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Released: 19-Jul-2010 12:05 PM EDT
New Financial Regulations Will Not Prevent Another Crisis, Expert Warns
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

New and sweeping federal financial regulation passed by Congress late last week will give regulators tools to clean up the next financial crisis but will not prevent another crisis, says banking expert Tim Yeager, associate professor of finance at the University of Arkansas and former economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Released: 14-Jun-2010 3:00 PM EDT
Expert Available to Discuss Environmental Damage to Gulf Coast
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Professor and ecological engineering expert Marty Matlock is available to discuss environmental damage from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Released: 2-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EST
Five Tips to Help a Stressed-Out President – or Anyone Else – Quit Smoking
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Susan Rausch, health educator at the University of Arkansas, offers a five-step plan for quitting smoking, even when stressed out.

Released: 1-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EST
Earthquake and Civil Engineering Expert Available to Discuss Chile Earthquake
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas earthquake expert Brady Cox is available to answer questions about the effects of Saturday’s magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile, which has displaced 2 million people and destroyed or damaged hundreds of structures.

Released: 11-Feb-2010 1:45 PM EST
Olympics Not Just for Amateurs: Long-Term Impact
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Sports management professor Stephen Dittmore, who was a staff member for the 1996 and 2002 Olympics, comments on changes in the Olympics, including the need for the International Olympic Committee to consider the impact of increasing professionalism.

Released: 27-Jan-2010 8:00 AM EST
Engineering Researcher Part of National Team Investigating Haiti Earthquake
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Civil engineering professor and earthquake expert Brady Cox will travel to Haiti Saturday, Jan. 30, as part of a national team of engineers who will study the effects of the massive earthquake that struck the small Caribbean nation on Jan. 12. Cox and seven other members of Geo-engineering Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER), an organization funded by the National Science Foundation to conduct reconnaissance efforts of extreme events such as earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes, will gather data to advance understanding of earthquakes and their engineering effects.

Released: 26-Jan-2010 12:30 PM EST
Earthquake Researchers Return to Haiti to Gather Data
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A University of Arkansas researcher and his colleagues are traveling to Haiti as part of a National Science Foundation expedition to continue taking geologic measurements and better understand what happened, what is happening now, and what might yet occur.

Released: 22-Jan-2010 4:30 PM EST
Logistics Expert Available to Comment on Haiti Relief Efforts; Commercial Logistics Apply to Humanitarian Efforts, Researcher Says
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

A University of Arkansas business researcher and logistics expert is monitoring Haiti relief efforts and says that despite important differences between commercial and humanitarian logistics, key applications of commercial logistics can be applied to the rapid-response phase of the disaster recovery operation.

Released: 13-Jan-2010 2:30 PM EST
Earthquake, Structural Engineering Expert Available to Discuss Haiti Earthquake
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas earthquake expert Brady Cox is available to answer questions about the effects of the powerful earthquake in Haiti, which has caused massive destruction, including the collapse of many government offices in the capital Port-au-Prince.

Released: 27-Oct-2009 2:30 PM EDT
What Does a Futuristic, “Smart” Grid Look Like? How Would It Function?
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

For questions about what a modern “smart” grid would look like or how it would function, please consider the research expertise of Alan Mantooth, professor of electrical engineering and executive director of the National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission (NCREPT) at the University of Arkansas.

Released: 22-Oct-2009 2:00 PM EDT
“Judging Bush” Evaluates Bush Presidency
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Robert Maranto, a University of Arkansas professor, is lead editor of Judging Bush, a collection of essays that evaluate the man and his presidency.

Released: 21-Oct-2009 4:35 PM EDT
Internationally Known Genocide Scholar Available to Comment on New Obama Administration Strategy in Sudan
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Samuel Totten, an internationally known genocide scholar and author and editor of numerous books about genocide, is available to comment on the new Obama administration's policy in Sudan.

Released: 24-Sep-2009 5:00 PM EDT
Olympic Sport Expert Analyzes Bids to Host 2016 Olympics, Picks Favorite
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas professor was staff member of 1996 and 2002 Olympics and has extensive professional experience in sport PR.

Released: 17-Sep-2009 12:25 PM EDT
Expert Comment Available on Myles Brand’s Reform Efforts
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Sports management professor Stephen Dittmore is available to comment on the reform efforts of Myles Brand as NCAA president.

Released: 15-Sep-2009 9:50 PM EDT
Economist, National Banking Expert Available to Comment on Bernanke’s Statement That Recession Is “Very Likely” Over
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Economist and national banking expert Tim Yeager, associate professor of finance at the University of Arkansas and former economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, is available to comment on Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke’s statement today that the recession has “very likely” ended.

Released: 30-Jul-2009 8:00 AM EDT
Stimulus Funds Will Help Researchers Modernize the National Power Grid
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Electrical engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas and the University of South Carolina were informed this week that they will receive federal economic stimulus funds via the National Science Foundation to continue and strengthen their efforts to modernize the national power grid. The award will establish an NSF center of excellence, known as an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center.

Released: 26-Jun-2009 4:40 PM EDT
Expert on Combat Stress Control Units Available for Interview, Stateside and in Iraq
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Social work professor Vaughn DeCoster will begin his second tour of duty in August as a team leader in a combat stress control unit in Iraq. He is available for interview during July at the University of Arkansas and will be available while deployed in Iraq.

Released: 12-Dec-2008 1:00 PM EST
Genocide Scholar Can Speak About Human Rights From the Holocaust to Darfur
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In his 20 years as a genocide scholar, Samuel Totten of the University of Arkansas has moved beyond cataloging and commemorating past genocides to working to intervene and prevent future genocides.

Released: 9-Dec-2008 12:00 AM EST
The Odor of Sanctity: Poetry Rising Up From Sadness
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In his newest volume of poetry, Michael Heffernan, creative writing professor at the University of Arkansas, often mixes the lofty and the wacky. The resulting "mildly irreverent" poems rise up from the sometimes-sad circumstances of life.

Released: 18-Nov-2008 12:00 AM EST
Universal Human Rights Month: Genocide Scholar Can Speak About Human Rights From the Holocaust to Darfur
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

In his 20 years as a genocide scholar, Samuel Totten has moved beyond cataloging and commemorating past genocides to working to intervene and prevent future genocides.
