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Newswise: Harvesting Water from Air with Solar Power
30-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Harvesting Water from Air with Solar Power
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University have developed a promising new solar-powered atmospheric water harvesting technology that could help provide enough drinking water for people to survive in difficult, dryland areas: They synthesized a super hygroscopic gel capable of absorbing and retaining an unparalleled amount of water. .

Newswise: Wearable Ultrasound Monitor Can Aid Rehabilitation from Injury #Acoustics23
28-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Wearable Ultrasound Monitor Can Aid Rehabilitation from Injury #Acoustics23
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

Parag Chitnis of George Mason University led a team that developed a wearable ultrasound system that can produce clinically relevant information about muscle function during dynamic physical activity. The system uses a patented approach that uses long-duration chirps and ultrasound sensing, and it allowed the team to design a simpler, cheaper system that could be miniaturized and powered by batteries. The result is an ultrasound monitor with a small, portable form factor that can be attached to a patient.

Newswise: A Farsighted Approach to Tackle Nearsightedness #Acoustics23
28-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
A Farsighted Approach to Tackle Nearsightedness #Acoustics23
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

As humans age, our eyes adjust based on how we use them, growing or shortening to focus where needed, and we now know that blurred input to the eye while the eye is growing causes myopia.

Newswise: Teaching Physics from the Din of Flying Discs #Acoustics23
27-Nov-2023 2:05 PM EST
Teaching Physics from the Din of Flying Discs #Acoustics23
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

The sound a disc makes while soaring through the air is full of information about how fast the disc is flying and how quickly it spins.

Newswise: Needle-Free Ultrasound Vaccine Delivery #Acoustics23
27-Nov-2023 4:05 PM EST
Needle-Free Ultrasound Vaccine Delivery #Acoustics23
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

Darcy Dunn-Lawless, a doctoral student at the University of Oxford, is investigating the potential of a painless, needle-free vaccine delivery by ultrasound. The method uses cavitation, which is the formation and popping of bubbles in response to a sound wave. Though initial in vivo tests reported 700 times fewer vaccine molecules were delivered by the cavitation approach compared to conventional injection, the cavitation approach produced a higher immune response. The researchers theorize this could be due to the immune-rich skin the ultrasonic delivery targets. The result is a more efficient vaccine that could help reduce costs and increase efficacy.

Released: 28-Nov-2023 8:05 AM EST
Press Conference Schedule: ASA Invites Media to Register for Acoustics 2023 Sydney
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

Press conferences for Acoustics 2023 Sydney will be held virtually at 8:00 a.m. AEDT, Dec. 6 and Dec. 7. Topics will focus on a wide range of newsworthy sessions from the upcoming meeting, which runs Dec. 4-8 in Sydney, Australia.

Newswise: Written in Blood
16-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST
Written in Blood
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In Physics of Fluids, scientists demonstrate how bloodstains can yield valuable details by examining the protrusions that deviate from the boundaries of otherwise elliptical bloodstains. The researchers studied how these “tails” are formed using a series of high-speed experiments with human blood droplets less than a millimeter wide impacting horizontal surfaces at various angles. They found that the tail length can reflect information about the size, impact speed, and impact angle of the blood drop that formed the stain.

Released: 17-Nov-2023 9:05 AM EST
Acoustical Society of America Invites Media to Sydney Meeting, Dec. 4-8 #Acoustics23
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

The Acoustical Society of America and the Australian Acoustical Society are co-hosting Acoustics 2023 Sydney, Dec. 4-8. The scientific conference brings together acousticians, researchers, musicians, and more experts from around the world.

Newswise: Society of Rheology Announces Winner of 2023 Journal of Rheology Publication Award
Released: 15-Nov-2023 8:30 AM EST
Society of Rheology Announces Winner of 2023 Journal of Rheology Publication Award
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

AIP Publishing and the Journal of Rheology congratulate Norman J. Wagner, Julie B. Hipp, and Jeffrey J. Richards, winners of the 2023 Journal of Rheology Publication Award for their paper, “Direct measurements of the microstructural origin of shear-thinning in carbon black suspensions.” The winning paper demonstrates how shearing forces impact the microstructure responsible for viscosity in suspensions containing carbon black, a material used in energy storage. The paper also provides a quantitative master curve which relates the material’s properties to how it may behave under stress.

Newswise: Putting Sound Waves to Work to Create Safer Public Spaces
13-Nov-2023 8:05 AM EST
Putting Sound Waves to Work to Create Safer Public Spaces
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Absorbing excess sound to make public environments like theaters and concert halls safer for hearing and using the unwanted sound waves to create electricity is the aim of a paper in Physics of Fluids.

Newswise: When languages collide, which survives?
8-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
When languages collide, which survives?
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In Chaos, researchers in Spain incorporate language ideologies, along with the impact of interaction between individuals with opposing preferences, on the language shift process. The team chose a quantitative approach based on a society in which only one language with two varieties, the standard and the vernacular, existed. The resulting mathematical model can predict the conditions that allow for the coexistence of different languages, presenting a comprehensive view of how language varieties are distributed within societies.

Released: 13-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
AAPM Appoints C. David Gammel, FASAE, CAE as New Executive Director
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine is pleased to announce C. David Gammel as its incoming Executive Director.

Newswise: Smith College Earns Award From Physics and Astronomy SEA Change Program
Released: 13-Nov-2023 8:15 AM EST
Smith College Earns Award From Physics and Astronomy SEA Change Program
American Association of Physics Teachers

Smith College Physics Department has earned a Bronze Award from the Physics and Astronomy SEA Change Committee for their work to create a more inclusive and diverse physics department.

Newswise: 2023 Joseph A. Johnson Award Goes to Yale University Professor of Physics
Released: 12-Nov-2023 2:00 PM EST
2023 Joseph A. Johnson Award Goes to Yale University Professor of Physics
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

AIP and the National Society of Black Physicists congratulate Charles D. Brown II as the winner of the 2023 Joseph A. Johnson Award for Excellence. Dante O’Hara and Danielle Speller are also being recognized with Honorable Mentions. The Johnson Award recognizes early-career scientists who demonstrate scientific ingenuity and impactful mentorship and service – the core values of NSBP founder Joseph A. Johnson. The award and honorable mentions will be presented at the 2023 National Society of Black Physicists Annual Conference on Nov. 12, in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Newswise: Study on Magnetic Force Microscopy Wins 2023 Advances in Magnetism Award
Released: 3-Nov-2023 8:30 AM EDT
Study on Magnetic Force Microscopy Wins 2023 Advances in Magnetism Award
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

An examination of the impact of image size on measurements from magnetic force microscopy has won the Advances in Magnetism Award, sponsored by AIP Advances. The paper was selected as the winner from nearly 200 papers submitted and Michael Vaka, now a data engineer at Zontal, was awarded a cash prize and a travel stipend to next year’s conference for his work, performed at BYU under the supervision of Karine Chesnel.

Newswise: How Cruise Ships Can Steer Clear of Viral Spread
26-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
How Cruise Ships Can Steer Clear of Viral Spread
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In Physics of Fluids, researchers examine how ventilation can affect transmission of airborne viruses in a typical cruise ship cabin based on guidelines developed before and after the pandemic. They conducted simulations for virus droplets from a cough in a typical cabin that accommodates two or more people, with different ventilation rates and different positions of the person emitting the cough. Computational fluid dynamics testing ranged from 1.5 to 15 air changes per hour to capture all possible scenarios, from minimal ventilation to rates exceeding the most recent recommendations.

Newswise: Wearing Your Heart (Monitor) on Your Sleeve
27-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Wearing Your Heart (Monitor) on Your Sleeve
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

By detecting cardiovascular ailments and helping assess overall cardiac health, wearable electrocardiograms save lives, not to mention exorbitant hospital care costs. In Applied Physics Reviews, researchers present a novel wearable electrocardiogram patch for enhanced point-of-care diagnostics. The study focused on the advantages of using active dry electrodes for ECG signaling, and they created a compact, lightweight, gel-free hexagonal-shaped ECG patch. The configuration was then integrated with wireless Bluetooth communication for remote sensing capabilities.

Newswise: Debra Callahan Receives 2023 Ronald C. Davidson Award for Plasma Physics
Released: 25-Oct-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Debra Callahan Receives 2023 Ronald C. Davidson Award for Plasma Physics
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Physics of Plasmas has bestowed the 2023 Davidson Award to Debra Callahan for her paper “Exploring the limits of case-to-capsule ratio, pulse length, and picket energy for symmetric hohlraum drive on the National Ignition Facility Laser.” The annual award of $5,000 is presented in collaboration with the APS Division of Plasma Physics to recognize outstanding plasma physics research by a Physics of Plasmas author.

Newswise: Climate Network Analysis Helps Pinpoint Regions at Higher Risk of Extreme Weather
12-Oct-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Climate Network Analysis Helps Pinpoint Regions at Higher Risk of Extreme Weather
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

Climate change and the rapid increase in frequency of extreme weather events around the globe reinforces the reality that these events are interconnected. In Chaos, researchers describe a climate network analysis method to explore the intensity, distribution, and evolution of this interlinked climate behavior, or teleconnections. The analysis combines the directions and distribution patterns of teleconnections to evaluate their intensity and to identify sensitive regions using global daily surface air temperature data. The method relies on advanced data processing and mathematical algorithms to find meaningful insights.

Newswise: Harnessing Molecular Power: Electricity Generation on the Nanoscale
11-Oct-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Harnessing Molecular Power: Electricity Generation on the Nanoscale
American Institute of Physics (AIP)

In APL Materials, researchers tested a molecular energy harvesting device that captures the energy from the natural motion of molecules in a liquid. Their work showed molecular motion can be used to generate a stable electric current. To create the device, they submerged nanoarrays of piezoelectric material in liquid, allowing the movement of the liquid to move the strands like seaweed waving in the ocean, except in this case the movement is on the molecular scale, and the strands are made of zinc oxide. When the zinc oxide material waves, bends, or deforms under motion, it generates electric potential.
