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Released: 13-Dec-2016 10:40 AM EST
RTI International, Validic to Optimize Data From Wearables Like Fitbit for Health Research
RTI International

RTI International and Validic have partnered to optimize consumer wearable and health sensor data for research. This partnership creates an opportunity to use personal health data in comprehensive and innovative ways to answer questions about health, wellness, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

Released: 30-Nov-2016 10:55 AM EST
Report Analyzes College Paths of Immigrants, Second-Generation Americans
RTI International

A new report by education researchers at RTI International sheds light on trends in college enrollment by the children of Hispanic and Asian families who recently arrived in the United States.

Released: 30-Nov-2016 10:45 AM EST
College Students’ Use of Private Loans Drops by Half
RTI International

A new report by education researchers at RTI International found that the use of private student loans dropped by half between 2008 and 2012.

Released: 6-Oct-2016 8:35 AM EDT
More College Students Receiving Federal Pell Grants as Family Incomes Decline, RtResearchers Find
RTI International

The percentage of college students receiving Pell grants has climbed steadily since 1999, while their family income has declined, according to a recent report by RTI International researchers.

Released: 6-Oct-2016 7:25 AM EDT
Sexual Assault Kit Testing Programs to Be Expanded
RTI International

To help communities reduce the national backlog of untested sexual assault kits, RTI International will provide training and technical assistance to an increasing number of state and local agencies as they identify and test sexual assault kits, investigate and prosecute resulting cases, and support survivors of sexual assault.

Released: 6-Oct-2016 6:05 AM EDT
RTI International Continues Research to Improve Clinical Care for Women with Pelvic Floor Disorders
RTI International

RTI International will continue supporting research efforts to improve clinical care for women with pelvic floor disorders as part of the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network.

Released: 6-Oct-2016 5:50 AM EDT
New Findings Address State and Community Tobacco Control Policies and Practices
RTI International

A new series of research papers presents key findings of state and community tobacco control research to help guide state and community tobacco control policies and practices.

Released: 6-Sep-2016 2:05 PM EDT
Many College Students Take Remedial Courses, but Only Some Benefit, Researchers Find
RTI International

Steering new college students into remedial classes can boost a poorly prepared student’s chances of success, but doesn’t appear to benefit students with a stronger academic background, RTI International researchers have found.

Released: 4-Aug-2016 11:05 AM EDT
Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic Extends Beyond the United States
RTI International

There is a high rate of prescription pain reliever abuse in Europe, largely accounted by opioids, according to the first comparative study of prescription drug abuse in the European Union, which was conducted by researchers at RTI International and published in BMC Psychiatry.

Released: 13-Jul-2016 10:45 AM EDT
Study: Political Leanings Affect Opinions of Civil Liberties vs. Security Tradeoff
RTI International

Liberal American adults are less likely to favor counterterrorism policies that reduce civil liberties, than are conservative American adults, according to new research from RTI International and Duke NUS Medical School.

Released: 11-Jul-2016 4:35 PM EDT
RTI International to Fund and Conduct Research on Victimization Among the LGBTQ Community
RTI International

In the wake of mass murder in Orlando and the passage of House Bill 2 in North Carolina, a law requiring individuals to use the bathroom corresponding to the sex listed on their birth certificate, RTI International will self-fund research to better understand the LGBTQ community and violence in the United States.

Released: 23-Jun-2016 3:25 PM EDT
Centrally Assisted Telecare for Military Members with PTSD/Depression Shows Improved Results, Study Finds
RTI International

Military members who visited a primary care clinic while suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression reported fewer symptoms and better mental health functioning a year after enrolling in a treatment program that included specially trained care managers and telephone therapy options, according to a new study conducted by RTI International, RAND and the Department of Defense Deployment Health Clinical Center.

Released: 23-Jun-2016 2:25 PM EDT
Part-Timers Now 49 Percent of Nation’s College and University Faculty, RTI International Researchers Find
RTI International

Part-time workers now make up nearly half of the faculty of U.S. colleges and universities, according to the 2016 edition of The Condition of Education, a federal report on the nation’s education system with contributions from RTI International.

Released: 23-Jun-2016 1:35 PM EDT
RTI International to Serve as Data Coordinating Center for Study of Pregnant Women in Areas Affected by Zika
RTI International

RTI International will serve as the data coordinating center for a multi-country study to evaluate the magnitude of health risks that Zika virus infection poses to pregnant women and their developing fetuses and infants. The study is led by the National Institutes of Health and Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz.

Released: 23-Jun-2016 1:30 PM EDT
Researchers to Discuss Evidence-Based Approaches for Fighting the Opioid Epidemic at Congressional Briefing
RTI International

In an effort to address the growing opioid epidemic in the United States, nationally recognized experts will discuss research-based strategies for preventing, intervening, and maintaining abstinence from opiate addictions during a congressional briefing June 24.

Released: 6-Jun-2016 9:00 AM EDT
RTI International to Host Discussion on Zika Virus Research, Prevention, and Response with Congressman Price
RTI International

As the Zika virus threat continues to loom, RTI International will host a roundtable discussion about North Carolina’s role in Zika research, prevention, and response June 7 in the Research Triangle Park. Representative David Price (NC-4) will provide opening remarks. The discussion will bring together leading researchers and policy makers to examine the science of Zika, the evolving response, research necessary to confront the virus, and childhood development implications.

Released: 5-May-2016 1:05 PM EDT
E-Cigarette Researchers Interview Availability
RTI International

RTI International is at the forefront of e-cigarette research and has conducted studies on e-cigarette contents, emissions, secondhand exposure, and the effects of e-cigarette advertising on teens.

Released: 5-May-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Online Tool Maps Louisiana’s Water Flow Interactions to Preserve State’s Fresh Water
RTI International

As part of an effort to preserve Louisiana's fresh water resources, RTI International worked with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to develop two online tools, released today, that offer a first-of-their-kind look at how Louisiana's waters interact with each other. These tools will help fishermen, oystermen, planners, decision makers, and all Louisianans understand the state's unique water flow patterns.

Released: 4-May-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Driving Under the Influence Sounds Like a Better Idea While High
RTI International

A new study by RTI International found that marijuana users who were high at the time they took the survey had substantially higher odds of believing it was safe to drive while under the influence.
