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4-Nov-2010 12:45 PM EDT
Scientists Turn Skin Into Blood
McMaster University

In an important breakthrough, scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada, have discovered how to make human blood from adult human skin. Published in Nature, their paper has also shown the conversion of stem cells is direct, without translation through a pluripotent stem cell state.

18-Feb-2011 4:00 PM EST
Endurance Exercise Prevents Premature Aging
McMaster University

Endurance exercise may stop you looking and feeling old, it may even help you live longer, a study by McMaster University researchers has found. The study found that premature aging in nearly every organ in the body was completely prevented in mice that ran on a treadmill three times a week for five months.

Released: 4-Mar-2011 8:00 AM EST
Can You Predict Your Mate Will Cheat by Their Voice?
McMaster University

When choosing a partner, women believe the lower the man’s voice, the more likely he’s going to cheat. Conversely, men think a woman with a higher voice is more likely to be unfaithful, researchers have found.

Released: 16-Mar-2011 12:45 PM EDT
Youth with IBD Are Less Fit than Their Peers
McMaster University

Children and youth with the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease have aerobic fitness levels 25 per cent lower than other children their age, and their muscle function is 10 per cent lower.

Released: 23-Mar-2011 2:00 PM EDT
‘Knowing It in Your Gut’ Is Real, Researchers Find
McMaster University

Researchers at McMaster University discovered that the “cross-talk” between bacteria in our gut and our brain plays an important role in the development of psychiatric illness, intestinal diseases and probably other health problems as well including obesity.

Released: 31-Mar-2011 12:20 PM EDT
Vaccine Has Pet Owners Feline Groovy
McMaster University

Building on research he’s conducted for the past 10 years in Canada and Britain, Larché and his research team have developed a vaccine which is effective and safe with almost no side effects. The research is published in a recent (January 2011) issue of the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, a leading journal in the allergy field.

4-Apr-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Alternate Route to Blocked Arteries Safe and Effective for Angioplasty
McMaster University

Researchers at McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences have found accessing blocked arteries through the forearm compared to groin led to fewer vascular complications and similar success rates for angioplasty.

Released: 12-Apr-2011 3:25 PM EDT
A Fluorescent Test System for Hunting Deadly Bacteria
McMaster University

Biochemist Yingfu Li and his research team have developed a simple test that can swiftly and accurately identify specific pathogens using a system that will ‘hunt’ for bacteria, identifying their harmful presence before they have a chance to contaminate our food and water.

20-Apr-2011 5:10 PM EDT
Combination Therapy Provides Hope for Cure of Dangerous Infections of Cystic Fibrosis Patients
McMaster University

An over-the-counter drug used to treat diarrhea combined with minocycline, an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections, could one day change the lives of those living with cystic fibrosis.

9-May-2011 5:25 PM EDT
Scientists Find Protein’s Bad Guy Role in Prostate Cancer
McMaster University

This research shows for the first time the role of a specific protein – MAN2C1 – in prostate cancer development. The finding is significant because prostate cancer patients with increased levels of MAN2C1 appear to face more aggressive forms of the disease. This research could serve a diagnostic purpose in terms of likelihood of whether prostate cancers at early stages will progress into metastatic tumours.
