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Newswise: Researchers discover drug-resistant, often deadly pathogen living in dogs’ ears, creating concern it may jump to humans
Released: 7-Jul-2023 10:25 AM EDT
Researchers discover drug-resistant, often deadly pathogen living in dogs’ ears, creating concern it may jump to humans
McMaster University

Scientists at McMaster University and India’s University of Delhi have discovered and isolated the first live culture of the drug-resistant pathogen Candida auris from an animal, specifically from the ear canals of stray dogs.

Newswise: The great weight debate: Researchers find all forms of weightlifting build strength and muscle, details matter less
Released: 7-Jul-2023 9:40 AM EDT
The great weight debate: Researchers find all forms of weightlifting build strength and muscle, details matter less
McMaster University

Whether you use heavy or light weights, lifting them as many times as you can builds strength and muscle. The details of how you go about it are less important than simply making a habit of it, researchers have determined.

Newswise: Not eating enough of these six healthy foods is associated with higher cardiovascular disease and deaths globally
5-Jul-2023 3:00 PM EDT
Not eating enough of these six healthy foods is associated with higher cardiovascular disease and deaths globally
McMaster University

This study found that not eating enough of six key foods in combination is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults. Researchers derived a diet score from PHRI’s ongoing, large-scale global Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study, then replicated that in five independent studies to measure health outcomes in different world regions and in people with and without prior CVD.

Released: 4-Jul-2023 1:30 PM EDT
Researchers create packaging tray that warns of contamination before food is unwrapped
McMaster University

Researchers at McMaster University have created a new packaging tray that can signal when Salmonella or other dangerous pathogens are present in packages of raw or cooked food such as chicken.

Newswise: McMaster University team discovers hormonal pathway that increases calorie burning during weight loss
26-Jun-2023 12:15 PM EDT
McMaster University team discovers hormonal pathway that increases calorie burning during weight loss
McMaster University

The research team studied a hormone called GDF15 that they had previously shown to reduce appetite in response to the type 2 diabetes drug metformin. It was discovered that in mice, GDF15 blocks the slowing of metabolism that occurs during dieting by ramping up calcium futile cycling in muscle.

Newswise: Drug-resistant fungi are thriving in even the most remote regions of Earth
20-Jun-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Drug-resistant fungi are thriving in even the most remote regions of Earth
McMaster University

New McMaster research has found that a disease-causing fungus — collected from one of the most remote regions in the world — is resistant to a common antifungal medicine used to treat infections.

Newswise: Ketone supplements worsen performance in trained endurance athletes, researchers find
Released: 21-Jun-2023 10:25 AM EDT
Ketone supplements worsen performance in trained endurance athletes, researchers find
McMaster University

Kinesiologists at McMaster University have found ketone supplements, used by some athletes hoping to cross the finish line faster, may in fact worsen performance.

Newswise: Cognitive behavioural therapy for mothers may improve future mental health for infants: study
Released: 19-Jun-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Cognitive behavioural therapy for mothers may improve future mental health for infants: study
McMaster University

New research led by McMaster University shows cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) delivered to new mothers by individuals who previously recovered from post-partum depression (PPD) may help prevent future psychiatric illness in their children.

Newswise: Disadvantaged neighbourhoods and depression symptoms associated with premature aging
1-Jun-2023 2:55 PM EDT
Disadvantaged neighbourhoods and depression symptoms associated with premature aging
McMaster University

This study used two DNA methylation-based estimators, known as epigenetic clocks, to examine aging at the cellular level and estimate the difference between chronological age and biological age. Findings showed that neighbourhood deprivation and depressive symptoms were positively associated with acceleration of the epigenetic age estimated using the DNAm GrimAge clock.

Released: 29-May-2023 10:35 PM EDT
Culturally-consistent midwifery care can optimize the mental health of pregnant Indigenous persons during the pandemic
McMaster University

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Indigenous individuals during pregnancy and the postpartum (perinatal) period.

Newswise: Scientists use AI to find promising new antibiotic to fight evasive hospital superbug
22-May-2023 1:10 PM EDT
Scientists use AI to find promising new antibiotic to fight evasive hospital superbug
McMaster University

Scientists at McMaster University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have used artificial intelligence to discover a new antibiotic which could be used to fight a deadly, drug-resistant pathogen that strikes vulnerable hospital patients.

Released: 10-May-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Risk of opioid toxicity death is many times higher for people who experience incarceration
McMaster University

Burden of opioid toxicity death in the fentanyl-dominant era for people who experience incarceration in Ontario, Canada, 2015–2020: a whole population retrospective cohort study.

Released: 9-May-2023 9:30 AM EDT
McMaster researchers find best treatment for excessive daytime sleepiness
McMaster University

McMaster University researchers Dena Zeraatkar and Tyler Pitre have found that the drug solriamfetol is the most effective treatment for excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) for people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Released: 1-May-2023 1:40 PM EDT
Inhibiting fatty acid synthesis overcomes colistin resistance
McMaster University

Colistin is a last-resort antibiotic critical for treating multidrug-resistant bacterial infections. Resistance to colistin heralds the emergence of truly pan-resistant infections. In the article, the researchers found combining colistin with inhibitors of biotin (vitamin B7) or fatty acid production can overcome colistin resistance.

Newswise: Rare yeast pathogen causes neonatal outbreaks and is evolving quickly, resistant to cleaning chemicals: research
Released: 27-Apr-2023 10:10 AM EDT
Rare yeast pathogen causes neonatal outbreaks and is evolving quickly, resistant to cleaning chemicals: research
McMaster University

Scientists studying the stubborn and dangerous rare yeast pathogen behind two outbreaks in a neonatal intensive care unit in Delhi, India, have found that while infected patients can be treated with antifungal medications, the yeast is remarkably resistant to the strong disinfectant bleach commonly used to sanitize hospital rooms.

Released: 23-Apr-2023 5:05 PM EDT
Higher diet quality can combat cardiovascular disease: McMaster-led study
McMaster University

The study tracked 26,539 people from 33 countries in Asia, Europe, Australia North and South America with both CAD and PAD. Of the patients tracked, 24,119 had CAD and 7,163 had PAD, with some having both. Participants’ average age was 68 years old and 78 per cent were men. Over the 30 months that participants were monitored, a total of 1,391 adverse events occurred, of which 1,262 were CVD-related and 140 were PAD-related, with some people having both. Researchers found the incidence of CVD and PAD events was highest in patients with a poor diet, measured by the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) metric, with zero being the worst diet score and 70 being the best.

Newswise:Video Embedded salmonella-solution
Released: 17-Apr-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Salmonella Solution
McMaster University

McMaster University researchers have developed a rapid and inexpensive test for Salmonella contamination in chicken and other food – one that’s easier to use than a home COVID test.

Released: 4-Apr-2023 1:25 PM EDT
Evidence-based consensus guidelines on patient selection and trial stimulation for spinal cord stimulation therapy for chronic non-cancer pain
McMaster University

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has demonstrated effectiveness for neuropathic pain. Unfortunately, some patients report inadequate long-term pain relief. Patient selection is emphasized for this therapy; however, the prognostic capabilities and deployment strategies of existing selection techniques, including an SCS trial, have been questioned.
