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Newswise: Study shows Gulf of Maine cooling for 900 years, then quickly warming since late 1800s
Released: 15-Aug-2022 12:05 PM EDT
Study shows Gulf of Maine cooling for 900 years, then quickly warming since late 1800s
Iowa State University

Researchers used a marine history based on geochemical information in clam shells and computer simulations to determine that centuries of cooling in the Gulf of Maine suddenly reversed in the late 1800s. Climate models say greenhouse gas emissions were a major driver of the warming.

Newswise: Apprentices hone their writing, speaking skills through ISU-John Deere partnership
Released: 2-Aug-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Apprentices hone their writing, speaking skills through ISU-John Deere partnership
Iowa State University

Through a partnership with John Deere, faculty in ISU’s English Department are helping high school apprentices sharpen their writing and speaking skills through a four-week communications training in Davenport, Waterloo and East Moline, Illinois.

Newswise: Linking Diversity at Performing Arts Nonprofits with Marketing, Funding, Location
Released: 26-Jul-2022 9:45 AM EDT
Linking Diversity at Performing Arts Nonprofits with Marketing, Funding, Location
Iowa State University

Researchers tracked changes in the racial makeup and income levels of customers at two dozen nonprofit performing arts organizations over seven years. They then investigated how marketing and other factors, like location and funders, impacted what they define as customer diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

Newswise: Training Blood Vessels May Help Protect Against Heart Attack, Stroke
Released: 19-Jul-2022 10:05 AM EDT
Training Blood Vessels May Help Protect Against Heart Attack, Stroke
Iowa State University

A growing number of studies indicate short, repeated bouts of reduced circulation with a blood pressure cuff may help reduce tissue damage and prevent the worst outcomes of heart attacks and strokes.

Newswise:Video Embedded grant-looks-at-breeding-mung-bean-for-plant-based-protein-market
Released: 11-Jul-2022 5:05 PM EDT
Grant Looks at Breeding Mung Bean for Plant-Based Protein Market
Iowa State University

Iowa State University plant breeders and researchers are working to develop a new crop suited for the plant-based protein market.

Newswise: Building Trust and Protecting Data to Support Kids in Iowa
Released: 11-Jul-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Building Trust and Protecting Data to Support Kids in Iowa
Iowa State University

ISU faculty, seven state departments and Head Start programs in Iowa created I2D2, a highly-secure, cross-program data-sharing system, to better serve young children and their families. The collaboration has produced several success stories and recently garnered national attention as a model that can benefit other states and municipalities.

Newswise: Iowa State Students Provide Landscape Expertise in Proposed Mississippi River Bridge Project
Released: 8-Jul-2022 1:10 PM EDT
Iowa State Students Provide Landscape Expertise in Proposed Mississippi River Bridge Project
Iowa State University

Iowa State University landscape architecture students are involved in what could one day be the longest wildlife bridge in the world: a proposed multi-use bison crossing and public viewing area over the Mississippi River.

Newswise: Who Trusts Gene-Edited Foods? New Study Gauges Public Acceptance
Released: 28-Jun-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Who Trusts Gene-Edited Foods? New Study Gauges Public Acceptance
Iowa State University

Researchers at ISU surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2,000 U.S. residents to gauge public acceptance of gene-edited foods. Social factors like food beliefs and trust in institutions played a big role in the participants' willingness to eat or actively avoid products made with gene-editing technologies.

Newswise: Theoretical Calculations Predicted Now-Confirmed Tetraneutron, an Exotic State of Matter
Released: 22-Jun-2022 1:30 PM EDT
Theoretical Calculations Predicted Now-Confirmed Tetraneutron, an Exotic State of Matter
Iowa State University

Iowa State University's James Vary and an international team of nuclear physicists used supercomputers to theorize and predict that a four-neutron structure, a tetraneutron, could form for just billions of billionths of a second. Experiments in Japan have now confirmed the reality of a tetraneutron.

Newswise: Engineers Develop Cybersecurity Tools to Protect Solar, Wind Power on the Grid
Released: 16-Jun-2022 8:00 AM EDT
Engineers Develop Cybersecurity Tools to Protect Solar, Wind Power on the Grid
Iowa State University

Iowa State engineers are leading a team developing cybersecurity systems that prevent, detect and mitigate attacks on renewable sources sending power to the grid. The U.S. Department of Energy is supporting the project with a $2 million grant.

Newswise: Study Shows How Artificial Light Affects Seasonal Rhythms of Plants in U.S. Cities
Released: 13-Jun-2022 10:00 AM EDT
Study Shows How Artificial Light Affects Seasonal Rhythms of Plants in U.S. Cities
Iowa State University

Allergy-suffering city dwellers, take note. A new study from Iowa State University scientists shows how artificial light in U.S. cities lengthens pollen season and impacts other seasonal processes in plants.

Newswise: New Book Aims to Help People “Get Unstuck and Be Happier”
Released: 10-Jun-2022 11:35 AM EDT
New Book Aims to Help People “Get Unstuck and Be Happier”
Iowa State University

Weaving psychological science with Buddhist philosophy and anecdotes, “Finding the Freedom to Get Unstuck and Be Happier” aims to help people break out of negative patterns, engage more fully with the present and trust that whatever comes next is truly workable.

Newswise: As the Grid Adds Wind Power, Researchers Have to Reengineer Recovery From Blackouts
Released: 31-May-2022 3:05 PM EDT
As the Grid Adds Wind Power, Researchers Have to Reengineer Recovery From Blackouts
Iowa State University

When electric grids go down, there's no way to restore them -- "blackstart" them -- with power from wind turbines. Iowa State's Hugo Villegas Pico is leading a team that's working to develop strategies and controllers that would reenergize power grids dominated by wind power.

Newswise: Startups Near State Lines Gravitate Toward Side with Lower Property Tax
Released: 24-May-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Startups Near State Lines Gravitate Toward Side with Lower Property Tax
Iowa State University

Researchers at Iowa State University found significantly different state tax rates affect where new businesses set up shop near state lines and that property taxes have the greatest adverse effect since new businesses may pay property taxes even if they are not generating any revenue.

Newswise: New Model Could Improve Matches Between Students and Schools
Released: 18-May-2022 10:00 AM EDT
New Model Could Improve Matches Between Students and Schools
Iowa State University

Simultaneous and uncoordinated school admissions in situations where students have multiple options can lead to unfilled seats and a lot of stress for families and administrators.

Newswise: In Franchising, Playing Tough Early May Support Long-Term Benefits
Released: 13-May-2022 11:05 AM EDT
In Franchising, Playing Tough Early May Support Long-Term Benefits
Iowa State University

To protect their brand or uphold uniformity, franchisors sometimes terminate contracts with franchisees. A new study found profitability decreased right after termination but essentially bounced back in two years. The researchers also discovered young, rapidly growing chains benefited more from ending contracts with wayward franchisees compared to mature, slow growing chains.

Newswise: More greens, less sugar and fries: Abriendo Caminos study finds promising results
Released: 11-May-2022 11:05 AM EDT
More greens, less sugar and fries: Abriendo Caminos study finds promising results
Iowa State University

A study evaluating the effect of the Abriendo Caminos program on dietary behaviors of Hispanic children found youth participants consumed sugar-sweetened beverages, french fries and fast food less frequently and ate vegetables more often after the six-week workshop series.

Newswise: Researchers Reveal the Origin Story for Carbon-12, a Building Block for Life
Released: 11-May-2022 9:25 AM EDT
Researchers Reveal the Origin Story for Carbon-12, a Building Block for Life
Iowa State University

After running simulations on the world's most powerful supercomputer, an international team of researchers has developed a theory for the nuclear structure and origin of carbon-12, the stuff of life. The theory favors the production of carbon-12 in the cosmos.
