Newswise — A Johns Hopkins public health student with first-hand experience of the current Ebola outbreak will join a leading bioethicist and the health system’s Senior Epidemiologist to discuss the ethical issues of the Ebola response thus far, and an ethical path forward as the crisis deepens.

WHEN: Monday, September 8, 2014 12:15 AM – 1:30 PM EDT

WHERE: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD.Ustream:


Nancy Kass, Deputy Director for Bioethics and Public Health at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and professor at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, who has defended the treatment of the first Americans infected with Ebola, and advised an ethical path forward, in an opinion in the Annals of Internal Medicine and an appearance on MSNBC.

Tim Roberton, fourth-year doctoral student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who travelled to Guinea in July as Red Cross consultant and observed the crisis response first-hand.

Trish Perl, Senior Epidemiologist, Johns Hopkins Health System, who has written in the Annals of Internal Medicine and spoken with media on protecting health care workers from Ebola and steps for managing the virus' spread.

Panelists will answer questions from the live audience. To add to the general discussion on Twitter, the event will utilize the #Ebola hashtag.

The panel discussion will kick off the 2014-2015 Bioethics Seminar Series, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

About the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of BioethicsOne of the largest bioethics centers in the world, the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics is the home for collaborative scholarship and teaching on the ethics of clinical practice, public health and biomedical science at Johns Hopkins University. Since 1995, the Institute has worked with governmental agencies, nongovernmental and private sector organizations to address and resolve ethical issues. Institute faculty members represent diverse disciplines including medicine, nursing, law, philosophy, public health and the social sciences. More information: