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Released: 19-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Learning and Child Development
University of Alabama at Birmingham

LEARNING: 1. Why Good Kids Have Bad Study Habits 2. Key to Early School Success 3. Fun and Easy Teaching Tips for Parents 4. Why Some Kids Hate School 5. Donít Raise a Bully 6. Teaching Children Self-Esteem HEALTH AND SAFETY: 7. Breakfast Is Brain Food 8. Vision Care Important for Learning 9. Finding the Right School Shoes

Released: 25-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
UAB Health Tips
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Age and Mobility in Blacks and Whites, 2. Early Eye-Brain Connection Essential, 3. Traveling and Influenza, 4. Advance in Crohn's Treatment, 5. Insuring Your Health Abroad, 6. Safe Solid Food for Bone Marrow Transplant Patients, 7. Training Clinical Researchers

Released: 2-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Arts & Humanities Tip Sheet from UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Watch What You Say in Chat Rooms 2. Music Made Easy

Released: 2-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Business Tip Sheet from UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Steps Toward Web Regulation 2. U.S. and German Unions United Over Big Three Contracts 3. Addressing the Dress Code Without Getting Sued

Released: 2-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Education Tip Sheet From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Feed a Bookworm, Watch it Grow 2. New Program Helps At-Risk Kids Get Ahead 3. Are Parents Up To Home Schooling?

Released: 3-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Health Tips From UAB for 7-3-99
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Drivers Exams Need a Checkup 2. New Use for an Old Drug

Released: 3-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Science Tips From UAB for 7-3-99
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Cultivating Sea Urchins as a Cash Crop 2. UAB Unveils Space Station Hardware

Released: 20-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Alternative To Detect Urinary Tract Infections
University of Alabama at Birmingham

An alternative way of screening urine specimens for urinary tract infections (UTIs) could greatly reduce the number of lab cultures performed each year and reduce antibiotic usage, according to a study by Andrew Lorincz, M.D., professor emeritus with the department of pediatrics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Details of the study are published in the July issue of the Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science.

Released: 27-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Medical Tips From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Parasites That Cause Blindness 2. Ear Rocks, Stomach Rolls 3. Prevent Baby Bottle Syndrome 4. Poisoned Produce? 5. Munchausen's by Proxy

Released: 27-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Social & Behavioral Science Tips From UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham

1. Protecting Yourself at Work 2. Don't Raise a Bully 3. Engineering Ethics
