Feature Channels: Summer

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Released: 27-Jun-2012 2:45 PM EDT
The Beauty Behind the Bang: A Look at How Fireworks Produce Color
Kansas State University

A chemistry professor describes how fireworks make those colors that keep eyes glued to the sky.

Released: 26-Jun-2012 3:10 PM EDT
Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Partners with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and State Safety Officials to Prevent Child Heat Stroke Injuries and Deaths
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

It took less than 10 minutes today for temperatures to rise from 79 to a blazing 113 degrees inside a parked SUV on the plaza at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Released: 26-Jun-2012 1:55 PM EDT
Safety First When It Comes to Amusement Rides: Ten Tips From Ryerson University Expert
Toronto Metropolitan University

As the July long weekend approaches, many families may be thinking about heading to an amusement park or summer festival for a fun day riding stomach-dropping roller coasters, Ferris wheels and spinning swings. Rides can be thrilling, and even a little scary, but most of the sensation of danger is a clever illusion, says Kathryn Woodcock, an amusement ride expert at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.

Released: 25-Jun-2012 3:45 PM EDT
Sounds Of Summer Can Be A Danger To Hearing Says Loyola Expert
Loyola Medicine

Hearing can be permanently damaged by loud summer noises such as fireworks, marching bands, construction and the like. A Loyola audiologist explains decibels for common sounds and offers tips and expertise to safeguard hearing.

Released: 21-Jun-2012 4:05 PM EDT
Beat the Heat: Exercise Safety on Hot Summer Days
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Health System director of sports medicine gives advice for staying healthy in summer heat.

Released: 19-Jun-2012 3:55 PM EDT
Keep Kids Safe from Nation’s Leading Killer This Summer
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Health System pediatrician gives summer safety tips.

Released: 18-Jun-2012 12:45 PM EDT
Mayo Clinic Expert Discusses Safe Swimming Practices to Reduce Water-Related Illnesses
Mayo Clinic

With the hot, muggy summer season arriving, kids will be heading to the pool to cool off. While swimming is refreshing, fun and good exercise, even chlorinated pools contain many germs that can make them ill.

Released: 14-Jun-2012 1:50 PM EDT
Safeguard Your Skin and Make the Smart Choice to Use Sunscreen This Summer
American Academy of Dermatology

With outdoor activities in full-swing this summer, it’s important to remember to protect your skin. However, with all the sunscreen products on the market, it can be hard to know how to pick the right one. A new survey also shows that the public is confused about how to apply sunscreen correctly. Tips from a board-certified dermatologist can help clear up the confusion.

Released: 6-Jun-2012 4:00 PM EDT
Why Hot, Humid Air Triggers Symptoms in Patients with Mild Asthma
Nationwide Children's Hospital

May is asthma awareness month, and with summer right around the corner, a study shows that doctors may be closer to understanding why patients with mild asthma have such difficulty breathing during hot, humid weather. The study, appearing in the June print issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, found that patients who inhaled an asthma drug before breathing in hot, humid air were able to prevent airway constriction that volunteers without asthma did not experience in the same environment.

Released: 24-May-2012 6:50 PM EDT
Go SLoW for a Healthy Summer, UMDNJ Physician Advises
Rutgers University

With backyard, beach and BBQ season beginning, a family physician from UMDNJ is advising that SLoW (Sunscreen and Lots of Water) is the way to go for a healthy summer season.

Released: 15-May-2012 5:30 PM EDT
Sunscreens Remain Safe, Effective Form of Sun Protection
American Academy of Dermatology

The American Academy of Dermatology today reiterated the safety and effectiveness of sunscreens to protect against the damaging effects from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. As one component of a daily sun-protection strategy, sunscreen is an important tool in the fight against skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

Released: 15-May-2012 3:25 PM EDT
Know Rules Of The Sand When Hitting The Beach
Texas A&M University

Sand lovers from all over flock to Texas beaches, but before you try to catch that big wave, be aware that beaches can have hidden dangers that lurk in the surf. Beach accidents can happen quickly, and one reason they do is that many beachgoers don’t know some of the basic rules of the sand.

Released: 15-May-2012 9:00 AM EDT
Celebrate the Healthy Way this Memorial Day Weekend
Rutgers Cancer Institute

As many prepare to fire up the grill this Memorial Day weekend, experts from The Cancer Institute of New Jersey are offering tips on healthy summer nutrition habits and cooking methods that can be an important part of cancer prevention.

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Warm Up Without Burning Out
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center

Tips for exercising safely during the summer.

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Stay in the Game This Summer with R.I.C.E.
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center

Ways to help treat an injury while working out or playing sports in the summer.

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Stop the Summertime Sniffles and Other Allergic Reactions
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center

Every spring and summer, millions of Americans dread the trip to the park or the playground and will do anything to avoid activities that trigger outdoor allergies.

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Seniors Keep Their Cool This Summer and Learn How to Prevent Heat-Related Injuries
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center

Seniors Keep Their Cool This Summer and Learn How to Prevent Heat-Related Injuries

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Five Surprising Allergy and Asthma Triggers That Can Spoil Summer Fun
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

While summer means outdoor fun for most, it might leave the millions of Americans that suffer from seasonal allergies and asthma running for cover. Even for those that don’t suffer from grass and pollen allergies, there are five surprising summer allergy and asthma triggers, with easy ways to cope.

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Beware Summer Heat and Reduce Risk of Illness
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist

Heat-related illness awareness tips from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
The Big Step: from Community College to University
Michigan Technological University

It's a time when many stumble and fall -- making the transition from community college to a four-year university. A program at Michigan Tech is helping at-risk community college transfer students succeed.

Released: 11-May-2012 1:00 PM EDT
Summer Is the Time for Teens to Dive Into Science
Michigan Technological University

Middle and high school students are exploring the possibilities of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in Michigan Tech's Summer Youth Programs.

Released: 4-May-2012 10:00 AM EDT
Shape Up for Summer Safely
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB health experts say you can shed some pounds for the summer by making simple — but safe — changes.

Released: 10-Apr-2012 1:10 PM EDT
Balmy Weather Brought Out the Bugs, but Was the Frost That Followed a Factor?
Canisius University

While many enjoyed a mild winter and an early spring with record-breaking temperatures, the warm weather also prompted many bugs to show up earlier than usual. The question is, will bug populations be larger this summer?

Released: 15-Aug-2011 4:50 PM EDT
Ocean's Dangerous Doorstep
University of Delaware

More beachgoers are injured just feet from shore than by rip tides each year at Delaware's beaches. Researchers in Delaware examine how simply playing in the ocean can lead to ruptured spleens, spinal injuries and death.

Released: 9-Aug-2011 12:30 PM EDT
Heat and Medications. What’s the Risk?
Butler University

We all know that people and animals can be harmed by excessive heat; so can medications, states Dr. Amy Peak, director of Drug Information Services for Butler University.

Released: 3-Aug-2011 12:00 PM EDT
What's Bugging You? Prevention is Best Medicine for Keeping Pesky Insect Bites at Bay
American Academy of Dermatology

While the image of a bug crawling on your arm or a creepy crawler snuggling up in your bed is enough to make you flinch, most bug bites are harmless and disappear on their own in a matter of days. Other insects, however, can spread disease and cause severe reactions that require medical attention.

Released: 28-Jul-2011 2:00 PM EDT
Cancer Patients Need Extra Sun Safety, UAB Experts Say
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Summer often brings with it fun in the sun, but for cancer patients it also presents new challenges and the need for additional protection.

Released: 28-Jul-2011 12:20 PM EDT
Midwest Experiences Dangerous Air Quality Alert; Chicago Close to Breaking 1871 Weather Record
Loyola Medicine

Excessive heat, flooding in Midwest have culminated in dangerous air quality alert for a mold count high of more than 50,000, says Loyola University Health System allergist, Dr. Joseph Leija.

Released: 28-Jul-2011 12:00 PM EDT
Kids and Travel: A Recipe for Disaster?
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Health System pediatrician shares healthy travel tips for families.

Released: 25-Jul-2011 2:55 PM EDT
Mold Count in Midwest Peaks Due to Extreme Heat
Loyola Medicine

High mold count from heat, rain almost reaches alert status says Loyola University Health System Dr. Joseph Leija, allergist who performs the official allergy count for the Midwest.

Released: 25-Jul-2011 10:50 AM EDT
Summer Time Foot Care: Special Awareness Needed for Diabetes Patients
Pennsylvania Medical Society

Summer time awareness story that covers foot care and diabetes.

Released: 21-Jul-2011 1:30 PM EDT
Allergist Available to Discuss How Excessive Heat Affects Breathing
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

Expert alert - expert available to discuss how high heat hampers breathing.

Released: 20-Jul-2011 1:25 PM EDT
Heat and Pollution Advisory Prescriptions From Loyola Medical Experts
Loyola Medicine

Excessive heat and air pollution advisories are diagnosed by an assortment of medical experts from Loyola University Health System's Gottlieb Memorial Hospital.

Released: 18-Jul-2011 2:20 PM EDT
Tips for Battling Potentially Deadly Heat Wave
Loyola Medicine

Loyola University Health System primary care physician offer ways to stay healthy in the heat.

Released: 14-Jul-2011 9:40 AM EDT
Expert Alert: Fun in the Sun: Understanding the Risks and Rewards
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

After many long winter months, Canadians are eager to get outside and enjoy the short and sweet season of warm summer sunshine. Although soaking up the sun can help us forget our winter blues, too much or unprotected exposure can have harmful consequences to your health. As Canadians head outdoors to benefit from the sunny weather, experts from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are available to discuss the various effects of sun exposure.

Released: 12-Jul-2011 12:50 PM EDT
Heat Already Taking Toll on People, but Steps Can be Taken to Avoid Illness
University of Alabama at Birmingham

As a major heat wave sweeps over the country, the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital has already treated one patient for heat stroke and is gearing up for more.

Released: 11-Jul-2011 7:00 AM EDT
Let The Sun Shine In – Just Don’t Overdo It
Creighton University

Advice/information on sunburn, sunscreens and skin cancer.

Released: 5-Jul-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Summer Athletes Need to Take Extra Precaution
Greenwich Hospital

Whether soccer camp or football conditioning, no matter what the sport, any type of training in heat and humidity can put children and teens at risk of heat exhaustion and other health problems.

Released: 1-Jul-2011 1:15 PM EDT
Summer Health Advice from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center

The summer is a great season for getting in shape. Whether by playing a sport, doing an aerobic exercise routine, or just returning to that familiar running path -- this is the time for activity.

Released: 30-Jun-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Cutting Through the Confusion About Sunscreen
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

With thousands of sunscreens on the market, it can be hard to know how to choose the right one. U-M dermatologists offer their insights.

Released: 29-Jun-2011 10:40 AM EDT
Big Bang Theory: Fireworks, Concerts Hurt Hearing
Loyola Medicine

Sounds of summer can kill hearing - research statistics and tips about hearing safety, including decibel levels of common noises.

Released: 29-Jun-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Covenant Health System Offers Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling
Covenant Health System

Do you ever wonder why you feel so exhausted after returning from a vacation? The flights, car rides, hotel stays and on-the-go activities just might play a part in the way you feel. Dr. Marbella Zumaya, a physician with Covenant Medical Group, gives some tips on how to stay healthy while vacationing as well as how to come back feeling refreshed.

Released: 27-Jun-2011 11:15 AM EDT
Tips To Keep Kids Safe When They Play In And Around Water
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Doctors at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center want to make sure children are safe this summer when they are playing in or around water.
