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Released: 20-Jun-2012 10:30 AM EDT
What's Your Name Again? Why It Might Not Be Your Brain's Ability but Your Lack of Interest That Causes a Bad Memory
Kansas State University

We’ve all been there: Meeting someone new and seconds later forgetting his or her name. According to an expert, it’s not necessarily your brain that determines how well we remember names, but rather our level of interest.

Released: 13-Jun-2012 10:30 AM EDT
Fatherly Advice: Therapist Helps First-Time Dads Experience the Joy of Fatherhood
Kansas State University

The transition to fatherhood can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, journeys for dads today, says Jared Durtschi, a Kansas State University marriage and family therapist. Durtschi offers advice for all fathers, especially those experiencing parenthood for the first time.

Released: 12-Jun-2012 10:40 AM EDT
Aging Expert Discusses How to Talk with Parents About Moving Into Nursing Home, End-of-Life Wishes
Kansas State University

Aging expert discusses how to talk with parents about moving into nursing home and end-of-life wishes.

Released: 22-May-2012 11:25 AM EDT
Deal Website Discretion: A Deal a Day Can Keep the Consumer Away
Kansas State University

While daily deal websites and flash sale websites offer a service or product at a discount to bring in new consumers and incentivize them to return, consumers are not coming back after the initial use, a marketing and technology researcher says.

Released: 2-May-2012 10:35 AM EDT
For Mother's Day: Literature Experts Say Many Maternal Characters in Books Display Ideal Values of Motherhood
Kansas State University

With Mother's Day coming up May 13, two Kansas State University experts say literary characters can inspire families as they celebrate the maternal figures in their lives.

Released: 14-Mar-2012 10:50 AM EDT
March Madness or March Badness: Policies Can Help Employees Know Limits on Tracking Scores Online or with Phone, Ethics Expert Says
Kansas State University

A business expert says if employers want to cut down on employees using work computers to find out the latest scores from March Madness, it's best to have a policy in place and to let employees know about it ahead of time.

Released: 8-Mar-2012 11:00 AM EST
Tax Tip: Tax Software Can Be Good Option for Many, Including College Students
Kansas State University

While it can be tempting to hire a professional to ensure nothing is overlooked in your tax documents, the average person is often better off opting for the do-it-yourself software.

Released: 28-Feb-2012 8:00 AM EST
News Tip: Foreign Relations Expert Can Comment on Russian Elections
Kansas State University

Russian expert available to comment on the upcoming presidential election in Russia.

Released: 23-Jan-2012 10:00 AM EST
Eating Smart: Researcher Studies Foods, Dietary Supplements That May Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University human nutrition professor is helping men make more informed diet decisions by studying foods and dietary supplements that may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Released: 30-Nov-2011 10:30 AM EST
Middle East Expert Predicts Instability for Iraq After U.S. Withdrawal
Kansas State University

Farid Al-Salim, assistant professor of history, says the desire for withdrawal is mutual. But the effects could result in great instability in the country if the Iraqi political parties engage in conflict to realize their political agendas.

Released: 3-Nov-2011 12:50 PM EDT
Suspenseful Debut: School Law Expert Pens First Novel, Draws on Expertise in Sexual Harassment Prevention
Kansas State University

As one of the nation's leading forensic experts in school law, particularly sexual harassment, abuse prevention and risk management, Kansas State University's Robert Shoop has come up with a novel -- and suspenseful -- way of drawing more attention to the problem of the sexual exploitation of a child by a teacher.

Released: 17-Oct-2011 10:00 AM EDT
Halloween-Related Literature Makes Reading a Part of Trick-or-Treating
Kansas State University

Not all Halloween treats have to be sweet. Children's literature experts at Kansas State University say the holiday is a great time to treat kids to scary or horror-related literary works written especially for them. Recommendations inside.

Released: 22-Aug-2011 12:10 PM EDT
Targeting a Cure: Research Looks at Developing a Bull's-Eye Therapy to Combat Lung Cancer
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University professor is trying to create a patient-friendly treatment to help the more than 220,000 people who are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. The treatment uses nanoparticles to directly target the "bull's-eye": cancer cells.

Released: 28-Jul-2011 10:25 AM EDT
A Potato Chip Connection: Biologist Challenges Colleagues With Idea Of 'Betcha Can't Sequence Just One' Genome
Kansas State University

A Kansas State University genomicist is hoping an old potato chip slogan -- "betcha can't eat just one" -- will become the mindset of researchers when it comes to sequencing insect genomes.

Released: 27-Jul-2011 10:00 AM EDT
No Place Like Home: Finance Expert Says Home Ownership Still Possible In Troubled Housing Market
Kansas State University

Considering buying your first home or moving up the property ladder? Today's troubled housing market, hit by foreclosures, slow sales and declining values, presents opportunities and challenges for homebuyers, according to a professor of finance.

Released: 25-Jul-2011 10:35 AM EDT
Effective Messages Important In Presidential Campaigns, Says Political Communications And Media Experts
Kansas State University

Presidential campaigns provide a near-continuous dialogue on the nation's political, social and economic future. While these issues are important, communication skills remain integral for a successful presidential campaign, according to several Kansas State University political communication and media experts.

Released: 14-Jul-2011 4:55 PM EDT
Parenting Expert: Good Parent-Child Relationship Better than Bans as a Way to Counter Violence in Video Games
Kansas State University

While video games and violence may seem to go hand in hand, a Kansas State University professor says the violence in the games is not the real problem.

Released: 23-Jun-2011 10:25 AM EDT
Sequel Syndrome: Follow-Ups Don't Mean Moviemakers Are Lacking In Originality, Expert Says
Kansas State University

The names are quite familiar to moviegoers: Harry, Optimus Prime and Edward. Each represents a movie franchise that has seen great success and is poised for a repeat. A record 27 movie sequels have or will be released during summer 2011. This trend represents an investment in a successful brand, according to a Kansas State University movie expert.

Released: 21-Jun-2011 4:30 PM EDT
Music Experts Share How MTV Killed The Radio Star And Changed Culture Forever 30 Years After Launch
Kansas State University

"Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll." That declaration was given nearly 30 years ago with little fanfare and was only audible to a few thousand people in northern New Jersey. But the launch of Music Television, also known as MTV, on Aug. 1, 1981, had permanent implications for the music industry and popular culture.

Released: 13-Jun-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Lost In Translation: Children's Books Not Always Successful As Movies
Kansas State University

Children's books have long been fodder for Hollywood. But do movies based on kids' books live up to the print versions? Not always, according to two Kansas State University children's literature experts who say key details are often changed in hopes of turning a page-turner into a blockbuster.
