March 3-9), USP's Dr. Philip Gehrman shares sleep hygiene tips to be sure you're harnessing the benefits that may come from a good night's rest.

Released: 8-Feb-2008 1:00 PM EST
Are Vitamins in Soda Just a Gimmick?
University of the Sciences

With March noted as National Nutrition month, it is a good time for consumers to beware that the perceived benefits of vitamins in soda can be deceiving. USP's Dr. Ara DerMarderosian notes that unlike encapsulated vitamins, which have prolonged shelf lives and precise nutritional values, vitamins in soda are not as stable.

Released: 11-Jan-2008 1:00 PM EST
Health Tip: Healthy Habits for Your Heart
University of the Sciences

American Heart Month is the ideal time to initiate the lifestyle changes that can help lower your risk of heart disease. USP's Dr. Ara DerMarderosian promotes proactive prevention rather than damage control.

Released: 28-Nov-2007 5:00 PM EST
Make a Healthy Impression with Toys This Holiday Season
University of the Sciences

This holiday season, instead of picking toys based solely on the latest trends, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia Occupational Therapy Professors Dr. Paula Kramer and Roger Ideishi recommend that parents consider toys that promote healthy childhood development and reinforce interpersonal relationships.

Released: 13-Nov-2007 2:45 PM EST
Behind-the-Counter Medicines: Improved Access, Better Health
University of the Sciences

On November 14, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will hold an informational meeting to hear opinions on the behind-the-counter (BTC) method of drug distribution. "The involvement of the pharmacist in counseling patients will be of great value in assuring the effective and safe use of these medications," said USP's Dr. Daniel A. Hussar.

Released: 26-Oct-2007 1:00 PM EDT
It’s No Stretch Shoveling Snow Leads To Injuries
University of the Sciences

Shoveling snow is no different than any other physical activity. It is important to warm up and stretch according to Dr. Susan Wainwright, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. She also warns that older adults who aren't physically active can tax their cardiovascular system when they start to shovel and this can result in heart attacks.

Released: 26-Oct-2007 1:00 PM EDT
Oil and Water Mix for Skin Care Treatment In Winter Season
University of the Sciences

As the weather turns colder, dry skin becomes a common problem for most people. Most lotions and creams contain one or both of the following agents−an oily agent and a watery agent said Jeff Moore, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. A little background on the make-up of skin creams would make selecting the right cream easier.

Released: 15-Oct-2007 3:40 PM EDT
USP Names William L. Ashton Interim Dean for Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy
University of the Sciences

William L. Ashton has been named the interim dean of the Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy at USP. Ashton, who joined USP in 2005 as an assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management Program, is a former Fortune 100 senior executive with 28 years experience in pharmaceutical and biotechnology management.

Released: 24-Sep-2007 1:00 PM EDT
USP Launches Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy
University of the Sciences

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia's Board of Trustees approved the launch of a new college"”the Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy. The new college"”USP's fifth"”will focus on preparing professionals to function in environments where legislative, regulatory, commercial, clinical and technological, and healthcare business issues converge.

Released: 2-Aug-2007 5:10 PM EDT
USP Partners with Ascend Media to Publish "Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy"
University of the Sciences

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia on behalf of its Advanced Concepts Institute (ACI) has announced a formal relationship with Ascend Media Healthcare to produce the 22nd edition of "Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy."

Released: 28-Jun-2007 3:30 PM EDT
Protect Your Skin from the Sun
University of the Sciences

Red is a color you will see a lot this Fourth of July, but it is not a color you want to see on your skin. Dr. Ara DerMarderosian, professor of biological science at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia strongly advises using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) higher than 15. He also says to reapply the sunscreen frequently.

Released: 7-Jun-2007 2:55 PM EDT
Take Precautions Before You Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet
University of the Sciences

Before you flush old or unused medication, take precautions. Dr. Steven Sheaffer of University of the Sciences in Philadelphia points to the increasing evidence of water contamination. He also says it is important to recognize the risk to children and animals of disposing medication in the trash. The APhA provides helpful guidelines for disposal.

Released: 5-Jun-2007 4:30 PM EDT
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and Sanovia Corporation Announce Relationship
University of the Sciences

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP), on behalf of its Advanced Concepts Institute (ACI), announced a relationship with Sanovia Corporation today. The first initiative to be undertaken by ACI and Sanovia will be to develop a library of evidence-based guidelines for the appropriate use of high-cost pharmaceuticals and biotech products.

Released: 15-May-2007 3:05 PM EDT
USP Health Tip - Take Care of Your Body Before You Take Care of the Garden
University of the Sciences

Gardening requires a lot of bending, stretching, lifting, and moving in ways that we don't do everyday. It is important to think about good body mechanics and physical conditioning before you start getting that garden in shape says Dr. Paula Kramer, chair of Occupational Therapy at USP.
