Feature Channels: Sex and Relationships

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Released: 4-Jan-2024 2:00 PM EST
Starting a family with the help of science: The latest research in Fertility

Find the latest research and features on fertility in the Fertility News Source on Newswise.

Released: 13-Dec-2023 1:05 PM EST
‘Tis the season to get vaccinated: How to stay healthy through the holidays
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

With virus cases rising and the holidays nigh, three expert from University of Michigan Health give their top 12 tips for avoiding or reducing the impact of COVID-19, flu, RSV, pneumonia and whooping cough in adults and kids.

Released: 12-Dec-2023 2:05 PM EST
Is age linked to the picture of the perfect partner?
University of Göttingen

How do women picture the partner of their dreams? And how does this vary between women based on their age? A team of researchers led by the University of Göttingen investigated the complex relationships between age and preferences for a partner in a large, international sample of single women.

Released: 11-Dec-2023 4:05 PM EST
New research identifies several warning signs that could predict intimate partner violence
Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Intimate partner violence is widespread and can have severe physical and psychological health repercussions, but there is a shortage of research on reliable predictors of abuse before it occurs. New research, published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, identifies several warning signs that preceded and predicted intimate partner violence.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 2:15 PM EST
Looking for unique stories about the winter holidays? Check out the Winter Holidays channel

It's the moooost wonderful time...of the year! Are you looking for new story ideas that are focused on the winter holiday season? Perhaps you're working on a story on on managing stress and anxiety? Perhaps you're working on a story on seasonal affective disorder? Or perhaps your editor asked you to write a story on tracking Santa? Look no further. Check out the Winter Holidays channel.

Released: 7-Dec-2023 1:05 PM EST
Study Identifies Behaviors That Helped Couples Weather the Pandemic
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Many couples were unprepared for the impact COVID-19 could have on romantic relationships, but those who were able to adjust by creating new routines and adopting a positive attitude were more likely to weather the storm, according to a study by Rutgers researchers.

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Released: 30-Nov-2023 4:05 PM EST
Navigating the holiday season: MSU experts can help
Michigan State University

Michigan State University experts are available to comment on many aspects of navigating the holiday season — from the economy and prices, to religion and spirituality, to health and relationships.

Released: 29-Nov-2023 4:05 PM EST
Substance abuse treatment helps reduce reported methamphetamine use among men who have sex with men
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A nearly decade-long study by UCLA researchers found that substance abuse treatment of any kind may help to reduce methamphetamine usage among men who have sex with other men.

Released: 29-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Workplace culture is very different these days. Find out how different by exploring the "In the Workplace" channel

The latest articles on occupational medicine, workplace culture, and the labor market are in the "In the Workplace" channel on Newswise.

Released: 22-Nov-2023 9:05 AM EST
Fighting AIDS: Why the goal is to diagnose HIV before symptoms appear
Mayo Clinic

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), can hide in the body for many years before symptoms appear.

Released: 22-Nov-2023 9:05 AM EST
A luta contra a AIDS: por que é importante detectar o HIV antes que os sintomas apareçam
Mayo Clinic

O HIV (vírus da imunodeficiência humana) que causa a AIDS (síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida) pode ficar oculto no corpo por muitos anos antes da manifestação dos sintomas.

Released: 21-Nov-2023 3:45 PM EST
It's not over until it's over. Keep up with the latest COVID research in the Coronavirus channel.

Stay informed! Keep up with the latest research on the COVID-19 virus in the Coronavirus channel on Newswise.

Released: 20-Nov-2023 8:05 PM EST
These bats use their penis as an “arm” during sex but not for penetration
Cell Press

Mammals usually mate via penetrative sex, but researchers report November 20 in the journal Current Biology that a species of bat, the serotine bat, (Eptesicus serotinus) mates without penetration.

Released: 15-Nov-2023 3:05 PM EST
Eye-to-eye contact is rare but shapes our social behavior
McGill University

Scientists have found that while eye-to-eye contact is rare, it plays a vital role in conveying important social messages and predicting subsequent social behavior.

Newswise: Migrant couples have better relationships when they can balance old and new cultures
Released: 13-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
Migrant couples have better relationships when they can balance old and new cultures
Binghamton University, State University of New York

Migrant couples who can effectively balance the culture of their homeland while adapting to the dominant culture of their new home are more likely to have a better relationship, according to newly published research from psychologists at Binghamton University, State University of New York.
