Feature Channels: Winter Holidays

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Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Authentic Vintage Posters Make the Ideal Holiday Gift
Halstead Communications

Authentic vintage posters make the ideal holiday gift. Access the online gallery at the International Vintage Poster Dealers Association's website.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Canisius Professor Is Expert on Origins of Santa Claus
Canisius University

Dr. Frank Riga, professor of English at Canisius College, has done extensive research on the origins of Santa Claus and other gift givers across different cultures, including LaBefona of Italy, Pere Noel of France, and Baboushka of Russia.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
K-State Instructors Discuss Appropriate Gifts for Teachers
Kansas State University

When it comes to your child's teacher, giving gifts that are simple and from the heart may be the most appreciated and appropriate, according to two elementary education experts at Kansas State University.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Exercise Is the Best Protection Against Catching a Cold
Appalachian State University

Exercise is the best protection against catching a cold, according to research conducted by Appalachian State University's David Nieman. Nieman is a professor in Appalachian's Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science and director of the university's Human Performance Lab.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Podiatric Experts Offer Tips to Prevent Cold Related Injuries
Temple University

With snow, frigid temperatures and high winds in the forecast for most of the country, podiatrists at Temple University's School of Podiatric Medicine warn that men and women of all ages need to take precautions to protect their feet from cold-related injuries like ankle sprains, fractures and frostbite.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
What the Holiday Dinner Looked Like a Century Ago
Dick Jones Communications

The holiday dinner of a century ago in a typical Pennsylvania farmstead would have taken up to two weeks to prepare. It featured delicacies that have vanished from the modern Thanksgiving or Christmas table and others that would surprise people today.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
UTEP Experts Available to Comment on Winter Issues
University of Texas at El Paso

A number of University of Texas at El Paso experts are available to comment on a broad range of topics related to issues and holidays during the winter season.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Experts Comment on Facets of 'Old Man Winter'
Grand Valley State University

Grand Valley State University experts can comment on topics related to winter, including home heating costs, the flu, travel, the holidays and depression.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Holiday Safety Advice from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Safe Kids Georgia
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Children anticipate few things as eagerly as the holiday season. However, holiday decorations and gifts can cause accidental injuries if not used properly. These and other injuries can be avoided by following a few standard guidelines.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
New Trends for an Old Holiday Decoration
Dick Jones Communications

Poinsettias, the traditional velvety red Christmas hallmark, are now trending to a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes to fit anyone's budget, lifestyle and taste.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Holiday and Winter Health Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

These tips offer expert advice regarding post-holiday injury prevention and treatment and keeping children active during the winter months.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Food for Thought for Winter, Holidays
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Here are a few tips on how to make your fall and winter seasons a bit healthier and happy this year, courtesy of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Children’s Health Top of Mind During Cold and Flu Season
Spectrum Science Communications

As the cold and flu season approaches, more germs mean more opportunities for children to get sick. Young children can catch as many as 10 infectious diseases every year including colds and flu, bacterial strep throat and ear infections. Keeping children healthy throughout the cold, winter months is a priority for moms across the country.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Winter Injuries--Best Prevention Practices
Boston Children's Hospital

When winter weather strikes, children and adolescents are at greater risk for injury. The director of the Trauma Program at Children's Hospital Boston and the community liaison for the hospital's Injury Prevention Program each offer advice for kids involved in winter sports.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Kids Helping Kids: Harnessing the Spirit of Giving
Boston Children's Hospital

Are kids naturally generous? Teaching about giving is an important step every parent can take toward raising responsible, caring children. A new family philanthropy program at Children's Hospital Boston offers tools that are helping to nurture the next generation of philanthropists.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
How to Keep Stress from Becoming a Holiday Tradition
Hospital for Special Surgery

The demands and responsibilities of the holiday season have the potential to overshadow the fun, leaving you feeling completely stressed-out and vulnerable to medical problems. Experts at the Integrative Care Center in New York City offer tips on lowering holiday stress.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Rethinking Influenza Vaccination: Should Preschoolers Get Flu Shots?
Boston Children's Hospital

Current policies recommend universal flu vaccination for children aged 6-23 months, but shots are advised for older children only if they have high-risk medical conditions. But biosurveillance data indicate that 3- and 4-year-olds drive flu epidemics and may also warrant immunization.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Holiday Tips 2005
University of Missouri

"˜Tis the season for celebrating family and giving thanks for another year that has passed. To help your audience experience the best that this season offers, use this guide to story ideas and expert sources from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Story Ideas from the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Listed below are story ideas from The Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Anthropologist/Asian Muslim Expert Issues 2006 Predictions
Hamilton College

Psychological anthropologist and Hamilton College professor Douglas Raybeck has issued yearly predictions related to technological and political issues. Most have proved true. Based on his experiences conducting research in Muslim regions and his study of cultural change in the U.S., Raybeck has issued his major predictions for the year 2006.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Don’t Let Cold, Wet Weather Put a Damper on Your Workout
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Some tips from a UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas about keeping up an exercise regimen during the holidays.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
A Survival Guide for a Safe Holiday Season
University of California San Diego

University of California San Diego Healthcare and the California Poison Control System offer these seasonal tips to help keep the season safe.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
For Your Holiday Buffet, Remember the Two-Hour Rule – Bacteria Certainly Will
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Nutritionist at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas offers advice for protecting against food illnesses.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Holiday Tips to Include Memory Impaired Persons, Those with Behavioral Problems
University of California San Diego

With the holidays approaching, persons with memory impairment or behavioral problems may not feel comfortable in large family gatherings. However, there is much that loved ones can do to make these individuals a part of the holiday celebrations.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Don't Skip Out on Your Favorite Holiday Treat This Year
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Nutritionist at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas says try monitoring your calories to enjoy holiday food guilt-free.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Violent Toys and Video Games Can Be Destructive
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Pediatrician at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas says parents should look for age-appropriate holiday toys for youngsters.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Evergreens and Allergies Hardly a Festive Mix
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Allergy specialist at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas warns allergy suffers about indoor plants and holiday trees.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
One Gift You Don't Need in This Season of Frenzy -- Holiday Blues
UT Southwestern Medical Center

A UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas mood disorder specialist says holiday depression and isolation contribute to the holiday blues.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Joslin Cookbooks, Exercise Video Make Holiday Gift-Giving a Breeze
Joslin Diabetes Center

As the busy holiday season approaches, it's nice to know that some gifts are just a mouse click or a phone call away. Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston offers a variety of cookbooks, a convenient exercise video and other helpful publications.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
Winter and Holiday Tips
Beth Israel Lahey Health

1) Snow Blower Safety; 2) Winter Foot Woes; 3) New Year, New You; 4) This Season Beware of "˜Holiday Heart Syndrome.'

Released: 2-Nov-2005 11:00 AM EST
UNCG Experts for the Holidays
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro has several experts whom journalists may find particularly useful during the holiday season. They offer expertise in psychology, nutrition, counseling and child development.

Released: 2-Nov-2005 12:00 AM EST
Volunteers Monitor Climate Change in February in Churchill, Manitoba
Earthwatch Institute

At the edge of the Arctic, citizen scientists help University of Alberta researchers monitor the degradation of permafrost, and measure the resulting release of both carbon and methane into the atmosphere.

Released: 28-Oct-2005 6:10 PM EDT
Lighten Up Those Winter Blues
University of Alabama at Birmingham

It's dark when you get up, it's dark when you get home "“ and you spend most of your day indoors. The lack of exposure to sunlight might make you one of the almost 10 percent of people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Released: 21-Oct-2005 9:30 AM EDT
Holiday Shopping Forecast: The Good, the Bad and the Squeezed
Purdue University

A Purdue University retail expert says consumers will have deals galore early and late as retailers adjust to gas prices that will likely limit shoppers' trips to the mall.

Released: 10-Oct-2005 11:25 AM EDT
Living Well: Holiday Wellness Tips from Indiana University
Indiana University

Living Well holiday tips include information about healthy gifts, making small talk, squeezing in workouts, and minimizing the bitterness of divorce for children.

Released: 23-Sep-2005 2:25 PM EDT
Natural Gas Costs Could Leave Consumers Cold This Winter
Purdue University

Energy prices are high and will likely stay that way, with the biggest winter sticker shock expected in the Midwest, according to a Purdue University agricultural economist.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 2:50 PM EST
Enhance Your Giving This Holiday Season
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Holiday giving to friends and family is both easier and more rewarding when gifts chosen give many ways "“ something the recipient can enjoy, yet something that also supports an important cause.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
High Expectations of Perfect Thanksgiving Doom Holiday
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A Saint Louis University psychiatrist offers tips to survive -- and even enjoy -- the holidays.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
When Freshmen Return Home for Thanksgiving, Worlds Can Collide
Saint Louis University Medical Center

A Saint Louis University psychologist and the father of 10 knows first hand what it's like when a freshman comes back to the nest for a holiday break, and shares what's worked for him.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Five Guaranteed Tips for Avoiding Colds
Saint Louis University Medical Center

How can you avoid catching a cold during the holidays? A Saint Louis University community and family medicine physician has five tips that work.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
'Tis the Season. . .to Pass on Making a Resolution
Saint Louis University Medical Center

Change traditions and substitute a Mid Year's resolution for the usual Jan. 1 promise, a Saint Louis University psychiatrist suggests.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Feasting This Holiday? Prof Credits Magazine Editor Instead of Pilgrims
Davidson College

Drivers who find themselves at a standstill on the interstate this week can thank a nineteenth-century women's magazine editor for creating the Thanksgiving tradition that compels us all to return to our family roots at the same time.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Santa Institute Members 'Answer' Tough Questions
University of Mississippi Medical Center

Naughty or nice? The age-old debate may still be raging in households around the world, but there was nothing but kudos for the members of the Santa Institute during their annual press conference.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Set a New Year's Resolution That Really Works for You
Menninger Clinic

About half of all adults make a New Year's resolution only to break it within six months. Setting goals is important, but why do people fail? Good goal setting happens in five stages, says a psychologist at The Menninger Clinic.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Holiday Health Tips
Johns Hopkins Medicine

1) Ways to watch your waistline at the holidays; 2) Holiday food tips for people with diabetes; 3) When a diet is more than a diet: eating disorders and young adults.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Tips on Holiday Moderation and Keeping Pets Safe
Virginia Tech

Holiday tips from two Virginia Tech faculty members: 1) Keep it simple; 2) Keep pets safe.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Tips to Overcome Society’s Pressure to Shop ’Til You Drop
University of South Florida

University of South Florida sociology professor offers tips on alternative gift strategies and ways to avoid wasteful holiday gift giving.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Holiday Shopping as the New American Religion
University of South Florida

University of South Florida religious studies professor addresses the history and changes of American culture and its religious obsession with consuming in his book The Sacred Santa: Religious Dimensions of Consumer Culture.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Holiday Stress Adds Tension to the Workplace
University of South Florida

The holidays and stress go hand in hand, but when one employee's seasonal tension affects the workplace, everyone suffers.

Released: 3-Nov-2004 11:00 AM EST
Naughty Children Beware: Professor Warns of Santa’s Evil Twin
University of South Florida

While jolly old St. Nicholas is delivering goodies to all the good little boys and girls, his "˜evil twin' may be right on his heels with a sack full of coal. University of South Florida professor offers insight on this and other holiday legends and superstitions.
