Newswise — You'd have to be living under a rock not to realize that folks receiving analog television over the air are going to need a new TV or a converter box after February 17th. But what you might not realize is that a lot of these folks--by some count, as many as 50 percent--are going to need a new antenna as well.

You might also consider putting a new antenna on your roof even if you're already living in digital television land, getting your signals via cable or satellite, because what's coming over the air is often a much higher definition signal than what's coming through wires.

What you'll find when you go antenna shopping will not be the decades-old antenna designs you are familiar with. Advances in the art of antenna design, along with a change in broadcasting frequencies and new government regulations, mean the antennas of today are not your grandfather's TV antenna. And choosing a new antenna isn't necessarily simple, because antennas that are perfect for one rooftop will bring you nothing but a blank screen in another household.