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24-Oct-2002 12:00 AM EDT
New England Lakes Hold Clues to Lurking Storms and Floods
University of Vermont

Is New England headed for troubled waters? Devastating storms and floods may be ready to wreak havoc, according to geologists at the University of Vermont. Periods of intense storminess have peaked in the North Atlantic region roughly every 3,000 years over a 13,000 year period, according to research.

Released: 9-Nov-2002 12:00 AM EST
Can the Rate of Ski-Related Injuries Be Reduced?
University of Vermont

Only if equipment designers go beyond existing concepts and address the elements responsible for the currently most common ski injury -- knee sprains -- will the injury rate decline, say ski injury researchers who have operated a clinic and research facility at a Vermont ski resort for the past 30 years.

Released: 22-Nov-2002 12:00 AM EST
Love and Tradition Link Civil Union Couples
University of Vermont

Love, commitment and legal issues motivated more than 90 percent of 300 couples to unite in civil unions during the first year this landmark legislation was available in Vermont, according to a University of Vermont survey.

Released: 29-Aug-2003 12:00 PM EDT
Stem Cells Shown to Regenerate Damaged Lung Tissue for First Time
University of Vermont

For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that adult human stem cell transplantation results in spontaneous cell regeneration in damaged lung tissue, suggesting a new therapeutic approach for a variety of lung diseases.

Released: 9-Sep-2003 1:00 PM EDT
Archaeological Find Provides Insight Into Northeast 9,000 Years Ago
University of Vermont

Archaeologists have identified what is unequivocally the first Late Paleoindian site (10,000-9,000 B.P.) in Vermont--and one of only a few known to exist in the eastern U.S. Preliminary analysis suggests the site was once a Native American hunting camp.

Released: 29-Sep-2003 5:00 PM EDT
Forget GDP: Vermont’s “GPI” Twice the National Average
University of Vermont

Using an alternative economic index called the Genuine Progress Indicator, which adjusts for social and environmental factors, researchers have determined that the economic welfare of Vermonters is about twice the national average. GPI analyses have never before been performed at the state and local levels.

8-Oct-2003 3:00 PM EDT
Molecular Alterations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
University of Vermont

New research shows that alterations in serotonin signaling in the gastrointestinal tract are present in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a condition marked by such symptoms as abdominal discomfort, pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea.

Released: 20-Nov-2003 3:40 PM EST
Look to Vermont for Civil Union Statistics
University of Vermont

Advocates and opponents of civil unions and/or marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples in Massachusetts would be wise to look to a Vermont study for insight into the attitudes and motives of couples joined in civil unions the first year of this landmark legislation.

Released: 17-May-2004 5:50 AM EDT
Sociologist Unlocks Ways Children Form Race, Gender Attitudes
University of Vermont

A University of Vermont sociologist shares new research on how children at summer camps form, maintain and cross gender and race boundaries, challenging the commonly held idea that gender and race differences are natural or inevitable.

Released: 1-Jul-2004 1:50 PM EDT
Childhood Leukemia Survivors Risk Genetic Damage from Therapy
University of Vermont

Children who undergo chemotherapy and survive acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) experience a 200-fold increase in the frequency of genetic damage, researchers report.
