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Released: 6-Jun-2005 2:20 PM EDT
Soil Emissions Are Much-Bigger-than-Expected Component of Air Pollution
University of Washington

Nitrogen oxides from huge fires and fossil fuel combustion are a major component of air pollution. But new research shows that, in some area, nitrogen oxides from the soil are far greater than expected and could play a much larger role in seasonal air pollution than previously believed.

Released: 17-May-2005 11:55 AM EDT
Enterprising Students Vie for Seed Money, Chance to Cultivate, Grow Their Ideas
University of Washington

Finalists for the Center for Technology Entrepreneurship's Business Plan Competition are some of the most eclectic and promising teams in its eight-year history.

2-May-2005 4:10 PM EDT
Earth's Reflectivity a Great Unknown in Gauging Climate Change Impacts
University of Washington

Earth's climate is being changed substantially by greenhouse gases, but some leading climate scientists say data are too scarce on how much energy the planet reflects into space. They are calling for restoration of programs to study Earth's albedo.

Released: 27-Apr-2005 9:05 AM EDT
Alaskan Puzzles, Monitoring Provide Insight About North Pacific Salmon Runs
University of Washington

The University of Washington Alaska Salmon Program, the world's longest-running effort to monitor salmon and their ecosystems, has received nearly $2.4 million from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to expand its sampling scope and sophistication.

Released: 26-Apr-2005 4:35 PM EDT
South Asia Disaster Shows Tsunamis Are an Ongoing Threat to Humans
University of Washington

The tsunami that devastated south Asia coastlines and killed more than 200,000 people last December is a powerful reminder of just how dangerous those waves can be to humans, and a University of Washington scientist says it should be used to help people prepare for the next one.

Released: 19-Apr-2005 6:00 AM EDT
How Precisely Gene Expression Signals Are Copied in DNA Replication
University of Washington

A group of University of Washington researchers has devised a method that combines DNA sampling and mathematical modeling to find out how accurately patterns of methylation, a process that can control how genes are expressed, are copied during DNA replication.

Released: 18-Apr-2005 4:00 PM EDT
When It Comes to Salmon Sex, Size Sometimes Doesn't Matter
University of Washington

The ones that stay and the ones that stray are biological puzzles among Pacific salmon, of whom the vast majority -- but not all -- travel thousands of miles to sea and back to the streams where they hatched.

11-Apr-2005 9:20 AM EDT
Low Oxygen Likely Made 'Great Dying' Worse, Greatly Delayed Recovery
University of Washington

New University of Washington research suggests a sharp decline in atmospheric oxygen levels was likely a major reason for elevated extinction rates and a very slow species recovery, lasting millions of years, during the "Great Dying" some 251 million years ago.

Released: 5-Apr-2005 6:00 PM EDT
Pairs of Seagliders Set Endurance Records
University of Washington

Two ocean-diving gliders were retrieved late last month near Kauai after setting a world record by traveling a quarter of the way across the Pacific Ocean. Two other gliders have set another world endurance record with a deployment of 193 days as of early April.

Released: 31-Mar-2005 9:20 AM EST
Immigration Has Become Hallmark of America's Image at Home, Abroad
University of Washington

Even though the American government and people have not always embraced immigrants, the image of the United States as a land of opportunity and refuge has become the focal point of the nation's identity at home and around the world.

Released: 31-Mar-2005 9:20 AM EST
Separate Genes Influence Speed, Accuracy in Decoding Written Words in Dyslexia
University of Washington

Researchers trying to tease out the genetic bases of dyslexia have discovered a location on chromosome 2 that may contain one or more genes that contribute to the reading disorder and make it difficult for people to rapidly pronounce psuedowords.

Released: 29-Mar-2005 12:00 PM EST
Continents, Colleges Converge at UW Global Business Challenge
University of Washington

Undergraduate teams from around the globe will gather April 4-9 for the Business School's seventh annual Global Business Challenge. The competition gives teams 48 hours to solve a business case and present conclusions to a panel of corporate judges.

Released: 28-Mar-2005 9:00 AM EST
Cuba's State-Run Baseball League Doesn't Go to Bat for Players
University of Washington

Cuba touts its state-run baseball system as superior, but a study finds that Cuba exploits its players, while offering its fans less-even competition than in the market-driven United States.

Released: 25-Mar-2005 9:20 AM EST
Fewer Fish Discarded After Individual Transferable Quotas Offered
University of Washington

Contradicting previous assumptions, new fisheries research shows that allocating catch among vessels reduces the amount of fish discarded at sea. The findings come at a time when individual transferable quotas are being considered for the U.S. West Coast.

Released: 24-Mar-2005 12:40 PM EST
Researchers Call for Expanding the Repertoire in Studying Birdsong
University of Washington

It's time for researchers who study songbirds as models for understanding the human brain and how humans acquire language to begin singing a different tune and study a wider variety of species, say a pair of leading scientists.

18-Mar-2005 1:00 PM EST
Ice Core 'Dipstick' Indicates West Antarctic Ice Has Thinned Less than Believed
University of Washington

New research using a thousand-meter ice core shows a key section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet probably never contained as much ice as scientists originally thought it did, so it couldn't have contributed as much as believed to higher sea levels 20,000 years ago.

Released: 21-Mar-2005 12:30 PM EST
Black Holes Could be Most 'Perfect,' Low-Viscosity Fluid
University of Washington

Physicists using string theory have determined that the fluid of a black hole in 10 dimensions, similar to a quark-gluon plasma in three spatial dimensions, could be the lowest-viscosity fluid.

Released: 16-Mar-2005 11:50 AM EST
Evidence of Dark Energy in Our Galactic Neighborhood
University of Washington

An international team of researchers using data from powerful computer models and observations from the Hubble Space Telescope has found evidence of dark energy right in our own cosmic neighborhood.

Released: 15-Mar-2005 9:20 AM EST
Answer from 'Dusty Shelf' Aids Quest to See Matter as It Was Just After Big Bang
University of Washington

Two University of Washington physicists using a quantum mechanics technique say scientists might have already succeeded in creating a state of matter that hasn't existed since a fraction of a second after the big bang.

1-Mar-2005 5:40 PM EST
Hydrogen and Methane Provide Raw Energy for Life at 'Lost City'
University of Washington

Gases produced at the Lost City hydrothermal vent field and the organisms that make their living off them are so different from so-called black-smoker hydrothermal vents that they may provide a whole new avenue for looking for the earliest life on Earth and for life on other planets.

25-Feb-2005 1:40 PM EST
Acting Techniques May Help Doctors Empathize with Their Patients
University of Washington

A patient-physician relationship characterized by genuine empathy has become increasingly important for physicians and their patients as the world of modern medicine becomes increasingly fragmented.

Released: 28-Feb-2005 11:30 AM EST
Tiny Flies Could Lead to Understanding Potential for Non-embryonic Stem Cells
University of Washington

It has long been thought that cells that regenerate tissue do so by regressing to a developmentally younger state. Now two University of Washington researchers have demonstrated that cells can regenerate without becoming "younger."

Released: 23-Feb-2005 3:00 PM EST
Sexual Banter in Workplace May Have Its Benefits
University of Washington

A little sexual banter in the workplace isn't necessarily a bad thing. According to a new study, sexualized encounters in some work situations actually can contribute to building camaraderie on the job.

15-Feb-2005 1:20 PM EST
More than Half of High School Seniors Employed, Mostly Minimum-Wage
University of Washington

The common perception that most American teenagers go to school, engage in extracurricular activities such as sports and hang out with their friends is missing one crucial and time-consuming element -- work.

Released: 17-Feb-2005 11:30 AM EST
International Business Plan Competition Measures 'Social Return' on Investment
University of Washington

In the UW's first Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition, students have been asked to explain how they'll improve the quality of life and reduce poverty in developing countries. Their plans have to show social and financial returns on investments.

Released: 14-Feb-2005 3:00 PM EST
Murder, Eyewitness Testimony and the Limits of Human Vision
University of Washington

A murder in Alaska and images of Julia Roberts and President Bush all play roles in a new study that explores the limits of the human visual system and eyewitness testimony in the courtroom.

Released: 14-Feb-2005 3:00 PM EST
Tree-Ring Data Reveals Multiyear Droughts Unlike Any in Recent Memory
University of Washington

The Columbia River Basin, one of the nation's largest river basins, has experienced six multiyear droughts between 1750 and 1950 that were much more severe than anything in recent memory because they persisted for years, including one that stretched for 12 years.

Released: 8-Feb-2005 4:10 PM EST
Researchers Blend Folk Treatment, High Tech for Promising Anti-cancer Compound
University of Washington

Researchers at the University of Washington have blended the past with the present in the fight against cancer, synthesizing a promising new compound from an ancient Chinese remedy to selectively target cancer cells.

1-Feb-2005 9:20 AM EST
Business Before Pleasure: Emotions Play Key Role in Consumer Spending
University of Washington

In a study that sheds new light on how consumers choose between pleasurable or practical products, a University of Washington researcher has found that people are more likely to buy fun products, but only if the situation allows them the flexibility to rationalize their purchases.

Released: 21-Jan-2005 2:50 PM EST
Mental Health Crisis Looming for Survivors of Tsunami
University of Washington

As the death toll from the Dec. 26 earthquake and tsunami climbed above 200,000 a University of Washington psychologist just back from Indonesia warned of a new danger -- a mental health crisis among the survivors.

17-Jan-2005 2:00 PM EST
Evidence Indicates Biggest Extinction Wasn't Caused by Asteroid or Comet
University of Washington

For the last three years evidence has been building that the impact of a comet or asteroid triggered the biggest mass extinction in Earth history, but new research from a team headed by a University of Washington scientist disputes that notion.

Released: 19-Jan-2005 9:10 AM EST
In Big Speeches, Bush Cites God More than Predecessors Did
University of Washington

An analysis of more than seven decades of inaugural and State of the Union addresses shows that no president has invoked God as often as George W. Bush.

Released: 5-Jan-2005 8:50 AM EST
Pinatubo's Rivers Show the Danger Isn't Over When Volcanic Eruption Ends
University of Washington

Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, which erupted with devastating force in June 1991, is proving to be an ideal laboratory for studying the "hydrologic aftermath" of a volcanic eruption.

29-Dec-2004 4:50 PM EST
Elementary School Intervention Boosts Positive Functioning in Early Adulthood
University of Washington

An elementary school intervention program that taught children impulse control and gave their teachers and parents better management skills has long-lasting effects extending into early adulthood, showing that the children are more productive and well-adjusted members of society at age 21.

Released: 21-Dec-2004 10:00 AM EST
How Religious Group Fended Off the Internet -- Then Adapted It
University of Washington

Despite a ban by their leaders on private Internet use, ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jews who otherwise shun the modern world turn out to be avid and creative Web surfers, according to a new study.

Released: 13-Dec-2004 3:00 PM EST
Hudson's Bay Company Fur Trapping Policies Set Stage for Modern Environmental Struggles
University of Washington

Some of the Pacific Northwest major environmental struggles may have their origins in the sometimes conflicting policies of the Hudson's Bay Company, the dominant outside force in the region during the early years of the 19th century, according to a study for the National Park Service.

Released: 13-Dec-2004 1:00 PM EST
Historic Himalayan Ice Dams Created Huge Lakes, Mammoth Floods
University of Washington

Ice dams across the deepest gorge on Earth created some of the highest-elevation lakes in history. New research shows the most recent of these broke through its ice barrier between 600 and 900 AD, causing massive torrents of water to pour through the Himalayas into India from Tibet.

Released: 9-Dec-2004 10:00 AM EST
Who Did Voters Pick on Nov. 2? In Some Cases, We'll Never Know
University of Washington

A study finds that the nation's electoral system is ill-equipped to determine the outcome of very close races.

7-Dec-2004 9:30 AM EST
Birds, Butterflies, Bacteria – Same Law of Biology Appears to Apply
University of Washington

The connection between species richness and area, recognized for years as a fundamental ecological relationship in plant and in animal communities, has been discerned for the first time at the microbial level.

Released: 7-Dec-2004 6:00 AM EST
Pharmaceutical Marketing Tactics Hold Little Sway with Physicians
University of Washington

Pharmaceutical drug companies spend upward of $25 billion per year on promoting new drugs and distributing free samples to doctors, but new research shows such marketing devices have little impact on physicians and their prescribing behavior.

Released: 6-Dec-2004 8:50 AM EST
Two-Thirds of School-Age Children Have an Imaginary Companion
University of Washington

Imagination is alive and thriving in the minds of America's school-age children. It is so prevalent that 65 percent of children report that, by the age of 7, they have had an imaginary companion at some point in their lives, according to a new study.

Released: 1-Dec-2004 5:00 AM EST
Say Goodbye to Rudolph, Other Reindeer If Global Warming Continues
University of Washington

With increasing global warming, Rudolph and the rest of Santa Claus' reindeer will disappear from large portions of their current range and be under severe environmental stress by the end of the century.

Released: 29-Nov-2004 10:30 AM EST
Stratosphere Temperature Data Support Scientists’ Proof for Global Warming
University of Washington

A new interpretation for satellite data published earlier this year raised controversy when its authors claimed it eliminated doubt that the lower atmosphere is warming as fast as the Earth's surface. Now, another study, using data from other scientists, has validated the original finding.

Released: 22-Nov-2004 2:40 PM EST
Everyday Resistance to Slavery Far More Common than Believed
University of Washington

By today's standards pretending to be sick to get out of a day's work, sneaking away to meet friends in the woods at night or learning to read and write may seem to be pretty tame infractions. But for slaves in the American south such activities were dangerous, daring and far more common than previously believed.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Major-Party Candidates Wield the Web, with Many Challengers Still Offline
University of Washington

Contrary to predictions that third-party candidates would seize the Internet as a powerful tool for challenging the status quo, such candidates lagged far behind their Republican and Democratic foes this year in using the Web.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Experts on 2004 Campaign and Washington State Recount
University of Washington

University of Washington experts on topics raised by the 2004 elections, including the recount in the razor-thin Washington state governor's race.

Released: 29-Oct-2004 12:50 PM EDT
Democrats Outgunning GOP in E-mail Wars
University of Washington

In at least one aspect of political campaigning, the Democratic Party has an edge over the Republicans: it's been spinning out e-mails faster and more aggressively.

Released: 14-Oct-2004 1:10 PM EDT
Emotion Coaching Can Help Children Overcome Impacts of Family Violence
University of Washington

When women engage in a technique called emotion coaching, even in families where there is domestic violence, their children are less aggressive, depressed and withdrawn, researchers have found.

Released: 14-Oct-2004 12:00 PM EDT
Propulsion Concept Could Make 90-Day Mars Round Trip Possible
University of Washington

A new means of propelling spacecraft being developed at the University of Washington could dramatically cut the time needed for astronauts to travel to and from Mars and could make humans a permanent fixture in space.

Released: 11-Oct-2004 8:30 AM EDT
Successful New Product Development Requires Anticipating Customers' Needs
University of Washington

Paying attention to what customers do, not what they say, is key in the creation and development of new products that can best satisfy customers needs and desires.
