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Released: 24-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips You Can Use from Temple University
Temple University

1) Reducing Conflict Between College Roommates; 2) Was JFK Jr. Acting Hemingway-Ish?; 3) On Vacation? Who's Watching Your House?

Released: 15-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips You Can Use
Temple University

1- for city girls, summertime science, 2- will boys get a kick out of the women's World Cup? 3- First Lady is testing New Yorkers

Released: 17-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
7-17-99 TIPS from Temple University
Temple University

1- a spate of films packing an offensive wallop, 2- independent filmmakers and marketing "indies," 3- adults with speech disabilities learning to communicate using computer technology.

Released: 3-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips You Can Use
Temple University

1- casualties of this summer's drought; 2- MTBE -- suspected carcinogen turning up in groundwater; 3- Children in golf getting hurt; 4- implementing preventive measures for workplace violence

Released: 31-Aug-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Maltreatment by Educators Contributes to School Violence
Temple University

Physical and emotional maltreatment by teachers and administrators and the increasing use of police-like disciplinary tactics contribute to the climate of alienation in America's schools and often can lead students to commit violent acts.

Released: 4-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Tips from Temple
Temple University

1- Data-processing systems may give us a sneak preview of what Y2K could bring on 9-9-99. 2- Adults 50-75 say they are planning to get involved in volunteerism and/or activism when they retire.

Released: 23-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Book: 101 Ways to Transform Meetings from Dull to Dynamite
Temple University

Temple University professor Mel Silberman knows meetings have a serious PR problem. But that doesn't have to be, says Silberman, who offers dozens of ways to bring meetings to life in his new book, "101 Ways to Make Meetings Active."

Released: 12-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Book Examines Health Care Challenges for Ethnic Minorities
Temple University

Research shows that a number of challenges face ethnic minorities and health care workers in the American health care system. These challenges include low socio-economic status, language barriers and the lack of integration between western and non-traditional medicine.

Released: 11-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
School Vouchers May Foster Racial Separation
Temple University

In recent debates, proponents of school choice have maintained that parents would make choices based on school quality and school preferences, not on racial bias.

Released: 27-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Computer-Based Tutor Gives Personalized Instruction
Temple University

In the not-too-distant future, engineering students will be able to receive personalized tutoring via the Web or a CD-ROM, thanks to an intelligent tutoring system developed by a Temple University electrical engineering professor.

