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Released: 8-Oct-2008 2:50 PM EDT
Design Your Own Presidential Contender at Web Site
Cornell University

Step aside, John McCain and Barack Obama. Meet Sen. Julian Polonius Foley Marcos DeWiki III, a true man of the people. DeWiki "“ in Internet fashion "“ is making an unprecedented run for president of the United States. You've never heard of him? He's not on your ballot? Click his Web site and learn all about his sordid past and political acumen "¦ or, if you wish, change history or add to it: .

Released: 8-Oct-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Presidential Debate: Your Eyes vs. Media Eyes
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland Communication Professor Kathleen Kendall offers a commentary on media coverage of the second presidential debate Tuesday, October. 7, 2008. She says "The debate you saw, and the debate discussed on television immediately afterwards were strikingly different."

Released: 8-Oct-2008 12:10 PM EDT
Debate Analysis: The Eternal Imprisonment of John McCain
University of Maryland, College Park

Three movement analysts, including Prof. Karen Bradley of the University of Maryland, look at Tuesday night's second presidential debate - who won, and who lost.

Released: 6-Oct-2008 1:20 PM EDT
Political Experts To Brief Media on Election
University of California San Diego

Four political scientists and an historian from UC San Diego will preview the political campaigns leading to the Nov. 4 general election focusing on how the elections are likely to affect San Diego.

Released: 5-Oct-2008 11:00 PM EDT
Visualizing Election Polls: An Animated, Interactive Way
University of Utah

Do you want to know the percentage of white women who support Sarah Palin? What about college-educated versus high school-educated white women? Or those who also hunt? University of Utah computer scientists have written software they hope eventually will allow news reporters and citizens to easily, interactively and visually answer such questions when analyzing election results and opinion polls.

Released: 4-Oct-2008 1:15 PM EDT
Biden vs. Palin - Movement Analysis Defines Who Won the Debate
University of Maryland, College Park

Certified Movemement Analysts Karen Kohn Bradley of the University of Maryland and Karen Studd of George Mason University analyze Thursday's Vice Presidential Debate and come up with their own take on who won.

Released: 3-Oct-2008 4:25 PM EDT
Vanderbilt University Hosts Events Leading Up to and Day of Oct. 7 Presidential Debate in Nashville
Vanderbilt University

An event highlighting what women want, a debate by third party candidates and an election forum featuring national political scholars, journalists and pundits hosted by John Seigenthaler, founder of the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt, and former congressman Harold Ford Jr. are among events scheduled at Vanderbilt.

Released: 3-Oct-2008 3:40 PM EDT
Linguistic Analysis of the Vice Presidential Debate
Saint Joseph's University

Elaine Shenk, Ph.D., assess the speaking style of Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden and explains how both vice presidential candidates resonated with the American public.

Released: 3-Oct-2008 10:30 AM EDT
Coach Can Discuss Tactics Used During Biden/Palin Debate
Texas Tech University

The coach for Texas Tech's national championship debate team can give insight to what worked and what didn't.

Released: 2-Oct-2008 8:00 PM EDT
Vanderbilt Virtual School Brings Election to 5th-12th Graders Across the Country
Vanderbilt University

The 2008 presidential race offers a unique teaching opportunity for students of all ages. To bring this historic election straight into classrooms, the Vanderbilt Virtual School has created an interactive videoconferencing program that gives 5th through 12th grade teachers across the country a curriculum and a slate of expert instructors, including CNN commentator Lou Dobbs, to share with their students.

Released: 2-Oct-2008 11:05 AM EDT
Their Movements Define Them: What to Watch for in the Debates
University of Maryland, College Park

Three experts - Karen Bradley (University of Maryland), Karen Studd (George Mason University) and Jennifer Mizenko (University of Mississippi), who are Certified Movement Analysts - offer their suggestions on what to look for during the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates.

Released: 2-Oct-2008 10:00 AM EDT
2008 Primary Turnout - Presidential Races Miss Record High, Senate and Governor Contests Hit Record Low
American University

Average voter turnout in the 2008 presidential primaries rose to its second-highest level ever, falling just a half percentage point short of its apex in 1972. Average voter turnout in the statewide primaries that did not occur on the same day as presidential primaries"”primaries for governor and U.S. senator"”fell to a record low, according to a report released today by American University's Center for the Study of the American Electorate (CSAE).

Released: 2-Oct-2008 9:50 AM EDT
The Vice Presidential Debate: Do No Harm
University of Maryland, College Park

Research Professor Kathleen Kendall of the University of Maryland gives her take on tonight's vice presidential debate between Republican Sarah Palin and Democrat Joe Biden. She says, " Both of the vice presidential candidates need to be perceived as having adequate leadership qualities. They have been working hard to prepare for the debate, and hope for a strong performance. But their main goal will be to do no harm to their campaigns."

Released: 2-Oct-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Political Historian Available to Discuss Historic Vice Presidential Debate
Misericordia University

On Thursday, Oct. 2, vice presidential candidates Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden will have their first national debate. Brian F. Carso, Jr., Ph.D., a political historian and assistant professor of history at Misericordia University, is available to analyze and add insight about the historical debate before, during or afterward. Dr. Carso recently wrote an editorial about Sen. McCain choosing Gov. Palin as his running mate. It was widely received and has been published by several newspapers in Arizona, New York and Pennsylvania to name a few.

Released: 1-Oct-2008 4:25 PM EDT
Today’s Political Posters Recycle Yesterday’s Visual Ideas
Ithaca College

"The posters promoting Barack Obama are innovative and differ from the usual designs seen on such printed material. Yet many of them incorporate some past visual ideas. Shepard Fairey designed a poster for the Obama campaign with imagery depicting the candidate as a "˜visionary,' looking into the distance. But posters for Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter (and even Adolf Hitler) posed these candidates similarly," says visual literacy expert. ReadyCam on-site satellite uplink available.

Released: 1-Oct-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Expert Commentary: Vice Presidential Debate Source Available
University of Alabama at Birmingham

UAB Scholar-in-Residence James McCroskey, Ed.D., will be available during the day and on the evening of Thursday, Oct. 2, to provide expert commentary on the debate between the vice presidential candidates Sen. Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin.

Released: 30-Sep-2008 5:00 PM EDT
VP Debate Analysis, Experts Available
University of Delaware

Delaware is small in size, but its contributions to the 2008 Presidential Election are enormous. The campaign managers for both candidates attended the University of Delaware, as did Senator Joe Biden. For Thursday's Vice Presidential debate, Delaware has even more homegrown talent to offer. The following experts are available for print, radio and television interviews for your preview and reaction pieces.

Released: 30-Sep-2008 1:35 PM EDT
Biden v Palin: Researcher Offers Expertise in Debates Between Male, Female Candidates
University of Kansas

Female candidates become more masculine and male candidates adopt feminine qualities when in debate with each other, university researcher says. Available for interviews about the Biden-Palin debate Oct. 2.

Released: 29-Sep-2008 4:45 PM EDT
2008 Election Sources at Wake Forest University
Wake Forest University

Wake Forest University faculty members are available to comment on the 2008 candidates, issues and campaign strategies. Experts are available from a wide range of areas, including political science, debate, religion, law and business, covering topics such as campaign ads, presidential debates, health care, banking, political scandal and young voters.

Released: 27-Sep-2008 5:00 PM EDT
Political Science Experts Available for Commentary on Presidential Elections
Tulane University

Political science professors at Tulane University are available for commentary on the presidential debates, discussion of the candidates' positions, and consultation on election night.

Released: 25-Sep-2008 12:30 PM EDT
Presidential Debate Expert Tells Candidates to 'Get Some Sleep’
Wake Forest University

"Get some sleep," is the first piece of advice presidential debate expert Allan Louden has for presidential and vice presidential candidates preparing for upcoming debates. "These candidates have to be exhausted," says Louden, associate professor of communication at Wake Forest University. "And that is when mistakes happen."

Released: 25-Sep-2008 8:50 AM EDT
Late Registrants Could Swing Presidential Election in Some States
University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo political scientist Joshua J. Dyck, Ph.D., says that Democrats and Republicans would be wise to concentrate on registering new voters right now because late registrants are more likely to vote in national elections than those who register early.

Released: 24-Sep-2008 4:40 PM EDT
Political Experts Available to Discuss Debates, Election
Saint Joseph's University

Saint Joseph's University political experts who cover a wide variety of fields, including political science, history, business ethics, economics, education, health services and marketing are available to comment on the upcoming debates and beyond.

Released: 24-Sep-2008 1:45 PM EDT
Punditry, Media Analysis and “Gotchas” Overshadow Actual Debates
Ithaca College

"Recent election history tells us that the punditry and media analysis following presidential debates is sometimes more important than the debates themselves," says Jeff Cohen, director of the Park Center for Independent Media and former TV news political pundit who is available for comment. ReadyCam on-site satellite uplink available.

Released: 22-Sep-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Vote Count Critical Issue in '08, Says Elections Expert
University of Utah

It's time to turn attention to counting the votes, says University of Utah elections expert Thad Hall: in another close Presidential race, will the election process again make the headlines?

Released: 18-Sep-2008 9:00 PM EDT
Left, Right; Obama, McCain: It May Not be What You Think
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

By monitoring people's physical sensitivities to things like sudden noises and threatening visual images, political scientists were able to conclude that physiological reactions help predict variations in political beliefs.

Released: 18-Sep-2008 3:55 PM EDT
Obama and McCain in Tight Race in Inaugural Big Ten Battleground Poll
University of Wisconsin–Madison

In the inaugural Big Ten Battleground Poll taken as the nation's financial crisis worsened this week, John McCain and Barack Obama were in a statistical dead heat in seven of the eight Midwest states included in the survey.

Released: 18-Sep-2008 8:00 AM EDT
Statistics Helpful in Predicting Presidential Election
University of Alabama Huntsville

A pair of university research scientists have devised what they describe as a very simple, but surprisingly effective means to predict the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election "” median statistics.

Released: 18-Sep-2008 7:00 AM EDT
Former Gallup Pollster and Founder of Survey Center Unveils Secrets and Shams of Political Polls in New Book
University of New Hampshire

In the 13 years David Moore worked for the Gallup Poll, he learned that media polls are not used to uncover the "will" or thoughts of the public, but rather to manufacture a "public opinion" that grabs the attention of journalists and can be used to fill media news holes.

Released: 17-Sep-2008 2:40 PM EDT
Professor Co-Authors Critique of McCain Health Insurance Plan
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

Results of Senator John McCain's proposed health insurance reforms will "tend to raise costs, reduce the generosity of benefits, and leave people with fewer consumer protections."

Released: 17-Sep-2008 10:45 AM EDT
Economy May be Wedge to Change Swing State Votes, Political Scientist Predicts
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

"A lot of Republicans could be persuaded by our economic problems to vote Democratic "“ it's the wedge issue that could send even committed Republican voters to the other side," political scientist Todd Shields of the University of Arkansas says.

Released: 16-Sep-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Inaugural Big Ten Battleground Poll Rolls Out Results on Big Ten Network
University of Wisconsin–Madison

Results of the Big Ten Battleground Poll, an innovative new project that tests voter sentiment in the eight Big Ten states that are key to this closely fought presidential campaign, will be presented Thursday, Sept. 18, on the Big Ten Network.

Released: 16-Sep-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Palin Surge Has Peaked, Political Scientist Suggests
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

University of Arkansas political scientist Andrew Dowdle says that historically vice presidential candidates have not played a role in how the election turns out and suggests the surge in polls after Sarah Palin's nomination has peaked.

Released: 15-Sep-2008 5:30 PM EDT
Professor Teaches Course on Bush Doctrine
Tulane University

Tulane University Political Science Professor Jeffrey Stacey is one of the few professors in the country who teaches a course devoted exclusively to The Bush Doctrine.

Released: 15-Sep-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Comments and Perspectives on the 2008 Presidential Election
Tufts University

Barack Obama's lead in national polls has created a formidable challenge for John McCain. The race has taken on a combative tone and will likely become more contentious as November 4 approaches.

Released: 11-Sep-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Author on John McCain: "Being an Insurgent Is in His DNA"
Indiana University

John Karaagac, the author of John McCain: An Essay in Military and Political History, commments on McCain's candidacy for president. Karaagac teaches public policy in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University Bloomington.

Released: 11-Sep-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Palin ABC Preview: Her Opponents Have Ensured Success, Says Expert
University of Maryland, College Park

"The unusual thing about the current reduction of expectations for Governor Palin's first television interview is that the people predicting she isn't up to the task are her opponents," says University of Maryland political communication expert, Kathleen E. Kendall. "By reducing the expectations for her performance so low, they are unwittingly helping her. That's why I'm sure her interview will be perceived as a big success."

Released: 10-Sep-2008 11:30 AM EDT
International Poll: Obama Preferred Over McCain
University of Maryland, College Park

Barack Obama is the preferred U.S. presidential candidate in all 22 nations polled for the BBC World Service by the University of Maryland and Globescan. On average, Obama was preferred by a four to one margin (49 percent to 12 percent) over his Republican rival John McCain in the poll of 22,000 people.

Released: 10-Sep-2008 12:00 AM EDT
H.S. Students Decode Presidential Campaign Messages
Ithaca College

A media literacy kit, "Media Construction of Presidential Campaigns," provides High School teachers with a tool to teach the history of U.S. elections in a way that will prepare students to think critically about historical, political, and ethical issues related to media, democracy, and presidential campaign messages.

Released: 9-Sep-2008 3:45 PM EDT
Is Sarah Palin Woman Enough for the National Stage?
Vanderbilt University

While Palin and Hillary Clinton are putting cracks in the glass ceiling below America's highest office, they are still battling that double-bind for women in power "“ being seen as too womanly or not womanly enough, says a Vanderbilt University expert on women and the media.

Released: 9-Sep-2008 10:45 AM EDT
Palin, Religion, the 2008 Election
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Although Sarah Palin's entry into the 2008 presidential race has energized the religious right within the Republican Party, don't expect religion to be a major issue in this year's election, says University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) political communications expert Larry Powell, Ph.D. The move away from overt religious appeals may be due to an effort to avoid what Powell calls the "Pharisee Effect."

Released: 9-Sep-2008 9:00 AM EDT
Will Middle Eastern Affairs Impact the Election?
Central Michigan University

Voters in the U.S. are closely evaluating the presidential candidates' stances on education, health care, the economy, energy and many more important issues. But how much will the candidates' experience and expertise with Middle Eastern affairs sway voters? CMU Middle East expert John Robertson is available for commentary on the issue.

Released: 5-Sep-2008 1:45 PM EDT
Media Tipsheet: Six Reasons for Feminists to be Glad McCain Picked Palin
University of Virginia

Lynn Sanders, a professor of politics at the University of Virginia offers the following take on the Republican Party's nomination of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to become vice president.

Released: 5-Sep-2008 1:25 PM EDT
First Book on Doonesbury Chronicles Trudeau’s ‘Obama-New Yorker-Cover’ Moments
Brigham Young University

The first scholarly book to examine Garry Trudeau's Doonesbury comic strip notes that for all its cultural significance and political influence, the cartoon has been at times as misunderstood as another artist's New Yorker cover satirically depicting the Obamas as terrorists.

Released: 5-Sep-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Communication Students to Study Palin Candidacy for Vice President
University of Alabama

Researchers will compare media coverage and public reaction to Palin with earlier reactions to Geraldine Ferraro, and they will assess the impact of Hillary Clinton in the 2008 campaign, as the first viable female presidential candidate.

Released: 4-Sep-2008 5:10 PM EDT
Sarcasm in Political Speeches Risky, Says Expert
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's vice presidential acceptance speech has come under fire from some critics who said the speech had a tone of sarcasm. Political communications expert Larry Powell, Ph.D., with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), says that while sarcasm works best in appealing to the party base, it is not as effective in reaching swing voters.

Released: 3-Sep-2008 9:00 PM EDT
Palin Unusual Because Her Path to Politics Not Led By A Man, Author Says
Ohio State University

Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president, is different from many female leaders around the world in at least one respect "“ her political career does not follow that of a male relative, according to an expert on women in global politics.

Released: 2-Sep-2008 4:15 PM EDT
Maryland Students Cover the Conventions
University of Maryland, College Park

Eight University of Maryland Journalism students are getting their first taste of covering political conventions. Last month, four graduate students in the Philip Merrill College of Journalism covered the DNC in Denver. Four more are covering the GOP convention in St. Paul - and they're blogging about it!

Released: 2-Sep-2008 3:05 PM EDT
Palin: Leadership Studies Prof's Research on Women Candidates
University of Richmond

Dr. Crystal Hoyt of the Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond has current research directly relevant to women running for executive office, such as Sarah Palin as a vice presidential candidate.

Released: 29-Aug-2008 2:30 PM EDT
McCain's VP Pick: University of Maryland Experts
University of Maryland, College Park

Here are some initial reactions by University of Maryland political scientists and political communication experts to Senator McCain's choice of a running mate. Samples: "...overestimated the influence of gender..." vs."...bold and extremely strategic..."
