Newswise — Official dates of the 2007 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting + Food Expo® in Chicago have been changed to July 28-31, in order to maintain the conference's traditional Saturday-through-Tuesday schedule.

This is a modification from the previously announced dates, July 26-30.

All reference to the 2007 Annual Meeting + Food Expo® by IFT will reflect the new dates, July 28-31, as should all reference to the convention by others.

The conference will be conducted in Chicago McCormick Place Convention Center.

Reflective of the new dates, the format for all Annual Meeting scientific and technical presentations has been condensed by one half-day into a full three-day schedule, July 29-31.

This familiar Saturday-through-Tuesday scheduling of the IFT Annual Meeting + Food Expo® has proven to be a convenient, reliable, and successful format for participants and exhibitors.

The 2008 IFT Annual Meeting + Food Expo® in New Orleans, June 28-July 1, will also maintain this Saturday-though-Tuesday schedule.

The IFT Annual Meeting + Food Expo® delivers comprehensive, cutting-edge research and opinion from food science-, technology-, business-, and regulatory-leaders. It attracts up to 20,000 attendees and 1,000 exhibiting companies, making it the world's single largest annual scientific meeting and technical exposition of its kind.

Founded in 1939, and with world headquarters in Chicago, IFT is a not-for-profit international scientific society with 22,000 members working in food science, technology and related professions in industry, academia and government. As the society for food science and technology, IFT brings sound science to the public discussion of food issues. For more on IFT, see

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IFT Annual meeting + Food Expo