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Released: 1-Nov-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Children Uniquely Vulnerable to Sleep Disruption From Screens, New Paper Suggests
University of Colorado Boulder

A new paper in the November issue of Pediatrics spells out why children and teens are particularly sensitive to the sleep-disrupting impact of electronics

Released: 26-Oct-2017 4:25 PM EDT
CU Boulder Breaks Ground on New $82.5 Million Aerospace Engineering Building
University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado Boulder broke ground today on a new $82.5 million aerospace engineering building complete with an indoor flight environment for unmanned aircraft that will ensure the nationally ranked program continues to drive innovation into the future.

Released: 25-Oct-2017 1:05 PM EDT
$5.5 Million Study to Probe Impact of Marijuana Legalization on Use, Behavior, Mental Health
University of Colorado Boulder

As more states consider legalizing recreational marijuana, University of Colorado researchers are launching a study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to examine the impact legalization has on career fulfillment, family life, and substance use.

Released: 24-Oct-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Tarloxitinib Puts Tumor-Seeking Tail on Anti-EGFR Drug to Precisely Target Lung Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study being presented October 28 at the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets: By pairing an anti-EGFR drug with a “tail” that only activates the drug when it is very near tumor cells, tarloxitinib brings the drug to tumors while keeping concentrations safe in surrounding tissues.

Released: 24-Oct-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Raton Basin Earthquakes Linked to Oil and Gas Fluid Injections
University of Colorado Boulder

A rash of earthquakes in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico recorded between 2008 and 2010 was likely due to fluids pumped deep underground during oil and gas wastewater disposal, says a new University of Colorado Boulder study.

Released: 23-Oct-2017 3:05 PM EDT
Climate Change Could Decrease Sun's Ability to Disinfect Lakes, Coastal Waters
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

One of the largely unanticipated impacts of a changing climate may be a decline in sunlight's ability to disinfect lakes, rivers, and coastal waters, possibly leading to an increase in waterborne pathogens and the diseases they can cause in humans and wildlife.

Released: 23-Oct-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Lung Cancer Driver ALK-Fusion Found in Melanoma
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study finds a genetic change called ALK-fusion in a patient sample of a melanoma subtype called mucosal melanoma. When researchers treated a tumor grown from this sample with the drugs crizotinib and ceritinib – both FDA approved to treat ALK-positive lung cancer – the tumor responded dramatically.

Released: 18-Oct-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Researchers Watch in Real Time as Fat-Encased Drug Nanoparticles Invade Skin Cells
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Some anti-cancer drugs are encapsulated to allow gradual release, spreading their effect over a longer time. For example, one formulation of the chemotherapy doxorubicin ( the FDA-approved drug Doxil®) encloses molecules of the drug in fatty nano-spheres called liposomes, which allows the drug to circulate longer in the blood.

Released: 17-Oct-2017 4:00 PM EDT
University of Colorado Boulder to Reduce Cost to Attain a College Degree
University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado Boulder has announced a major step in reducing the cost of attendance, eliminating $8.4 million per year in course-related fees. Chancellor Philip P. DiStefano made the announcement at his State of the Campus address Tuesday.

Released: 17-Oct-2017 2:05 PM EDT
Does Faculty Productivity Really Decline with Age?
University of Colorado Boulder

Conventional wisdom holds that a faculty member's research career peaks at about five years, followed by a steady decline in productivity. But new research shows this stereotype is "remarkably inaccurate."

Released: 9-Oct-2017 2:05 PM EDT
P53 “Master Switch” Remains Top Target in Gene Signaling Network Controlling Cancer Suppression
University of Colorado Cancer Center

“People have always been after the silver bullet against cancer and there are few things that are as relevant across cancer types as p53. Now the question is what is the best approach to harness it,” says senior author Joaquin Espinosa, PhD.

Released: 5-Oct-2017 12:00 PM EDT
NIST Adds Nearly $2 Billion in Combined Economic Contributions to Maryland and Colorado, New Leeds School of Business Report Finds
University of Colorado Boulder

A new report from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder has found that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) added nearly $2 billion in combined economic contributions across the two states in the 2016 fiscal year.

4-Oct-2017 10:00 AM EDT
Light-Activated Nanoparticles Can Supercharge Current Antibiotics
University of Colorado Boulder

Light-activated nanoparticles, also known as quantum dots, can provide a crucial boost in effectiveness for antibiotic treatments used to combat drug-resistant superbugs such as E. coli and Salmonella, new University of Colorado Boulder research shows.

Released: 26-Sep-2017 10:35 AM EDT
High School Football Participation Has ‘Peaked’, Further Declines Likely, Says CU Boulder Professor
University of Colorado Boulder

After a steady climb, boys participation in U.S. high school football peaked in 2009 and began a slow decline, a new analysis shows, The author says concerns about concussions are driving it, but swirling political controversies could make it worse.

Released: 22-Sep-2017 8:00 AM EDT
Can Gardening Prevent Cancer?
University of Colorado Boulder

Public health researchers, armed with a $1 million American Cancer Society grant, have launched one of the first randomized controlled trials ever to study the physical and psychological benefits of community gardening.

20-Sep-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Big Herbivorous Dinosaurs Ate Crustaceans as Side Dish
University of Colorado Boulder

Some big plant-eating dinosaurs roaming present-day Utah some 75 million years ago were slurping up crustaceans on the side, a behavior that may have been tied to reproductive activities, says a new University of Colorado Boulder study.  

Released: 13-Sep-2017 12:05 PM EDT
CU Boulder Scientists Ready for Cassini Mission to Saturn Grand Finale
University of Colorado Boulder

CU Boulder scientists reminisce about the end of the Cassini mission, which has been a part of their research lives for the last 40 years.

Released: 13-Sep-2017 10:45 AM EDT
CU Boulder to Create Digital Archive of 1.7 Million Botanical Specimens From Southern Rocky Mountains
University of Colorado Boulder

University of Colorado Boulder researchers and collaborating institutions have been awarded $2.9 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create a comprehensive digital archive of over 1.7 million plant specimens native to the southern Rocky Mountain region.

Released: 13-Sep-2017 7:00 AM EDT
Scientists Want to Study Your Tweets; Is It Ethical?
University of Colorado Boulder

Researchers at University of Colorado Boulder and five other institutions are collaborating to explore legal, ethical, and privacy concerns surrounding a field of study so new it lacks ethical standards.

Released: 12-Sep-2017 12:05 PM EDT
CU Boulder Study Shows Bacteria “Shapeshift” in Space
University of Colorado Boulder

Bacteria cells treated with a common antibiotic on the International Space Station responded by shapeshifting, likely to improve their survival chances.

Released: 6-Sep-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Blood Tumor Markers May Warn When Lung Cancer Patients Are Progressing on Targeted Treatments
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study shows that monitoring levels of blood tumor markers may predict when a lung cancer patient is progressing on targeted treatments.

Released: 30-Aug-2017 11:05 AM EDT
New Approach to Genetic Testing Matches Lung Cancer Patient with Life-Saving Drug
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A University of Colorado Cancer Center case study published today in the journal JCO Precision Oncology tests for alterations in many genes simultaneously, matching stage IV lung cancer patient with life-saving drug

Released: 23-Aug-2017 12:05 PM EDT
On the Other Hand, the Immune System Can Also CAUSE Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center paper describes how immune response designed to scramble HPV DNA can scramble human DNA as well, sometimes in ways that cause cancer.

Released: 14-Aug-2017 1:05 PM EDT
Does Stronger Initial Response to Cancer Treatment Predict Longer Overall Survival?
University of Colorado Cancer Center

It seems like such a simple question: Do patients whose tumors shrink more in response to targeted treatment go on to have better outcomes than patients whose tumors shrink less? But the implications of a recent study demonstrating this relationship are anything but simple and could influence both the design of future clinical trials and the goals of oncologists treating cancer.

Released: 7-Aug-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Fat Rats Show Why Breast Cancer May Be More Aggressive in Patients with Obesity
University of Colorado Cancer Center

In an animal model of obesity and breast cancer, tumor cells in obese animals but not lean animals had especially sensitive androgen receptors, allowing these cells to magnify growth signals from the hormone testosterone.

Released: 4-Aug-2017 1:30 PM EDT
Eclipse Science Along the Path of Totality
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Leading U.S. solar scientists today highlighted research activities that will take place across the country during next month's rare solar eclipse, advancing our knowledge of the Sun's complex and mysterious magnetic field and its effect on Earth's atmosphere.

Released: 31-Jul-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Refuting the Idea That Mutations Cause Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Writing today in the journal Cancer Research, James DeGregori, PhD, deputy director of the University of Colorado Cancer Center offers evidence that it is forces of evolution driven by natural selection acting in the ecosystem of the body that, in the presence of tissue damage, allow cells with dangerous mutations to thrive.

Released: 27-Jul-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Study Finds Breast Cancer Driver, HER2, in 3 Percent of Lung Cancers
University of Colorado Cancer Center

The Lung Cancer Mutation Consortium at the University of Colorado Cancer Center reports this week in the journal Cancer that 24 of 920 patients (3 percent) with advanced-stage lung cancer had mutations in the gene HER2. Seventy-one percent of these patients were never-smokers, with a median age of 62. The gene HER2 has been known as a breast cancer driver, with therapies approved to target HER2 mutations in this setting.

Released: 25-Jul-2017 4:05 PM EDT
CU Cancer Center Study May Explain Failure of Retinoic Acid Trials Against Breast Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study published online ahead of print in the journal Oncogene offers compelling evidence explaining failure of retinoic acid trials against breast cancer and offers a possible strategy for their use.

Released: 12-Jul-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Thomas Flaig, MD, Named Chair of NCCN Bladder Cancer Panel
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center's Thomas Flaig, MD, has been named chair of the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology Panel for Bladder Cancer, a group of 34 multidisciplinary bladder experts from NCCN Member Institutions that will influence the future direction of care for the disease.

Released: 10-Jul-2017 11:05 AM EDT
NEJM Case Reports Show Promise of Cancer Immunotherapy to Treat Rare Lymphoma
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Three case reports published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrate the promise of cancer immunotherapy in gray zone lymphoma, potentially paving the way for clinical trials utilizing this strategy in this and related conditions.

Released: 30-Jun-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Michael Farrar Joins UCAR Leadership
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Weather Service executive named UCAR senior vice president/chief operating officer

Released: 14-Jun-2017 3:05 PM EDT
CU Cancer Center Chemoprevention Trial Hopes to Stop Lung Cancer Before It Starts
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Ongoing clinical trial by University of Colorado Cancer Center investigators is evaluating the ability of an inhaled form of the pulmonary hypertension drug iloprost to prevent lung cancer.

Released: 12-Jun-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells Use Hedgehog to ‘Evilize’ Docile Neighbors
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study pinpoints promising link in the chain of hedgehog signaling that, when broken, could reduce the metastatic potential of breast cancer.

31-May-2017 4:05 PM EDT
Dasatinib Excels in Worldwide Phase II Trial Against Pediatric CML
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Worldwide phase II clinical trial results presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2017 show the promise of the second-generation drug dasatinib against pediatric CML. Of 113 pediatric patients studied, 75 percent of patients who had previously failed or did not tolerate imatinib saw progression-free survival 48 months after starting treatment with dasatinib.

31-May-2017 5:05 PM EDT
CONNECT Registry Shows Only 9 Percent Compliance with Genetic Testing Guidelines for Aml
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Study presented at ASCO 2017 shows that only 9 percent of 259 evaluated AML patients received all seven of the NCCN-recommended genetic tests.

Released: 17-May-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Brigatinib First Drug to Offer Over 1-Year Control of ALK-Positive Lung Cancer Post-Crizotinib
University of Colorado Cancer Center

FDA approves brigatinib as a second-line therapy for ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer

Released: 16-May-2017 12:45 PM EDT
New Clinical Trial Framework Tests ‘Natural’ Cures for Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A University of Colorado Cancer Center clinical trial is now recruiting prostate cancer patients who would otherwise be on a watch-and-wait protocol to test the ability of grape seed extract to slow the rise of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a common marker of prostate cancer progression.

Released: 15-May-2017 12:00 PM EDT
Breakthrough Study Stops Fat-Eating Prostate Cancer Cells
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Patients with castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) usually have a poor prognosis. In part, this is due to the cancer’s ability to resist anti-androgen therapy. A University of Colorado Cancer Center study published today [May 3] in Oncotarget shows that combining a CPT1A inhibitors with anti-androgen therapy increases the cancer’s sensitivity to the anti-androgen drug enzalutamide.

Released: 4-May-2017 1:05 PM EDT
NCAR to Develop Advanced Wind and Solar Energy Forecasting System for Kuwait
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Expanding its work in renewable energy, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is launching a three-year project to develop specialized forecasts for a major wind and solar energy facility in Kuwait.

Released: 19-Apr-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Malaria Drug Successfully Treats 26-Year-Old Brain Cancer Patient
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Small trial uses chloroquine to nix the process of "autophagy" that some cancer cells use to resist treatment, resensitzing glioblastoma to targeted therapy

Released: 4-Apr-2017 4:05 PM EDT
AACR: Phase II Trial Shows Rice Bran Promotes Microbiome Diversity, Slows Growth of Colorectal Cancer Cells
University of Colorado Cancer Center

After 4-week trial of added rice bran, navy bean powder or neither, both the rice bran and navy bean groups showed increased dietary fiber, iron, zinc, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, and alpha-tocopherol. The rice bran group also showed increased microbiome richness and diversity. When researchers treated colorectal cancer cells with stool extracts from these groups, they saw reduced cell growth from the groups that had increased rice bran and navy bean consumption.
